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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @BeginnerActualizerNo problemo! Just stay with it! It will happen.
  2. @BeginnerActualizer Step outside your safety zone and put everything on the faith that there is something much bigger than you. Allow it to consume you.
  3. @BeginnerActualizer Just my 2 cents worth but it sounds like it could be a form of resistance. Maybe your on the verge of a breakthrough but instead that happens and therefore stops the breakthrough from happening. The subconscious can be sneaky.
  4. @Colin I use Bose TP-1A's. Great sound reproduction, light weight, and they don't get hot wearing them. You can find them on Ebay used for a good price. You can get new replacement ear pads for them too that are easy to change.
  5. I'm obsessed with enlightenment ! haha Your totally right! It's not some kind of new toy for the ego to play with.
  6. I must not be awake for everything looks to me as it has never looked before. Or I'm awake for the first time and all that was before was just a dream. Walt Whitman
  7. @Danielle No, you haven't gone insane. You experienced ego death. Pretty cool isn't it! Now when you hear something about enlightenment it will have true meaning for you even though you may have heard it hundreds of times before.
  8. I'm sitting here now looking over an angry ocean as the waves come crashing in. And I think, what am I compared to the awesome forces at hand? Do I really know anything at all?
  9. When I'm aware of awareness it opens up a larger headspace that is normally not directly experienced. It's not that awareness isn't always present, just woefully unappreciated for it's depth and beauty.
  10. I base myself more on my future theses days, so that view can shift.
  11. Great question! Everybody has a core person. Self evident here on the forum. How deep does each core really go? Is there an essence of that self that precedes- proceeds it? Or is it a one trick pony?
  12. @abrakamowse Yea, on occasion. It becomes clearly evident that everything is where it should be. As if anything that needs to be know is already known. Asking any question seems like talking about old news (so to speak). It's as if the universe is saying "I got this- don't worry about it!". "I'm way ahead of you" This may sound a little weird but after my first newbie experience of that, I had a feeling that, it was like a main central hub of sorts where everything in existence was known.. Past, present and future where one. And all thoughts, questions, answers and movement within time where happening in a realm that was slightly removed from this "central command hub" where everything was already well taken care of. Up until that moment I had only experienced the outer part where movement, questions, doubts, thought, impermanent, ect existed and never realizing that there is something that actually does exist behind the scenes that already knows everything. And at the same time doesn't give a shit either. True intelligence. So that was my day of awakening from the point of the limited questioning ego that doesn't really need to know anything. But still, do I stop asking questions -No. Mental masturbation!
  13. I'll second that! What a negative/ controlling way to start an interview. When he said "you don't know what I know" I would of asked Dr. Phil if he experienced a spiritual awakening himself or was his point of view conceptual only. Huge difference!!!
  14. There is a level of consciousness beyond mind where all questions are totally redundant and as absurd as painting a red rose -red.
  15. Yes. And two sounds can also clash and create a shadow.
  16. Count me in. 2:00 pm Eastern US it is . I have family coming for Easter dinner. I asked them to arrive after 3:00 so that gives me time for an hour sit If there is no set point of focus yet, I'll be mindful of the collective consciousness while sending love into the cosmos.