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Everything posted by cetus

  1. I shot this back in June with a IR modified camera and titled it 'The Gate'
  2. I was looking at this picture and thinking how existence is only a shadow of true reality.
  3. @Nahm Yea, that works nicely. It reminded me of something Nisargadatta said.'you can only know what you are not'.
  4. I used to feel like a guy experiencing the world and the universe. Now I feel like the universe experiencing a guy. Jim Carrey
  5. @Captain Flint I guess you did die during your AL-LAD trip. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You reincarnated into a woman!
  6. @Brimstone What amazes me is how most people see only the paint and totally ignore the canvas.
  7. I posted this under 'Science' but since it merges consciousness with science I thought I'd share it here too. It's little cornball at times but the theory is mind blowing!
  8. @ZX_man Physicists David Bohm refers to something like that when he talks about the Implicate- explicit order. The implicate order being the ground state of pure potential of information (life force) While the explicate order is the world of gross form. He goes on to say that in truth, they are one in the same and inseparable.
  9. @egoless Whatever it is don't cling to any state. Acknowledge it and let it go.
  10. @MarinusI would imagine 98% of Burning Man festival is awesome. But than there is the 2% this video depicts of the art pieces being destroyed and the guy running into the fire and being burned to death.
  11. @Marinus Here's a good example of a festival being a microcosm of the universe. Yin and Yang. .
  12. @DoubleYou @Joseph Maynor Here's a good one by Santana. Something about it really messes with the ego. It sounds.......primordial or something. Maybe Joe can play this one on his horn?
  13. @Leo Gura I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now. I've experienced that 'mystical' Samadhi like state of total bliss. While in that state of union I consciously surrendered even that -as beautiful as it was. You could say I than fell through it. What happened next is I became absorbed into the absolute. It was beyond conscious experience. I literally vanished into non existence. As if frames where missing from that part of the movie reel. So when you say 'you can't imagine absolute infinity.' that's true from my 'non experience' of the absolute. But I have a feeling that's not quite what you experienced by your description of the absolute. So I'm a little confused here. My 'experience' of the absolute is there is no experience of the absolute. So I'm just wondering what that is? Am I missing something there? This is the reason I have been listening to Nisargadatta lately. I can directly relate to when he says 'the absolute does not know itself, it is beyond consciousness (turiyatita). So I'm wondering, is there an awareness beyond conscious experience that is able to access the absolute in some way? If you could help me with this one that would be great. Maybe-just maybe, I could experience the absolute that lies beyond Samadhi without the help of 5-meo? Maybe I'm missing something right in front of me. Thanks
  14. @egoless It's Samadhi time! Consciousness void of all thought. Sweet! I posted this earlier but if you didn't see it, here it is again . Maybe you can relate your experience to what is described here? What is Samadhi? Samadhi is a spiritual experience that opens us to the highest state of consciousness and inner bliss. It is stepping into your enlightened nature that is free from all suffering. Samadhi is found through diving into a consistent state of pure consciousness, that is void of attachment to any thought. Samadhi is a deep personal, intimate merging with the divine inside you and all around you. It is being unified with the Universe through your consciousness. When one reaches Samadhi there is a deep knowing that all is one, and that "oneness" is at the core of who you are. Samadhi gives you a moment to moment spiritual experience that is opening, trusting and softening into each new moment of your life. Samadhi is the eternally expanding realization that your ego is not real, and that you (the soul, spirit and divine essence) are what is truly real and will never die.
  15. @The Monk Just go with whatever is happening. Except it. If you backsliding, your backsliding. Ever consult the Tao Te Ching? Maybe your surrounding circumstances aren't conducive for positive results at this time. If that would be the case, all you can do is ride it out.
  16. @The Monk Just go with it for now. Let it run it's course. No rush to do anything.
  17. And that would be what? The adult mind with all it's associations to past experiences superimposed over the experience of now;
  18. @Serotoninluv I would have asked the same question. The response is certainty something to contemplate. Just a shot in the dark, maybe the person already knows the 'processing of lessons' is something the mind will never do. Therefore it's not quite like that. Could there is more integrating happening than the mind is consciously aware of? Just something to think about.
  19. @Serotoninluv I have never partaken in Ayahuasca ceremony. From what I gather there is much knowledge and wisdom that becomes available. Just to ask from your experience. What exactly is that body of knowledge? Does that even make sense to ask? If it does. What holds that wisdom? Could it be released from our own DNA or something within us? A cellular blueprint of the universe?
  20. @Serotoninluv I can't even imagine how many doors that must open at one time. Look out!
  21. @phoenix666 Know this. When you do decide to take that leap of faith. You will find there is a safety net there that is waiting to catch you. Only you can experience what that is. It can't be conveyed in words. But it's there. It always has been.
  22. @phoenix666 I know what I said is shocking to the ego. But your still in control if you felt the effects of freefall starting. You can decide when it's right for you to take the complete plunge. If you would have done a drug, you wouldn't have that control of backing out. Take your time. No rush.
  23. Alright. Here we go. This plane we're on (these bodies). It's slowly running out of fuel. There is nowhere safe to land. The plane will eventually crash. How long will you hold to a doomed plane?