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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Bufo Alvarius 'Control' is resistance to what is. It's as futile as trying to assist an airliner off the ground by pulling up on your seat belt. You see, there is simply nothing you can do- or intentionally not do that will change what is. Allen Watts
  2. @Torkys Reading your post it reminded me of a book I read years ago 'Love is letting go of Fear'. I found this. Maybe it will help answer some of the questions you have.
  3. @Alexo45 Yes it is perfectly normal. The thing is the hands, or any other part of the body for that matter are not 'yours'. They never where. That is an illusion created by the egoic thinking mind and taking false ownership. You are really no more your body than you are the screen your looking at now. The body is just stardust material. An aspect of the physical universe. Calcium, iron, h2o, ect. 'Your body' is really no different than a tree, a bird, a mountain, a river, dirt, ect. So you have taken a first step in the right direction. You are realizing this as a direct experience of truth. Don't allow the ego to scare you out of the truth. That you are something more than just a body/mind/ego. A little freaky at first isn't it? haha You'll get used to it after a while. It's a completely new paradigm of how you relate to what you really are.
  4. It's a messed up world we live in for sure.
  5. @Brimstone??? of course not. That's like asking if a cloud knows it's heading east. Yea, a distinction. Peter Ralston talks about 'distinctions in consciousness' and I quoted him. He also mentions there is a whole section of his new book that discusses distinctions.
  6. I thought it was interesting when Peter said 'You can go on creating more distinctions forever-Why?- that's the nature of consciousness'. I wouldn't trust anything that arises within consciousness as the absolute. What is not a distinction arising within consciousness?
  7. @Nahm The other day I was contemplating how much resistance people carry from day to day. Myself included. Even in times when there is no immediate resistance there still remains the expectation of what may come next that will stir the resistance in us. I guess the answer to that is consciously living a life of total surrender to whatever may arise. Easier said than done though. haha
  8. Haha I hear you. I was attempting to point at something that is nameless and undefinable. 'For lack of a better word I call it the Tao'
  9. @Leo Gura I don't know if this is just the way my mind sees it but I relate to the absolute as being like the Tao.
  10. @AleksM Yea, I went over it 2 or 3 times. Lots of gems there that can get missed the first time. Undoubtedly more I still don't comprehend.
  11. @Leo Gura 'I see' said the blind man. Everything is self-illuminating. Thanks!
  12. @Leo Gura This is the question that arises for me. OK so you have directly experienced the absolute . You know for yourself what the absolute is. You've seen it. You've become it.. Does the absolute experience itself also? Does it have knowledge of itself? Or is it only through the eyes of a conscious observer that it can be realized?
  13. @gleb Just this one sentence says it all. You've learned something that can't be taught by any other means. Anything other than true surrender is just more fluff.
  14. @Harry Howard It sounds like your not quite ready to let go of your ego-self identity yet. This is what is causing the conflict. The seed is already set. When conditions are right, it will grow little by little. Give it time. There is nothing that can be forced here. Let it happen on it's own. Edit; it has nothing to do with your age.
  15. @BeyondForm I'm not so sure about that. How many times have you heard a story about an old married couple that been together for 60 years or so. Than one day the wife gets sick and eventually passes away from her illness. A short time later, for no apparent reason, the husband passes too. When my Mom passed away I know she was well ready for death. She lived a relatively healthy life. But as she got older, the aches and pains that the body experienced got a bit overwhelming. Life became more of a chore and nuisance for her than anything else. It wares a person down after a while and you start thinking, is this really worth it to stay here? You could almost see it in her eyes. She was consciously welcoming death and when she passed away it was with no resistance at all. So that being said, I think what keeps us here is mostly the resistance to death and the will to live. Even when you surrender and experience ego death there still remains a final thread that keeps one connected to the body and life force. Make the conscious choice to let go of that final thread and your outta here in the blink of an eye. This is where I believe advanced yogis are. Holding that thin thread ever so lightly between two fingers. Sadhguru tells a great story about a sage that made food an obsession as a last thread only because there was nothing else to hold to.
  16. @AleksM Yea, It's not enlightenment but those first glimpses are something I've never forgot from my childhood. But still there is a state of Samadhi that can be experienced with consciousness the same as you would with reality. Total mergence with consciousness in higher realms. Not unlike what your video suggests as the higher 'mental spheres'. * Edit I just listened to your video again. Samadhi 'merging with nature' would be the 'forth sphere' -@25:40
  17. @AleksMYou may like this one too. Don't know if you seen it yet. It could have been done without the annoying cartoons though, so you can skip over them if you wish. When you just look at the message set forth it's a pretty interesting theory to contemplate on.
  18. The closet thing I experienced as light beings was at bed time I would experience an altered state of awareness that did have something to do with light. It was light that had a texture to it. Almost like a fabric made of light. Hard to explain but that's pretty close. What I was mostly referring too was that I would get Deja Vu often. And at other times I and reality would suddenly become one. It was a deep merging with reality. It felt as if reality were cradling me in it's arms and put me just where it wanted me to be. I always had this overall impression that there is more going on than meets the eye, so to speak. And I don't know what this has to do with any of this, but I remember the first time I seen a picture of the pyramids in Egypt. I knew immediately there was some connection there.
  19. @AleksM Did you ever have those fleeting glimpses. Like maybe when you where young. And they shown you there is much more that hides just beyond the usual thinking mind? I've spent most of my life wondering what those missing pieces are and where they fit in. And yes, the mind is a lot like a radio. It can be tuned to other frequencies besides the usual 3d tuning. To have that ability is 'Cosmic Consciousness'.
  20. @Gabriel Antonio Good call. I was just leaving you a reply that address exactly that. I deleted it since you see it now for yourself.
  21. @MM1988As long as conscious awareness remained (in the absence of all thought) that that would be enlightenment. What he once was as a brain/mind would cease to exist. They would be the embodiment of pure consciousness. 'He' would not know he is enlightened which would be the highest level of enlightenment. No witness remains, just the absolute.
  22. @MM1988 If you became enlightened the first thing you would realize is just how much junk you've been carrying around cluttering up your brain. It wouldn't disappear. It would just get filed away in order of priority. Think of it like cleaning out a messy closet and putting it all back in a consciously -orderly fashion. What doesn't serve you today, and may have never really served you, would get put in the back of the closet where it will most likely sit and collect dust. Another good way to look at is like de-fragging a computer and removing unwanted viruses for optimum efficiency.