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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Wyatt I remember the first time I had that realization. Yea, it ain't pretty. It took me a while to fully except just how much the ego colors reality . Ego assigns meaning to reality. Reality just "is".
  2. @Alien The thing is, no matter how accurately it's conveyed, it's like trying to describe the color pink to a blind person.
  3. Sadhguru is a wise enough being to know if he does levitate to keep it to him self. Display of such powers would only serve an injustice to others.
  4. @Joseph Maynor I'm on the step where ego is a terminal condition. No matter how I cut it, at some point this ego's experience will come to an end. What's the next step like?
  5. @Max_V @MiracleMan Highs or lows, 'This too shall pass'...... All of it.
  6. @Max_V A problem only exists in absence of a solution. Both are temporary.
  7. @Ether One quick note to add. Have no expectation! Just be the breath.
  8. @Ether Just as a suggestion, you may want to try listening to this. I do when the mind has a lot going on and it works quite well for me. I put on headphones and place awareness on the breath. Which I feel plays a role in meditation. Slow inhale, slow exhale. Slow inhale with the OOOOO- than slow exhale into the MMMMMM. Get a rhythm going and stay focused on the rhythm of the breath. Give it a try sometime. Maybe it will work for you too. Good Luck!
  9. @Ether You don't notice the mind is much quieter after meditation? Or that it completely stops during meditation? If not, your either not doing something right or you need more practice. After 4 mos. you should be seeing these benefits with them gradually expanding with practice. For instance, I just finished a meditation session and needed to look at the clock when finished so I knew how long it was. I had no idea. It was 42 mins. Seemed like 5 mins. to me. There was empty awareness the whole time, but not in any relationship to the the body/mind existing within time. In other words, it was a timeless state of empty awareness.
  10. @Nahm I was thinking the same thing. What was that trip insight that Leo talked about?
  11. @AleksM I wouldn't dismiss any possibility. This is more about true insight than a story though. We could all be so embedded in what we believe to be truth, that real truth may look like delusion.
  12. @kieranperez Not to be sarcastic but it sounds like you've already talked yourself into this being a problem for you before the work has even started. Only when you put a positive intention behind something will you get something positive out of it. Like all else in life.
  13. @arberor Yea. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "enlightenment is not so much about gaining something as it's about losing something". Now you have a direct experience of exactly that. But that's still looking at it from the ego's point of view. Who is there to give away anything? Getting deep now. And yet, who knows this? Or maybe better said, what is it that knows this? Now everything is becoming that singularity again. Something is at the core of it? What is that?
  14. Everything you say here makes perfect sense. Not that it needs to though. It usually doesn't make sense to the mind. When that happens, you know your really getting somewhere. Your doing fine. Just keep hitting that wall. You'll break through sooner or later. Embrace that claustrophobia! It's a gift even though your mind may strongly disagree. Oh yea!! Sweet! *I just contemplated that one. Everything did collapse down to a single point- including me.
  15. @arberor Just downloaded Peter Ralston's new book, 'The genius of being'. I only listen to the first chapter so far but it sounds like he will address some things you experienced. He said how our beliefs dictate the world we see as a second hand experience. And that the mind needs to be"'reverse engineered" so it can see beyond the limitations of belief. Very cool! That relates well to what you experienced as letting go of your belief in a solid floor beneath you. You see, it's not about whether or not there actually is a solid floor. That's just the physicality of it. The mind fuck part. Don't let that freak you out. Instead transcend it. Rest in that very place where there is no concept of a solid floor. No floors are needed. Can you feel the spaciousness of it? That's the spaciousness that comes with letting go. Funny how it hides in the very last place you dare to look. But isn't that what it's really all about? Peering out to see beyond what is known?
  16. @arberor Sounds like you had a breakthrough. An ego death. Your conceptual model of reality broke down. You briefly seen through the magician's tricks to realize the truth, that things are not at all as they seem to the mind. Bye-bye terra firma. "He who thinks he knows where he is standing -is in trouble". To answer your question, it was both. Your mind quickly turned a breakthrough into a breakdown of sorts. Next time try totally surrendering when the floor disappears. I know that's easier said than done. And it's not your fault that you bailed by mentally creating a bond to firm ground when you seen there was really none. Evolution has instilled a fight or flight mechanism for survival in humans over millennia. It has never been to 'totally let go' of everything. That's just the nature of the mind. It's Default Mode Network or (ego) must be overridden. That I believe is a remnant from our caveman days. Who will stand guard to keep my body safe while the mind has left it's guard post in the physical world? What if I don't come back? What if I totally let go and just keep going? Can I let go 'too much'? Will the world ever be the same again? I demand order and predictability! haha All this is just the mind doing it's job and perfectly normal. *To anyone here who may think that enlightenment is something to 'attain' or to add to their list of 'accomplishments' to put under their belt, this is the real deal. I don't mean just understanding all this conceptually. I mean actually experiencing it. Finding that place where there is no place to stand. The life you see around you may seem to be at a fixed position. But if you look deeper than your immediate surroundings, you find that impression totally collapses. The truth is that reality is in free fall. Therefore, so are you.
  17. @Dodo " "The absolute does not know itself at all". Nisargadatta
  18. Check out this blind girl playing keyboard. Totally amazing! She must have a super tuned sense of awareness to compensate for her lack of vision.