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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Shin Since your already here with your eyes wide open why not just sit back and enjoy this dreamscape of a reality. I'm sure there are plenty more where this one came from.
  2. Just a share guys but I thought was a great representation of what consciousness could look like if it was perceivable. Pure consciousness without the facade of physical reality imposed over it.
  3. @Shin I'm sure you've had a dream and became aware you were dreaming. Your doing that again while fully awake.
  4. @Shin Your mind is absent of content? Sounds sweet to me but the ego/mind that loves to stay occupied may disagree.
  5. @egoless "Consciousness is condensed emptiness". Nisargadatta
  6. @Barbarian Number 8 You may not be far off. The DNA @Nahm may like this one too.
  7. @Mighty Mouse You came up with all that. All I did was offer the word Parabrahman to @Joseph Maynor's list for consideration.
  8. No, I'm saying Brahman is on the side of "secondary Status", as you refer to it. Not Parabrahman. Parabrahman is Brahman beyond all knowing. Parabrahman is the absolute and Brahman is rays of the absolute.
  9. @Mighty Mouse Agreed. So isn't that a fair distinction between Brahman and Para Brahman? Para Brahman would have no conscious awareness( no knowing) where Brahman does.
  10. @Omario I once thought I could achieve it. Now I know that's impossible. Something of me can. But not cetus56. He's gotta stay here.
  11. @Omario Honestly I've been hitting the "no self" pretty hard today. Face to face with nothing is here except infinite illusion. So I see it happening around me but I know it's not really happening. Or as least, I'm not really happening. So one part of me, the illusory ego me, is looking at this saying "This is a total fucking trip". No drugs needed! You could say I'm playing between the illusion of self vs. no-self and sometimes it all suddenly collapses because you let both go and nothing remains.
  12. @Omario Yup -ain't that some shit. Talk about having your mind fucked. What mind? haha
  13. @Omario To realize there is no one to be spiritual. In other words, to end the waking dream of self.
  14. @Joseph Maynor I have a suggestion. Before looking for a guru to study, why don't you figure out what your personal portal is. Which of these naturally resonates with you and takes no effort? Consciousness Emptiness Awareness Vibration/sound Light Energy/Kundalini Something other? When you recognize it, let it fill every part of your body and mind. Know that the awareness of it, the observer of it, the witness of it, are all one in the same with it (whatever you have chosen). Than stay there and dwell in it. Become it and it will be your portal. And if you still need the guidance of a guru, find one who most resonates with your portal.
  15. @MsNobody It was also said that Dahli would "enter an altered state of consciousness by contemplating an object until it lost all association". Sounds like he was experiencing a non-dual state more often than not as shown in his life and work.
  16. @Galyna My take-away of it is - your glass jar represents the entirety of the universe as a bubble of conscious awareness. That's what the present moment feels like to me. Everything is here, complete and perfectly balanced.
  17. I'm free. III'mm Frreee- and freedom tastes of reality. You were told what it takes to reach the highest high. You laughed and said "nothings that simple" But you've been told many times before Messiahs pointed to the door but no one had the guts to leave the temple. I'm Free-III'mm Freeee.......... The Who "I'm Free".
  18. On 12/16/2016 at 4:17 PM, @Leo Gura said: Your realize in an instant that all of life and physical reality is just a dream. @cetus56When I was little sometimes reality would suddenly become one fabric with a texture to it. Not to the touch but I would just see it that way but not as the eyes see it either. That experience would have a very surreal feeling to it. It wasn't a bad feeling, just very different. Maybe that childhood memory has some real truth to it. Do you ever perceive reality as being one fabric?
  19. I'm for throwing it all out. But that's just me and I could be wrong. But who can say Samadhi isn't just another level of delusion that needs to be surrendered.
  20. @Monkey-man One of the perks of being enlightened is never having to say "excuse me" after letting one rip. O.K. that's a joke. Truthfully- use your discretion.
  21. @blazed What do you expect to find? Get the cosmic joke yet?
  22. @Absoloot Tooth How does that address this topic directly?