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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Versa Nisargatta talks about each of us having a "Portal to the Absolute". Sound/vibration is one of them. I'd like to say you may have "found" your portal but if it is that than you already know it whether you realized it or not. Does this make sense to you? I can suggest what not to do. Never ask yourself or anyone else this again. That is the ego asking. If the portal for you is music, it opens when "you" are not there. When you are there, your just listening to music. But when your not there, see the difference? Music takes on a whole new dimension to it. But it must happen as if spontaneously arising of it's own. Don't try to "do" anything except create the right conditions (music in your case) and dissolve all longings for attaining anything. That's the key that opens all portals. Best of luck.
  2. @SOUL I knew it sounded familiar. Jesus eating the sins of others. Yes!
  3. @SOUL We all love popcorn content. Reality is infinite so that bucket refills itself endlessly as you eat. When you think about it, this forum is a lot like a empty bucket and the members are the popcorn. See how it refills itself?
  4. @Shin O.K, that too! @snowleopard Feel free to discriminate against yourself any time you like but make it clear your talking about yourself by maybe saying "my case" and not "this case" as in the general forum members that Galyna was referring to.
  5. @snowleopard That sounds an awful lot like internet bullying. We don't discriminate against age, sex, nationality or race on this forum so please keep that in mind.
  6. @Nahm That's the stuff that puts on this show called reality. Can you feel it? Oh ya!
  7. @Nahm I think I know what your pointing at. In moments of stillness like that it feels as if consciousness is so prevalent you could almost scoop it out of thin air?
  8. @DoubleYou Yes. You could say we have dreams of the dream we call reality. Or even dreams of other dream realities. The thing to remember is there is no dreamer sleeping or awake. The dream contains a sleep/dreamer or an awake/dreamer. Make the distinction that you are not any of these dreams but the one who awakens from them. To quote Nisargadatta: "Do not get involved in what arises". To me that means the dream.
  9. @Nahm I was thinking the same yesterday. Particles have no definable location. The double slit experiment's outcome changes depending if an observer is present or not. Right there that tells you there is no true substance to anything. My hunch is this whole universe is one big dream and the individual entity is of course a part of that universal dream. Until awakening happens that is. The the question that gets asked most often is: If it's all a dream, why do we share the same dream of reality and it all seems so real? Answer: the whole universe is a dream appearing within consciousness. Maybe that's the missing link for science. Science should consider consciousness a dimension. Or even more than a dimension, physical reality's ground and origin.
  10. @Shin In reality nobody has said anything. Only within the dream state was something said. I noticed a glitch in reality when @Leo Gura mentioned it in his new video. Ever notice how we communicate with each other either by written words or by voice or sign language, ect. Notice that all communication must be acted out as a physical "exchange". Doesn't that sound a lot like a dream or illusion? If reality were not a dream, why would there be some type of physical or mental involvement in order to communicate to anyone else? Why would there be anything that needs to be communicated unless it were a perfectly complete dream with all the trappings of separation.
  11. @Shin Wake-ie wake-ie- stop playing with snake-ie.
  12. @Shin That's the paradox. Enlightenment is a paradox. What's the best way to treat a paradox? let it all collapse.
  13. @snowleopard The paradox is that attaining enlightenment is also part of the dream. That's where I got stuck in my early years of practice. I thought there was someone to become enlightened. What I was really doing was just creating more of the dream. Or maybe better to say, attempting to alter the dream. It was a futile attempt for sure. Like trying to lift yourself off the ground by pulling up on your shoes.
  14. @Natasha Well that explains why I can't fine one. I wanted to change my user name to Shunyata (emptiness)
  15. "Thinking disrupts the Stillness needed for Enlightenment" Q: What Buddha is beyond Buddha? A: No Buddha
  16. "Mind" happens within consciousness as with all else. "Your" mind. "My" mind. One consciousness.
  17. @reku02 Everything you thought and said here happened within consciousness which is prior to mind.
  18. @Joseph Maynor Are you saying it's time for us to "Get on the Good Foot"? Hit It!
  19. @Charlotte Sounds like you put a first crack in the wall of delusion. Good for you, the first one is the hardest one. Just keep chipping away at it. Some amazing things can happen now because you've created an opening where there was none before.
  20. @Shin Maybe whatever bought you down 2 years ago never actually went away and it's time to finish it once and for all. Just something to consider. Do you ever consult the I Ching? In times like these it can tell the blunt truth about our immediate surrounding circumstances.