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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Faceless True not knowing. Good. No know-er. Than that would be "neither". Right? There is no knower to either have or not have a head. That's interesting about your son. So you can notice him developing a "head" over time. Before this there was probably no one there to know if a head existed or not. He was in a pure state of no- knowing.
  2. @Faceless Not trying to be confrontational but who knows this? Isn't that the head having an experience of no head?
  3. @Faceless Are you headless? Not headless? Or neither?
  4. @John Iverson I have RLS (restless leg syndrome). It started in my mid 20's. As I got older it expanded into the arms too. It only happens when the body gets really relaxed. If I get a flair up I postpone meditation until it subsides. Does that ever happen to you any other time or just in meditation?
  5. @Max_V No fault at all if you approach it from a point of not knowing. First be the blank paper. Than write upon it.
  6. @cena655 I jest but than again I don't. I think you see the cosmic joke of it all. There is no one laughing.
  7. @Shin Poor cena655 probably isn't sure if we're joking around or not. I'm not laughing are you?
  8. @Shin I'm hiding over here behind the illusion. Shh!
  9. @Shin You hear about children having an "imaginary friend". I have one as an adult. It's me!
  10. @cena655 Glad to hear you got it out of your system. If I could ask, what did your mother say about your realization? Did she say, "well of course silly, you thought I was your mother? I gave birth to a body but you my dear made up the rest of it". Did she say anything like that?
  11. @Patang Oh i can tell you she's not enlightened at all. For instance it was Valentines day on Wednesday so I get her a nice card with a big red heart on the front. So I write in the card "Roses are red, violets are blue. I don't exist and neither do you". She totally didn't get it!
  12. @Shin Just don't make the same mistake I did, find yourself an enlightened g-f!
  13. @Patang Here's another for you! I should be busy cleaning the house for the weekend instead of fart'n around. Does cleaning house require the illusion of free will to accomplish or not? I did have the free will to clean this morning but now I see that's all an absurd illusion. So I'll put it to the test now. Lets see what the outcome is. This will be interesting! I'll let you guys know if the house gets cleaned or not. Do-da-do-da do.. O.K. So I have an hour or so to kill. How about me just hanging out here on the forum chillin with you guys? Is this also the illusion of free will or not? Should I stay or should I go? Which choice is not the illusion of free will? Chatting on the forum or cleaning the house? I hope this goes alright b-c even though the future is an illusion and also seeing the future- I'm predicting that when the G-F gets home from work later today (the future) she's going to say "What the hell did you do all day?" Than I'll tell her Patang and Nahm said free will and future are illusions so I applied no free will to get the house cleaned for an imaginary weekend".
  14. @Patang I knew you'd see right through that one.
  15. @Patang I found absolutely nothing to ground to. There is no me to ground to anything! What should I do now? Help me I'm scared! Reality seems like construct of the mind and so am I. Everything is collapsing in on itself! AAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. @John Iverson Enlightenment is totally counter-intuitive.
  17. haha I know. I must of woken in a materialist's paradine or something today. I need to go meditate now. ..........Well that's a point too. There is nothing to do to become enlightened. That would be the illusion of free will also just like becoming president. I better just go meditate anyway.
  18. @tsuki Haha It does seem to come with a heavy price.
  19. @Patang But wouldn't that explain why some can see the future? So they say. Because it is already destine to happen?
  20. @Faceless I realize it isn't. That's why I prefaced the comment with " in this dream reality".
  21. @Nahm @Patang I get it now. Everything is already destine to happen. Are you saying our fate is sealed?
  22. I can never seem to get traction on this "no free will" thing. Take Donald Trump for instance, he wanted to be president of the US for years. The chances of that happening were super slim. He couldn't even get the majority of votes and he is a total political outsider. But somehow he is president of the US now. Elon Musk wanted to put rockets into space someday. He is doing exactly that now. If you want to play an instrument, take lessons and learn to play an instrument. No free will? I don't get it. To me I seems as if this dream reality can manipulate itself through any intention it puts forth. That reality is Thought= Form. I thought of building a house. I learned how to build a house. Now a house stands where no house stood before. How is this?