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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Viking What I was referring to is a level of light beyond what the eye perceives as raw light. Lets say for instance light was your portal. There would be the realization that everything is light. I mean everything! All there is is light. So it doesn't need to travel.
  2. @phoenix666 It's said it's so obvious it usually gets overlooked. So it's something you totally resonate with now.
  3. @Crystalous Just be careful with the "faster than light" thing. Light is actually stationary. It does not travel at all. It doesn't have to. It is everywhere simultaneously.
  4. @Crystalous Light as a portal to the absolute. For another their portal may be vibration/ frequency/sound. For another it could be emptiness or void. For another it may be consciousness or for another Love, ect. Portal is just a word. It is something that connects the individual to everything. Or maybe better to say, is everything.
  5. @Crystalous I was just watching a video yesterday about "Portals". Everybody has their own personal portal to the absolute. It's a matter of discovering your portal. Light is one of them! You may have been shown your portal. If this is true, all you need is to stay in your light and your golden! No pun intended.
  6. @Rilles Mind has a location. It's in a dream.
  7. @tsuki I was just reading something yesterday that said "fluids come together and the "I" is created". Also "The "I" is a condensed form of consciousness"- I like this one!
  8. @Dan Arnautu You may find this useful. It's about finding your personal "Portal" to enlightenment. Like using what comes naturally for you. The video will explain it better. @ 23:00 he gets to the jist of it. Maybe your practices just aren't your portal?
  9. @Galyna @Nahm I'd love to see Leo sit down with a group of, at least semi-open minded scientists someday in an open forum like SAND.
  10. @Nahm Maybe there's another way to go about this using QM. Particle-Wave function? When Leo is being observed he's a particle, right? But when he's not being observed he's a wave. That may be doable since he exists as both simultaneously. I've gotta a few small bugs to work out yet on that one. I've narrowed it down to something to do with the limitations of my own clock drive mind. Other than that it's wide open. Here's a thought. Maybe someday teleportation will be obsolete since scientific understanding will be- you are already there.
  11. @Nahm If he doesn't we'll have to tie him up and take him there! Seriously though, he deserves all the exposure he can get with that one. All of his videos but that one in particular was right in the wheel house of SAND.
  12. @Galyna Your totally right there! So good I bought it to the attention of the folks at SAND (Science and Non Duality) when I first saw it. Maybe Leo will get an invite as a speaker. That would be too cool!
  13. @NahmYea I heard that Too! Did you catch the part where he says "I buried Leo"?
  14. @Dream That's only the tip of the ice burg. If you play the audio backwards you will find hidden messages there too! Best of luck!
  15. @Shan Your so close here. Wanna have the insight to end all insights? There is no one meditating. There is no one having insights. There is only consciousness which all meditation and insights happen within. Bottom line: go directly to the source of of all. The next time you have a deep meaningful insight in meditation- that is consciousness. Assign everything to consciousness.
  16. @Jacobsrw From Leo- Since people will be asking all sorts of questions about it for weeks to come, let's aggregate them here (Mega Thread). Post your questions, tips, and experiences with shamanic breathing here.
  17. This statement is what I was referring to above...........
  18. @Matt8800 That is the crux of it right there! The limited self is like living in a five room house all your life thinking that's all there is to it. One door just leads to another room with 4 walls as it has always done. Than one day you go into a closet and behind all the junk you discover there is a hidden door that you never knew existed. Or maybe just forgot about because it was so far buried under all the junk for so long. And this turns out to be the most amazing door in the whole house. It is beyond anything that you have ever experienced before. Until it is experienced you cannot even fathom what it is to look for. The only thing you can really do is fully trust that it is there.
  19. @Matt8800 So would it be fair to say it's like finding the key that unlocks the hidden door. BTW-Your explanation here is wonderful.
  20. @Matt8800 Why is it that it's so hard to let go of the identification with the limited self to experience something that has no boundaries? Especially for the first time. When it comes down to it that is all that is required for Samadhi. But that's much easier said than done. So I thought I'd ask since your exploring this. What is at the crux of it?
  21. @Empty You really need to integrate spirituality with life/friendship/family or they will think you turned into Mr. Spock.
  22. @Yonkon Does this sound like a Cult to you? On 4/9/2018 at 5:29 AM, Jed Vassallo said: I'm questioning everything I thought I knew. Now doubting all my thoughts and beliefs, I guess I'm doubting everything. Leo's response- Yes, that's good. That's the only way really. You must doubt everything until nothing remains. Spirituality is like extreme skepticism taken to its ultimate conclusion, consuming everything, and even itself. Until only pure being remains. Trusting me is not what I ask you to do. I ask you to be skeptical of everything equally, especially of your self. You cannot trust anyone in this work. Not me, not any guru, not Buddha. You must discover what is true in your direct experience. Direct experience is all that really matters. My words are only here to motivate you to look more closely at your direct experience and question everything society has taught you. There are no authority figures. The truth cannot be spoken or proven to you. You must seek it out all alone. Make sure you don't mistake my talking for truth. All the ideas I fill your mind with are NOT the truth.
  23. Probably best to just shoo them away. Go half Buddha on them!