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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Jonson Reality is a fluid situation from the point of the observer. In true reality nothing is happening. Reality just "is".
  2. @Jonson Clockwise. Not everyone will share the same experiance as you in their observation.
  3. @Jonson When you observe this this figure spinning (assuming that you do) which way in your observable reality is it spinning. Clockwise? Or counter clockwise?
  4. @Mikael89 It's a subtle thing that gets easily overshadowed by the play of the mind and worldly activity. I see it in myself. Like today I'm busy doing things and it gets easily forgotten in activity. Than I remember and it all comes back again. I guess the cool thing about it is each time that happens it's like having a mini awakening when you realize you have been asleep.
  5. @metwinn Well worthy to be added to the "Enlightenment Art" topic that Leo started.
  6. @Nahm I'm at a loss for words too. You saw that one already? Love it!
  7. Nisargadatta explains how the jhani views death in the first 5 mins. of this video.
  8. @okulele Everything that is known is unreal. What you know you are you are not.
  9. Here's a really good video on how to align yourself with greater power. Be less matter - become more energy/consciousness.
  10. @metwinn Mostly b-c he had a simple approach to reality based on wholeness and fragmentation. The implicate-explicate order he called it. His holographic model of the universe wasn't well received either by the science community. They'll catch up someday.
  11. Not always. David Bohm for instance didn't fit that mold. But he was mostly shunned by the collective physics community for that. Have you seen Leo's vid on science yet? It's a good one!
  12. @pluto That's really nice! L - UMANANCE I - NTELIGENCE G - IVING H - ARMONY T- RANSFORMING
  13. @billiesimon I'm sure you've seen this before. Do you know it's meaning? The dancing Shiva. See the never ending circle of flames. That is the universe/ existence. It's driven by desire. See the creature that's under Shiva's foot? That is ignorance/ego. The dance between truth and ignorance is what keeps the wheels of the universe turning.
  14. @Santhiphap To accept everything is to except that there is no you that was born, will grow old, and die. Your thoughts have created that illusion from the very start. If you except this you will see the bigger picture. You want to reach a higher level but you cling to the illusion that there is someone there. Have you ever listened to the words of Nisargadatta's pointers?
  15. @The White Belt Nothing is going to be totally sound 'proof' but I would think a pair of ear plugs and over ear sound protection would be close to total silence. Headphones mostly mask external sound and some are better at that than others. The type of ear pads used make a difference too.
  16. @Anna1 What happened in my case wasn't necessarily the end to thoughts arising. They arise as always but the difference now is when they do arise they are just thoughts not "my" thoughts. No attachment. Like bubbles arising in soda they come to the surface than just 'pop' and disappear.
  17. @Anna1 A silent or still mind is a beautiful thing to experiance but it's no ego death. Not in my experiance anyway. Maybe what happened to me was a bit out of the ordinary but when I surrendered I entered into a samadhi state of total union. I'll never forget that day Sept. 17, 2015. Before that I had experienced a perfectly still mind for years in meditation but this was something totally different that I never realized was even possible. I know now that the ego is not real but before that experiance the ego was very real and so was the fear it created.
  18. "The moment I jumped off of it- was the moment I touched down" -Alanis Morissette
  19. @SanthiphapYou have no idea how close you are to a real break through. Keep going!
  20. @Joseph Maynor Thanks. Just saw that it was out myself.
  21. I'll have to look again. Didn't see it this morning.
  22. It's in the absolute awaiting manifestation.