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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Yeshua1 OK calm down or your out of here.
  2. We can talk right here. What's on your mind?
  3. God is alone. Hence the illusion of "other".
  4. Don't know if you got it but I'm LMAO.
  5. I am neither existent nor non-existent. I just am.
  6. That was mom's motto. That and "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything". hehe
  7. The "fun" part is pretending to discover 'new' aspects of yourself. A game of hide and seek that one plays on themself.
  8. Suffering can be the great motivator. The guru of gurus. If you let it.
  9. @Harsh Bagdia Is Total Understanding of Self/God/Reality possible? "Understanding" is kind of a loaded question. In my humble opinion God is like - just let er' rip and we'll ask why later.
  10. Not to master but more as to transcend the mind. The difference being transcendence of mind takes no effort. There is no upkeep. See the mind for what it is. A tool to be used when needed.
  11. Perfect answer. Once you see that everything is always in a state of perfection all questions become null and void. Questions just seem like talking with a mouth full of food.
  12. I have no questions left, test me What have you discovered that left you with no questions needed?
  13. Me either. And my children have no mother. It was beyond painful. It was tragic. And once there is tragic there is no going back.
  14. Tell that to your wife when she's 6 hours into labor and Good luck!
  15. "You were stamped "human bacon" by a butchery tool" Genesis -the band.
  16. One thing I've always kind of missed around here was there wasn't more talk about what could be called cosmic consciousness. Or a cosmic sense. Being someone who grew up interested in the stars I can say it changes a person. Spend enough time under the stars one can easily see this planet as just a grain of sand in an infinite cosmos. But yet at the same time this planet and everything we know contains the entirety of the cosmos. Like take for example the human body. Billions of nerve cells. Now look at the cosmos.