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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Faceless Can't help but thinking about Salvador Dali when you talk about time and fragmentation.
  2. @Jack River This is wild. Something just appeared as I was going into meditation. It was what I am at the core of being. It appeared as a circle in the center and from there was a repeating geometric pattern radiating out from it. It's what comes out of the absolute as manifestation in its embryonic stage and is before the "I am" comes.
  3. @Recursoinominado Here's a good story that relates in a way to your situation. It's a short one but has a truth to it that can last a lifetime.
  4. @MiracleMan That will make for one clean shaven face!
  5. @Arkandeus You should have just thrown the head away.
  6. "You know there's no way I can hang in a cage man" A quote from the movie but it fits here too- the absence of (doing time).
  7. @Jack River You ever see the movie "Point Break". The ending of it?
  8. @Jack River Everybody has their personal "portal" to the absolute. Maybe it will be found in total silence. maybe it's found in the moment of now. Or in returning to what you were before your "birth". Or found in timelessness/headlessness. But the one thing that doesn't change is the disappearance of the "I am".
  9. @Jack River That will build upon itself and eventually the "I am" will fall away. "Go back the way you came".
  10. The hat covers the entire cosmos (time/space is in you). Love that quote!
  11. @Jack River I guess everything plays into it somehow.
  12. @SoonHei It would make for a good profile pic.
  13. @Jack River Man how I wish there was internet when I first started this journey. This is great!
  14. @Jack River Yea, that's a good one too. It reminds me of something I read the other day: "Stay in the feet instead of the head"
  15. @MiracleMan Excellent! Love this one! They're all good tho.
  16. @Faceless Only the headless shall enter into the big booty (the absolute).
  17. @Jack River The emptiness/void rules man. For lack of a better name, I call it " The Big Booty".
  18. @Jack River I'll throw my two cents in here. When one stays in the "I am" eventually the "I am" is transcended. Consciousness itself is transcended. Than all that remains is the absolute. Go back the way you came. Your very first experiance was of the "I am". That is when the story of "you" first started and has continued to be written till this day. What were you before these concepts started? Before the "I am"? Before the announcement of your birth? This is the doorway to the absolute.
  19. @Martin123 I've never shared that before but for some strange reason felt fine doing so here. To be honest I felt as if I was betraying my mom by revealing it. But I knew it was the right time and place to be said.
  20. @Martin123 I can relate to this in a way. Years ago I had a sudden recall of when I was young, If I did something that got my mom mad, I mean really mad, she would sometimes lose it and say "I'll ruin you in the front". WTF? What was that about? Not sure I really wanna know. But being older and remembering that, I wonder what happened to her to convey something like that to me as a child.
  21. @Recursoinominado "You can only watch the events happen. You can't use consciousness to do or undo anything." Just read that than saw your post. Seemed appropriate to share.
  22. @SBB4746 For most it takes much more than a sentence uttered. So 100's of books are sometimes needed. And for a very few, 100's of books are totally unnecessary. I'll give an example: "When you finally realize there is no individual there will be no questions to ask" Are you enlightened now? Has the one who had a "deep curiosity" completely vanished? If so than you are one in a million. If not then reading is a path.
  23. @Gligorije Here's a quote to go with your new found realization. "What changes is not real. What is real does not change" You ask: "What is the world made of?" But who is asking since all is illusion? Are you not the illusion? "When you finally know that there is no individual, there will be no questions to ask"