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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Serotoninluv A single pointed thought can hold great power. With a well focused thought you can hover above yourself and watch.
  2. @QandC Good point. I guess it's all about how enlightened they are. An understanding beyond paradox.
  3. @QandC Here's something to ponder. If a meteor was going to wipe out an entire planet of enlightened beings, if they could would they stop it from happening?
  4. @tentacion Does a bear shit in the woods? Yea, it's all god. Have you realized who god is yet? That's the best part of it.
  5. @Extreme Z7 It's interesting to look at the languages of some cultures to get insights into how they viewed reality. For instance in some native American languages there was no reference to time and space as in "than" or "there" or "when".
  6. @Feel Good Let it go. You are now trolling and hijacking this thread. Consider this fair warning.
  7. @Joseph Maynor Sometimes less is more. @Feel Good He's right about that.
  8. @Preetom Nothing woo woo about it at all. Nisargadatta had been expecting you. I'm sure of it.
  9. @Preetom That just cracks me up! Thanks It really puts things into perspective.
  10. @Preetom That strikes so true. Nisargadatta isn't for everybody but when I found him in my later years it was like "Yes, every word he utters is absolute truth". The connection there was exactly what I had been searching for.
  11. @Preetom I like the story Wolinski tells of when first meeting with Nis and Nis asks him "Do you know who you are?" And he describes all the things he has experianced to Nis and he's going on and on about it. Then he looks over at Nisargadatta and he said "Nisargadatta was stairing at me with a look of total disgust on his face". hahaha
  12. Yes- he uses the word on and not of the absolute. He also said that consciousness appears on the absolute as if on a screen. Which suggests IMO, that everything which appears on the screen of consciousness is illusion. Consciousness is an aspect of the absolute but not the absolute itself. Again this is only my opinion but I believe any experiance of the absolute is really an experiance of the screen but not the absolute itself b-c there is no direct experiance of the absolute as it is beyond all apperances.
  13. @Preetom My main concern is about this state that lies beyond consciousness. Well it can't really be called a "state" but someting is there. And according to Nisargadatta that "something" is the absolute. Am I mistaken?
  14. @Toby Very cool! Yes "Absense of Absense". I know this but not as a direct experiance b-c there is no experiance to be had. That's exactly what I've been wondering about. When one totally vanishes into oblivion without a trace. "Beyond consciousness". Some ppl have told me when I first asked about it was " ah-you feel asleep". And I know that is not what happened. I know the difference. Many thanks
  15. @Toby Let me ask your opinion on something since you bought up Nisargadatta and turiya (the forth state of consciousness). What is your take on how Nisargadatta used the word conscionseness? He mentions it in a different light than most teachers use the word. Unless I'm misunderstanding the way it's used. For instance "turiyatita" is defined as "beyond conscionseness" (the fifth state). Also some quotes of his. "Prior to consciousness who is there? And with what instrument can one be conscious" "My true nature is that which was before the body and consciousness came into being" "I who is there before consciousness am not concerned in any way to all that happens within consciousness" "You are prior to consciousness and whatever is happening in it. You are totally apart from it" "Consciousness alone feels the expanse of consciousness. But I- the absolute am not that" -He often refers to the absolute as Parabrahaman. See where I'm a bit confused here? Nisargadatta was a man who always said exactly what he ment and never waisted a word or talked in riddles. So my take from these quotes is he is describing a state that is beyoud consciousness. What's your take? Thanks