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  1. From the movie Dune, Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam questioning Paul Atreides Q: How do you see future events before they happen? A: I have visions. Q: Do all your visions come true? A: No. But I know which ones will. * I've never forgotten that scene because it's so accurate.
  2. Why does a round pizza come in a square box and cut into triangles?
  3. @TruthFreedom Instead of questioning that possibility be that possibility. You are primary to it. "When the sage opens his eyes, the world comes into existence"
  4. Any state can become a detour if it is taken too seriously. At some point all states will have to be let go of. Some collect exotic cars while others collect exotic states. Sure, one is a higher state of consciousness but it's still the ego that is doing the collecting. What has been the one constant since you first started this, Journey? The dropping of old states.
  5. Paaradox = something that perplexes the mind.
  6. To be "Aware of" means to be other as in self and other. Honey can't taste honey -Nisargadatta Why is that you may ask. Because they are one in the same.
  7. Consciousness would be that "Big" force. Consciousness creating, inhabiting, exploring infinite multiverses/realities, all facets of itself. *On another but related topic it seems Daja Vu and premonitions fit in here somewhere. This popped up a few hours ago. Just a share if you're interested. Your consciousness could travel multiverse when you dream, claim scientists Scientists have suggested that dreams sometimes act as portals to alternate realities, connecting a person to another version of themselves in a parallel world. “Dreams have been historically perceived as mirrors reflecting our conscious waking life, laden with symbolic representations of our desires, fears, and experiences,” they claimed in their research article. “Conversely, a riveting conjecture exists that dreams might also function as conduits to alternative dimensions or elevated states of consciousness, suggesting a more profound and expansive role than traditionally conceived,” they added. This hypothesis takes inspiration from the “many worlds interpretation of quantum theory,” which is sometimes also referred to as the multiverse theory. It suggests that for a quantum event, there are multiple possibilities or outcomes. Each of these outcomes plays out in separate universes. So, for example, if you played a football match, your team may have won in this universe, but in some other universe, your team may have lost the game. The authors suggest that in dreams, one can travel to these other universes. However, this isn’t the the primary scientific basis they used to support their hypothesis. Can dreams overcome physical limits? According to David Leong, who is the first author of the article and an honorary professor at Charisma University in Turks and Caicos, when a person sleeps and dreams, it might be possible his consciousness crosses the boundaries of space and time. This is because, during sleep, a person’s consciousness is in the least contact with his logical brain, reality, and physical senses. Notably, scientists still don’t know much about human consciousness, and its limitations. It is possible consciousness also experiences something like quantum entanglement — a phenomenon that suggests that two particles can affect each other’s states irrespective of the distance between them. It might be possible that consciousness is also capable of affecting people across parallel universes. “This leads to a re-conceptualization of consciousness as a more expansive and interconnected entity with the potential to navigate a multiverse of experiences,” the authors said. Moreover, different versions of a person might have a shared collective unconscious, a concept proposed by psychologist Carl Jung in the early 1900s. Jung used this concept to refer to a part of the mind shared by all humans, containing instincts, memories, and ideas that are passed from one generation to another. “Dreams could be the psyche’s means of tapping into this collective unconscious, exploring and experiencing the shared human narrative that extends beyond the personal,” the research article added. However, these are all possibilities and there is no real empirical evidence confirming that a person can indeed travel to alternate realities in dreams. Not all dreams take you to the multiverse Leong suggests that recurring vivid dreams with strong emotions and memories are the ones that can probably take people to their alternate versions in parallel worlds. “Say you have a repetitive dream of being stuck in high school. While it may reflect unresolved psychological themes, such as feelings of stagnation or anxiety about personal growth, it could also indicate that in another reality, you are still in high school, dealing with the same challenges your waking self has moved beyond,” remarked Leong, as reported by Popular Mechanics.
  8. If they give you that weird look, just say: "It's a great practice if you're interested in becoming mentally focused and reducing what's known as "Monkey Mind".
  9. Reminds me of what physicist Max Tegmark said "In the multiverse view of reality it's comforting to know where I have failed the "me" in another universe has succeeded. And I have succeeded where the other "me" has failed". So yes, according to multiverse theory all possible outcomes, and past, present and future all co-exist simultaneously. I didn't think much of the movie, but I loved its title: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.
  10. @Someone here Are you familiar with The Block Universe theory? "According to the block universe theory, the universe is a giant block of all the things that ever happen at any time and at any place. On this view, the past, present and future all exist — and are equally real".
  11. If you read between the lines, so to speak, sure you can derive Truth from reading the bible. For instance, the quote: "Truly I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven". Meaning: One must become egoless (like a child) to realize one's true nature.
  12. @Aaron p For about 100 USD you could get a MiniLab 3 and start creating music and playlist. It comes with a nice software package so there are plenty of sound samples to choose from for whatever suits your mood. Here's a few samples from both ends of the creative spectrum.
  13. That's why I mention it. Better now than him realizing it when it's too late. * I agree with your statement, find a practice that deals with it. Brutal honesty would be a good place to start. .
  14. @WelcometoReality He could without realizing it be pacing himself because he needs to burn off some past karma.
  15. You've been officially notified! When you allow others to steal your happiness you enslave yourself to them. When it happens again, it's on you. Notice I use the word "when". Can't change the world but you can change yourself.