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Everything posted by Ineedanswers

  1. @Leo Gura but didn’t you leo? 7+ years of weightlifting would have made you an elite lifter right?
  2. @Leo Gura I found this vid and could tell you were working out(nice v taper). Was this when you were at your best?
  3. @Leo Gura I was watching one of your old videos and you said you had been weightlifting consistently for around 7+ years at that time.could you share some progress pics of you when you were your buffest/ 15 lbs heavier?would be super motivating
  4. Is it possible to stay alive while being completely selfless or does surviving in the human form require atleast some level of selfishness no matter how consious you become? imo it is impossible to survive without being atleast alittle selfish.even if you were a stage turqoise vegan living in a cave you would still atleast be killing a few small animals/insects etc while you were walking etc. btw- is there such a thing as a selfless act? Given that we are all literally one isn’t me helping YOU,literally me helping myself? And even if you look at it from a orange perspective, the only reason I decided to help you is because it makes me happy (selfishness ) right? If you can think of any examples of a truly selfless act could you’ll share it with me? Imo it’s impossible
  5. Has leo started uploading videos on monday instead of sunday? I noticed he hasnt uploaded on sunday for the past 2 weeks and this week
  6. @Leo Gura leo didn’t you ever take part in toastmasters or something similar to build up your speaking ability? I too admire the way you speak. Btw I found this once when trying to find an interview of you.can you tell us what it is?
  7. @ivankiss wow that’s still impressive! Bro did you invest time into learning pickup? Or are you just a natural?
  8. @ivankiss have you really slept with 5000 women? How!? Can you give us any tips? Did you learn pickup etc or are you just a natural?btw why do you even need to consider prostitutes? If you’ve been able to sleep with 5000 women obviously you’re really good with women.why can’t you just get another girl the way you got the other 5000? Are you a celebrity or something? The only other people I know with body counts like you are wiltchamberlain(20000) and other nba stars
  9. Who’ll get more ladies? Rupert spira ,sadhguru and eckartte tolle vs mystery/connor Murphy and neil strauss
  10. @Leo Gura Leo is there any difference between intimate human relationships and the courting process monkeys and other animals go through? I like to think that there is more to human relationships than my reptilian brain/biology provoking me and incentivizing me to reproduce.(similar to the relationships you see onDisney movies and titanic etc).i like to think that human intimitate relationships are highconsiouse and different from the relationships other animals have(which are mainly just to reproduce). But is this actually true? Or is the complexity of our mating strategy blinding me? Similarly to how the complexity of my basic survival(having a job etc) makes me forget that what I’m doing is no different than a bird building a I just like to think I’m smarter/more special than I am?
  11. This doesn’t coincide with my experience of reality leo.especially considering the fact that the person asking the question is a lady.maybe for men game is more important(but I disagree ever here).i certainly think game/good social skills help but I still think being physically attractive to your partner is very important.wdyta this cartoon and song exemplified in the video,although very rare,I do think it’s possible to fall under the looks threshold enough where game will not be of much service to you. Btw is it possible to create pure raw physical attraction through game?to the point where a women craves you? Have you ever?
  12. @Leo Gura this is what Owen cook calls the halo effect leo.i was wondering if you should try and show that you are detached even after you get into a long term relationship (6 months+). Owen cook says that even in a long term relationship if you get too close(show your partner that you are always available no matter the time),your partner will lose attraction/start taking you for this true leo? tldr-is showing some detachment/willingness to emote from the relationship necessary even after getting into a long term relationship? If you don’t show willingness to emote will you partner start to take you for granted?
  13. all of our external claims are predicated on the ASSUMPTION that our senses and reasoning correlate with reality.but since this an assumption I cannot really trust direct experience because I’m not sure if my senses accurately capture do I get around this problem? eg-leo said that Christians assume Jesus is real.the reason his existence is an assumption is because Christians have never seen Jesus but even if a Christian see’s Jesus ,how can they know he’s real?wont they have to ASSUME that their eyes are accurately capturing reality? What if it’s a hallucination? Or they are schizophrenic?
  14. @Leo Gura since everything exists,does this mean that there is a world somewhere where hogwarts is real,and im(my ego)is a student there,and instead of ron weasley im harries best friend and i end up getting tortured and killed by voldemort? If literally everything concievable this must be too right? (Srs question)
  15. Why is focusing on a few girls a problem? Leo do you agree with rsd owen cooks "halo effect theory"? I.e-you should not always be Too available(show that you are too interested) otherwise the girl starts to loose attraction.he says if the girl seems uninterested the worst thing you can do is give her more attention as this will lessen her interest further.instead if she doesnt give you attention,you too should not give her problem is,im afraid if i stop giving her attention,she wont care or even notice.
  16. @Leo Gura have you ever gotten a girl to fall in love/have oneitis for you from pick up leo? I have this intuition that says pickup might work to get a girl for a one night stand(when a girls out with her friends,having a great time,in a flirtatious mood etc) ,but won’t work well for getting a long term girlfriend who showers you with affection/attention.reason being 1) eventhough you can trick her into thinking you are high value (according to mystery H.V-preselected by other girls,leader of men,having social proof(lots of friends etc) .if you are not ACTUALLY preselected and a Leader of men and have zero friends,once she finds this out won’t she lose attraction and regret going home/sleeping with you?especially if you don’t have an exciting life for her to be a part of( eg- like me-work at a restaurant+study+workout +study pickup) *if the goal is to get a long term gf(and not just sleep around),would you recommend-*becoming a leader of men,making lots of normal friends(social proof) before getting into pickup? Otherwise i feel like I’m tricking don’t have social proof(exciting friends) for her to hang out with,neither am i preselected by other girls ,but I’m pretending/lying that I am.i think it’ll only be a matter of time before I get caught(which would be okay for a ONS,but not for a long term)
  17. @Leo Gura is the main reason you moved to Vegas to improve your pickup skills?
  18. I’m still not 100% sure what my life purpose is. Do some of you’ll mind sharing what your life purposes are please❤️?
  19. @Leo Gura so you didn’t have a gf till you were 20+ either?! Omg that means that there IS hope for me! I thought you were a playa in high school and your early twenties
  20. @Leo Gura did you have any girlfriends in high school/early twenties? Or were you focusing on building up your business?
  21. @Leo Gura where is my sunday video? If you do not release it whithin the next couple of hours i will go to rupert spiras house.there me and rupert will have a nice conversation(while enjoying a nice cup of tea ofcourse,we are not blueberry smoothie drinking savages after all) about how we are god and how you are a selfish and rupert will then spend a couple of hours writing a nasty poem about you.oooh what nasty things we will write about you and what nasty names we will call you.just be glad you will never see it,if you saw it you would definitely cry.after spending a couple of hours mocking,ridiculing and laughing at you me ,rupert and our main man osho will come to your house in one of 0shos rolce royces and pelt stones at your house.if you come out of your house to fight us ill get my girl teal swan to put a spell on you and transport you into another dimension,where you will have to converse with sam harris and other materialists until the end of have been warned devil.
  22. @happyhappy there is i guess I don’t have it there a actualized app or something? Omg exactly??. The doctor,lawyer engineer scene bro?.but I think it’s far worse for our girls .if i remember correctly the last time I looked at the matrimonial section the guys seemed to be more concerned with the girls complexion than her character.
  23. @happyhappy haha me to bro.the first actualized video I watched was about how to get a gf??.a couple of videos later and now I’m learning about how i(the ego) dont exist, how we are LITERALLY all one,how we are god etc The dating pill idealogy is also based off of the morpheus matrix meme bro.basicallu the Blue pillers_believe in the fairy tale,disney prince and princess,romeo and juliet,there is a special someone waiting for everyone type of love Red pillers-believe women are hypergamous.and men are hypogamous(eg-kevin samuels,jordan peterson and leo as well i think) Black pill-very pillers believe that if you are below a certain attractiveness threshold you will never be able to find a partner (incels,elliot roger etc)