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Everything posted by Ineedanswers

  1. Leo could you explain rapists actions to me? I can't see what good intentions a rapist would have. I can see how Nazis,terrorists,put in has good intentions but I can't understand what good intentions a rapist must have. Could somebody explain the good intentions a rapist has to me please?
  2. @Leo Gura leo right now am I dreaming that you are teaching and explaining to me and wokebloke how what we are experiencing right now is a dream? If I am the one who is constructing this dream and the other characters in the dream don’t have thoughts/lives of their own, then how is that other dream characters seem to know so much more about this dream than I do? for example-I am dreaming you up right leo? You dont really have your own thoughts/feelings or experiences I’m just dreaming that you do. But why is it that you know so much more about this dream than me? i have learnt many scientific facts,how to control my emotions,epistemology,psychology,health fitness etc from you. Things about this dream I didn’t know until I came across you.My intuition tells me that if I’m the only being that is consious in this dream then I should be the one with the most knowledge about this dream.but this is not the case you know so much more than me.there are some concepts from your videos than i only understood after weeks of intensely contemplating your words. Did I dream up your entire backstory?that you were interested in truth since a young age,studied philosophy became a video game developer then started ,and then found out about enlightenment,studied under peter Ralston etc and are now teaching everything you have learnt to me? the same goes with other physicists,scientists,theologans etc. how do they know more about this dream than me? For example I didn’t know about the theory of relativity or photosynthesis or mitosis or history until one of my dream characters told me about these things.why are dream characters who don’t even have thoughts of their own,know more about this dream than me?
  3. question is doesn’t the fact that I’m the only thing that has the ability to suffer,make giving to charity or even to beggars/homeless people pointless ? Am I not literally wasting my money?how is not helping poor people selfish/immoral when there is no one who suffers? Before listening to leo I had a view of the world that was similar to Rupert Spira. Even though me and and all other sentient beings are characters in gods(my) dream I thought these other characters too had their own independent experiences(the ability to feel pain/happiness etc).but leo recently said that I’m dreaming up all the experiences that others have.he says this exactly 2HOUrs 4 mins and 30 seconds into his solipsism video. Leo even said that I dreamed up every single orgasm that he has ever experienced.leo said that the reason I dream up others acting in pain (eg-a dog whimpering when you accidentally step on its tail) is because I(god) wanted to make this dream more immersive and realistic. if this is the case whats the poiny In giving to charity? Why not just save up my money and spend it on amy materialistic desires? I’m not even being selfish right ?if no one is going to experience any relief in pain (because others pain is just something I dreamt up to make this dream more immersive)by my donating, isn’t it literally stupid of me to not spend that money on myself(on something that will make me happy).im just fooling myself into thinking there are others who are being helped by my help/ effort/ donations when actually nobody is.
  4. @justfortoday thanks for this amazing post❤.could you answer a question for me? 1)do other characters of mine have imformation/knowledge about this dream that i don't? For example- when I go to is it that my dream character teacher knows more about this dream world than I do when the teacher isnt even conscious and doesnt have thoughts and feelings of his own? How is he able to give me practical advice (eg-how to solve a math equation or how to speak french) Why is it that you justfortoday seem to have more understanding of awakening nonduality and spirituality than me? Justfortoday is a dream character(with out thoughts,feelings consiousness) I am imagining right? Have I dreamt up that justfortoday is posting on the actualized forum and has more knowledge about awakening than me?If so should I follow your advice? And if you say "yes" am I not just dreaming up that you said Yes? I could have just as easily dreamt up thay you would say "no" right? How can i know if something that is unconscious,unfeeling and unthinking is telling the truth? And what about the opinions I think people form of me? Am I dreaming up those as well? For example I feel as if you(justfortoday) will think "what a stupid question ineedanswers has asked.ineedanswers must be really dumb". Since I am dreaming you up and dream characters dont have feeling/thoughts do you even have the ability to form a opinion about me?
  5. @Arthogaan love you too❤❤.the thing is,after the insight that i was dreaming up all the other characters (including you) and that the other characters dont have their own feelings of pleasure and pain,i now no longer feel the guilt i felt in the past,when i pass by a homeless man and dont give him any can i when i now know that all his begging,starvation and squirming amd pleading is just something i created to make this dream more immersive(and in actuality he feels no pain at all). I dont see how its selfish to not help someone who isnt real and doesnt feel pain or pleasure. Now instead of beiny frugal and saving up to give to charity (because no one exists but me) i save every cent to spend it only on close friends and family,luxury materialistic items for myself etc
  6. @GreenWoods I know this when I take psychedelics but my baseline state is human consciousness .my baseline direct Experience is that I am the thing located somewhere behind ineedanswers eyes (even though I know I’m actually god and everything in existence)
  7. @GreenWoods is it true that there is no "ineedanswers" though? Isnt this like saying the person who is dreaming that he is brucewayne is imaginary as well? According to my direct xp -ineedanswers exists,its just that he has mistaken who he is.he is not a humanbeing on earth but god.he is the only thing that exists.the ego "ineedanswers who is a human on earth" definitely doesnt exist,the ego ineedanswers is as imaginary as greenwoods and leos. You may ask,if you know both ineedanswers and the homeless are imaginary who do you choose to serve ineedanswers but not the homeless? Thats because i have direct xp of being ineedanswers.the illusion is strong and beautiful and i want to enjoy it. The fact that we are both illusiory is my the past i thought if i didnt give to charity i shoulf feel guilty as i wasnt helping reducinh suffering.after the realization my suffering and others suffering is illusury i dont feel the guilt as strongly and overtime im sure itll disapear for good
  8. @GreenWoods yes i agree .to speak in terms of the night dream analogy .bruce wayne too doesnt exist.only me "ineedanswers" the dreamer
  9. @GreenWoods I dont think im necessarily buying into any illusions. is it an illusion that im dreaming up everybody(including you and me) and that you and others dont have any feelings thoughts or emotions independent of me?no right? Only I experience things. I like to think of it more like lucid dreaming.ive realized im only dreaming im bruce wayne and will have to wakeup(die) at somepoint.but i still want to hangout with alfred,gordan and rachel(eventhough they have no feeling thoughts emotions of their own).i know im in a dream and that im the only thing that exists but i still want to explore this dream some more because hanging out with my friends/family and materialistic things gives me pleasure
  10. @Nivsch ❤❤❤❤?????thanks for being you
  11. Not at all.i had a intuition this was the perfectly fine with it. Just want to hear a convincing argumemt for why i should feel guilty for not giving to charity when others dont feel pain pleasure
  12. Yep this is all i was looking not going to go out of my way to hurt anyone or do anything nonsensical like that. But i also havent heard a argument that that has convinced me that there is any reason to feel guilty about not giving to seems pointless to give to/sacrifice for imaginary dreamt up characters.
  13. @Leo Gura im definitely not awake as pretty sure i awoke to oneness but i definitely am not on ramana maharshi or your level etc.this is why im asking for you advice But either way.there is no difference between buying a 1000 dollar pc and donating the 1000 dollars to charity ethically right? Im the only one who experiences pain and pleasure so why not? Why play the game of being a noble hero.ultimately there is no one to help but myself isnt it? Have i bastardized your teaching? If so please tell me how,its a genuine misunderstanding,im not doing it on purpose. Is there anything wrong with being a zen devil if there is noone else to experience pain?
  14. @GreenWoods whats wrong with zen devilry if there is no one to be harmed? Or else whats do you recommend? Continue to giving to charity although there is nobody else who is experiecing pleasure and pretending that im doing good and making a difference in the world?
  15. In the past i didnt donate for rational reasons but for purely emotional reasons .In the past i would donate more out of love, guilt.since i thought that by not donating im ignoring others pain.but after that insight that others do not feel pain and happiness i no longer feel guilt. How can i feel guilt/empathy when no one is being harmed? What motivation is there to help somebody who doesnt experience sadness/displeasure?
  16. @Nivsch not at all.i had already realized that we are all one. The insight that others do not have independent experiences,feelings emotions only seems like a small step from there. its exactly like my night dreams arent they? I still treat my family ,friends exactly the same.i just choose not to talk about because i enjoy the dream. Its just that activities like charity/helpinh the poor seem pointless if there is no one to experienece happiness. I would much rather buy expensive splurgy gifts for my close friends or family or go on a expensive vacation if the homeless cant feel pain. I undertand that my friends and family dont have experiences emotions of their own either.but i love playing the game.
  17. @Joel3102 im leo said i have no direct experience of others feeling (happines sadness etc) so why should i believe in it?maybe this is like the dream i have when i go to i dream up other characters who have feelings,thoughts to interact with . I am trying to come up with a convincing argument against this but i cant.that is why i came to this forum.
  18. @GreenWoods is it even more ethical to donate to charity from the relative perspective though? The key word here is "more ethical". By splurging on materialistic goods am i really depriving anyone else of pleasure? Does it really matter if i give to charity or not? Why cant i still stay in my dream(relative perspective)while also remembering the truths of the ultimate perspective? Isnt to say "its good to give to charity" like telling bruce wayne (see my above night dream analogy please) that not fighting the joker is unethical? Why not forget about the imaginary joker and wayne manor and chill at wayne manor? Hes not doing anything wrong right? He has no reason to feel guilt for not helping right?
  19. Is this true? Isnt this like saying the charaters i dream up when i fall asleep can feel pain/suffering? When in actuality i only imagine they experience pain/suffering.when i wakeup i realize i was dreaming the whole thing up and only i experience,feel thoughts and emotions etc. Not the dream characters
  20. @GreenWoods i use the night dream analogy.imagine i dream up at night that i am batman/brucewayne and i am saving people from the joker. Later on i realize that im dreaming this up and that im not actually batman .batman,the joker and the victims only exist whithin my dream. Even so is there any reason for brucewayne(me) to not use all his money/time to go on a nice vacation rather than helping these dreamt up victims without thoghts emotions and feelings? Is there anything unethical about it? I dont see so.if someone cannot experience pain whats the problems? Similarly after the insight that others do not have experiences on there own,it seems like a waste of time/money to donate to people.after all they dont really experience happiness after i donate do they? I only imagine that they i doing anything unethical by wasting that money on a expensive meal/gaming computer and not donating? If i am,how so?
  21. As leo said 2hrs 4mins and 30secs into his solipsism video.i have no direct experience of the suffering underpriviledged kids and people begging for do i know that they are not just people i have dreamt up to make this dream more immersive? For example once when i went to sleep at night i had a nightmare that i was being chased by the guy from the texaschainsaw massacre.he ended up cutting of my leg.i eventually managed to get ahold of his chainsaw and kill i was killing him his pain seemed very real(he was screaming shouting etc).its only when i woke up i realized that i had dreamt the whole thing up and that my leg had never been harmed and i had never hurt leatherface either(because he was a dreamt up charater without thoughts feelings or emotions).how do i directly verify that thats not whats happening now?
  22. This is true leo.but why not waste it on something that will give me direct happiness (an expensive meal,clothes,latest technology etc).in the past i gave because i would feel guilty.i would think its not right to waste 2000 dollars on a gaming pc when the homeless man is outside with nothing to eat.therefore i will make a small sacrifice to increase his pleasure.i also felt pleasure by knowing i had made his day better but now it just seems like ive been foolish.who have i been helping? The people i helped were all dreamt up,without thought emotions feelings of there own.there was nobodies day that i could have made.i could have used that money on a expensive meal and no harm would have been done to anyone.isnt this true? But now ,since as you said im just imagining the homeless mans pain to make this dream more immersive so i can actually buy into it,why should i feel any guilt?even if i give him the money he isnt going to become happy right?im simply going to imagine that hes really not trying to bastardize your teachings and use it for devilry leo.if i have misunderstood something please tell me. Whom exactly am i helping by forgoing splurging on my materialistic desires and donating to charity? Does the person i donated to really experience an increase in pleasure? To use the night dream analogy-imagine that i fell asleep at night and dreamed up i was batman who protected people from being killed by the joker.after a while it dawns on me that im dreaming and that there is no real joker and there is noone who can really be hurt by is it selfish for batman to build and indoor theatre and play videogames all day instead of helping his dreamt up imaginary characters who dont feel pain or pleasure? Is there any reason why he should feel guilty for helping? I personally see none.
  23. Who are you not going to engage leo?havent you imagined @hello1234? Arent you imagining that hello1234 is not openminded and is defending a survival based position?according to your recent insight isnt it true that hello1234 has no experienes,thoughts of his own?(exactly like the characters in our night dreams). You said exactly this 2hrs 4mins and 30 secs into your solipsism video.if i have misunderstood somethimg i would genuinely love to not trying to be facetious If you are unwilling to answer the solipsism related question please say "stop" and ill stop asking
  24. How do i know that the others arent imaginary like the characters in my dream(with no independent thoughts,emotions feeling of their own though?i dont even know if you exist.according to leo you are just another character who i have dreamed up Im not planning on disrepseting mistreating others due to this recent knowledge. Its just that i now have no motivation to give to charities to people whom i barely know like i did in the the past i was 100 percent sure that the people i was giving to were going to experience an increase in pleasure due to my donation.but now im not sure.leos solipsism video made alot of sense.
  25. As leo said exactly 2hrs 4mins and 30 secs into his recent solipsism video, i have never experienced anybody elses pain.only my own. If i am only going to trust my direct experience,how can i believe that others have thoughts ,emotions ,feel pain etc when i have never directly experieneced there thoughts emotions pain? This isnt something i had thought of before watching leos video.its only after watching his video that i realized that others experiences/feelings were just an assumption i had.(just like i assume the dream characters in my nightly dreams have their own experience until i wake up). If others(beggars/homeless) do not have their own experience how am i being selfish? I have no intention on harming anyone or anything like that. its just that since i dont know if others such as homeless people actually have any experiences,emotions,feelings of their own i feel like im wasting my money by rather spend that money on wasteful luxuries if the homelass man doesnt have an increase in pleasure.