itachi uchiha

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Everything posted by itachi uchiha

  1. @Federico del pueblo nicely explained. thankyou
  2. meditation started in india 5000 or more years ago. budha did not bring anything new . the indian sages already knew what budha is saying.
  3. @How to be wise nope imo i do not think mainstream islam will get u enlightened.
  4. i can count with my two hands the people who are honest and sincere like leo in the field of self help. almost all of them are corrupt and dishonest
  5. self actualization techniques are used to make lifepurpose come true. life purpose is the thing u should be chasing or the thing u want to pursue . self actualization is how u will make your life purpose a reality
  6. learn some martial art. ""bullys are imaginary"" is a delusional thought. if i hit u , u will be in pain. why do the shaolin budhist monk practice kungfu for 4 hours or more a day. think about that
  7. @How to be wise sufism cannot be taught to anyone. very few know about sufism just like very few know about other mystical paths
  8. watch this video which is made by a british intellectual in 6th centry ad the average life expectancy is 30 years or something like that.people die young. if a child reach puberty , that was the age of consent. in colonial period , the age of consent / minimum age of marriage of woman in england was 7 years. in 1900 the age of consent / min age of marriage of a girl in USA was 10 years
  9. the person in the video is a salafi scholar .salafi is a group of islam founded in 1900s in egypt. one of the core salafi belief is that after 3 genration of islam , the rest are all wrong or they corrupted islam and it is the salafis who are correct and it is their duty to fix all other groups of islam for the sake of allah. this philosophy is problamatic. salafis are heavily funded by western powers to divide islam from within. the biggest group in islam is ahlu sunnah wal jamah. this group embrace sufism. sufis siants are highly respected. after prophet , the next most important people are the greate scholars and the greate sufi siants. in sufism there is things like nirvikalpaka samadhi, nonduality , godrealization , ego etc. in sufism ego is divided into 7 levels. in the 7th level , enlightment happens. majority of people here are at 3rd level.sufi saints who reach enlightment live by islam , pray five times, give charity, live by farz and sunnath and do not commit haram , fear god etc
  10. patanjali wrote the 8 limbs of yoga 2000 years it samadhi is discribed. there are 9levels of samadhi. go check it out. basicaly if u practice yoga, then all your psychological problems and mental diseases will be solved
  11. @vizual @vizual i do not know.i am ignorant of islamic sharia.
  12. I hate science because of its incompetence in certain fields.ancient sages in india discovered ways to be happy and be at peace and avoid depression and live happily 1000s of years ago.todays sciencintific knowledge about those fields are joke compared to what these sages discovered.the cutting edge of self help ie deleberate practice is inferiour to the version of practice explained by george leonard.because of incompetence of science in these most useful fields,i do not have good opinion about science If u read all my posts u will realize that they are all logical and analatycal.i am not against logic.i am only against using logic in all situation.logic excels in certain situation and in certain situations using things like systems thinking,intuitional thinking,emotional thinking are better than logical thinking Islam is revealed to muhammed pbuh by god.islam is preserved without any modifications exactly as it was revealed to muhammes pbuh.islam is not man made but god made.if god orders to kill appostates, then there will be some logic behind it.god created this universe.why do u think that he is ignorant or unintelligent or made mistake in matters like how to treat appostates.i need to study 10 years of sharia to understand the logic begind killing appostates.if god odered to kill appostate then there should be some logic.who is more intelligent .you or the one who created this universe
  13. I do not blame any of you for hating islam.this is quite normal. Usa is heavily involved directly or indirectly in killing of innocent civilians in yemen,palestine,jordan,lebnon,iraq,afghanistan ,syria.done strikes in afghanistan was done in the name of development and imperialism.1 in 5 women in afghanistan became a widow.but usa need to justify their action .hence they deamonize islam.ever wondered why there is so much hate on islam wheras other relegions are left alone.if it was other relegions, it would be extinct by now.but people will defend islam to death and islam is the fastest growing relegion.if u apply logic and be sincere u will understand the greatness of islam.islam is not taken on blind faith.islam has proof to back up everything. Do your research and be sincere instead of consuming anti islamic content from media and hating islam.
  14. @Epikur just watch the video.i dont think you are more knowledgable than the jewish rabbi in the video
  15. A rabbi explaining jews and muslims co existed peacefully for centuries
  16. read the book obstacle is the way by ryan holiday and copy paste it and add masala to it
  17. when we are exposed to these violence we internalize it. if we internalize it we will be unhappy in the future and will be depresed. if we are not happy , the industries can easily sell us a product. if we are unhappy we will easily adopt consumerism
  18. leo need to take some rest. its no joke to make a 3 hours video.
  19. I choose spirituality over be a master in spirituality i need to live in the country with best spiritual masters India is the world capital of spirituality.the best of the best gurus never leave india.the gurus who live india to teach other countries are 2nd best or 3rd best or something like that.also india is in top 10 contries in the presence of quality of islam.india has good amount of islamic scholars and sufi saints.all islamic middle east countries are in shambles.pakistan is a terrorist the best option is staying in india
  20. i have no clue how to deal with dark triad people. i do not mean woman but people in general.everyone now is trying to copy dark triad.
  21. they have to discover the need to think themself. u cannot force it to their throat
  22. @K Ghoul i have no choice.people here is blue red and orange.everyone is a dark defend myself i need to be really good at machiavellianism
  23. If i become really good at machiavellianism then i might have a chance
  24. this video explains the reptilian conspiracy theory warning : radical openmindedness required. this video is not made by a conspiracy theorist but by a sufi mystic born in canada. obviously this thread will be banned. i am tired of this westerner biases. anything that contradicts westerner paridigm is considered taboo.but its ironic leo bitch and moan about why noone is taking his psychidelic pet theories seriously because they are not open minded enough but the same leo will jump and block this thread.i guess i will move to other subreddit which are hardcore as fuck which will blow the mind of leo and his followers fake openmindedness .