itachi uchiha

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Everything posted by itachi uchiha

  1. also ask yourself the question of who control the entire banking industry in the world watch the video below
  2. what do u all think about the reason why usa is heavily supporting israel.
  3. For fucks sake educate yourself Damn ,all these average masses are mass brainwashed We indian muslims are in danger of getting genocided because of retarded average indian masses According to u i am an extremist and terrorist beacuse i refuse to sell out my islamic values for liberalism as all other relegion except islam has done so Watch the videos below to clear some of your misconceptions about islam Stand up for us muslims. 80% indians are hindus and if u do not stand up we are fucked.
  4. @Leo Gura cmon leo , if u make a video about putin , u will make a joke out of yourself stick to what u r good at ie making general selfhelp videos.
  5. @mmKay in a video i heard something along the lines of him hating his philosophy degree
  6. @DreamScape he said he dropped out of philosophy and aerospace degree
  7. college degree = fake degree why is leos advice better than jordan petersons advice jordan peterson = did very well in college and is an academic leo = poor in college and read a bunch of books and make video out of them leos advice far superior to jordan petersons advice
  9. @patricknotstar practice kriya yoga. a single kriya yoga session will give u psychidelic states, happiness and mental comfort for upto 8 hours kriya should be learn under a guru. chakras and working on pranas work in astral diamension. u cannot use your intelligence to auto correct yourself as all these things lie in astral diamension . u will best learn kriya under a guru. but if u cannot go to a guru then download a 4 gb torrent from the below site and start practicing
  10. that video is a click bait video he titled it kundalini vs 5meo but did not say a thing about it
  11. @Rishabh R practice kriya yoga Kriya yoga gives psychidelic like states for upto 8 hours
  12. there exist outer god and there exist inner god
  13. u can only become master in 1 thing. choose that one thing, be master in it and for the rest of the thing, be mediocre in it
  14. practice kriya yoga and all your inferiority complex will go. uwill be in bliss/ecstacy/psychidelic state for 8 hours such that those bliss will make u love yoursefl
  15. read mastery by george leonard mastery by robert greene tiny habits by bj fogg after reading ,contemplate on each of the book for 3 min a day.that is a total of 9 min a day. u need to do it every single day for the rest of your life. within 4 or 5 years of daily doing this, u can expect mind blowing results. after 5 years of daily contemplation u will have the practical knowledge that will enable u to change anything.
  16. read the book the one thing by gary keller and jay papasan it accurately describes your solution everyone when they describe realize that they can improve in any field and they would choose a lot of fields to improve and end up choosing 10 , 20 , 30 fields to improve. in reality u can master only 1 field to its ultimate end. u can be world class in only one field. why isint messi and ronaldo palying wwe or ufc or boxing
  17. @softlyblossoming Download a 3.5 gb torrent from above.that is from where i am practicing
  18. see in the order .move from 1st video to 29th video in the order. also use headset. the background music is very powerful
  19. if u watch the above video series , u will stop watching movies. it made me stop watching movies.
  20. u all sold your soul to leo
  21. kriya yoga + sedona method + shadow work + stop thinking about future and past and dwell only on present if u do all that, then u will be happy every single day
  22. i am greatful that leo is not exploiting peoples addiction
  23. @Explorer_42 the crusification of jesus is taught to us in madrasas in childhood the return of jesus can be found in the above pdf