itachi uchiha

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Everything posted by itachi uchiha

  1. US printed a lot of us dollars for afghanistan and made fake documents about using those dollars in afghanistan but in reality they did nothing there but took all those dollars back to USA. so usa got rich by invading afghanistan . watch the video below . in the video below an afghani is speaking about his views on usa and taliban. u will be shocked at how much your media lie to u also afghanistan is a very strategic location. all greate empires wanted to conquer afghanistan .mongols , alexander, islamic caliphate , mughal, ussr, british. USA conquered afghanistan for profit and hegemony. why the fuck would anyone wanna congragulate usa for conqering afghanistan. all empires have been conqering them since ancient times lol usa started civil war in syria , supported rebels and killed a lot.syrians civil war was bloody and usa was behind it usa created civil war in libiya and killed gaddafi. libiya was the richest african country . gaddafi build plans to invent a new currency which is made of gold which can be used by arab countries to sell their oil.this would pose a huge threat to petro dollar. and usa economy would collapse if all middle east countries started selling oil with a non dollar currency. hence usa killed gaddafi libiya had the following benifits under gaddafi 1: Electricity was free for all. 2: There was no interest on credits, the state supervision banking gave credits to all with no interest by law. 3: Having a home was declared a human right in Libya. 4: All newlyweds got 50.000$. This money was regarded by the state as a family startup for a home. 5: Education and medical treatment was free in Libya. Before Gaddafi came too power, only 25% of the population could read and write. Today 83% of the population in Libya can read and write. 6: If a Libanese wanted too start a farming career, he would get, a piece of land, a farmers house, cattle and livestock, seeding material and the machines all for free. 7: If a Libanese could not find any apprenticeship, or any academic institution that needed them, then they would get 2.300$ a month too live overseas to pay for an apartment and vehicle for free. 8: Buying a car was subventione with 50% from the state. 9: The price per Liter gasoline was 0.14$, or 0.10€ (12 Rappen) 10: Depending on your degree of study, if one couldn’t find work in the specific field of study, then one would be paid the average amount according too the degree of study in another appropriate working field until one found work in ones field of study. 11: Libya had no international depths, Libyas reserves lied a $, which a frozen and forever gone where to ? 12: Each Libanese had shares on profits of the oil sold, it would be transferred directly too their bank accounts. 13: With each birth, the mother would receive 5.000$. 14: 25% of all Libanese have a university degree. 15: Gaddafi started “Great-Man-Made-River-Projekt”, the biggest sweet water project in the world, well until Hillary came. Water supply would improve agriculture and population. Im sure it would be free. now u need to research the situation in libiya
  2. christianity is the most violent relegion in the last 2000 years from historic facts this is a delusion which u get by consuming mainstream media. i will not show u how this is wrong .i will post two link the biggest terrorist organisation is USA. killed million innocent in iraq , afghanistan and other countries
  3. then how about 19th century. hitler a christian killed 6 million jews. european christians killed 100 million people in ww1 and ww2
  4. bring me historical data about which is the most violent relegion in the last 2000 years.i will save u the trouble and spoon feed you .most violent relegion from historic data is chritianity
  5. @SgtPepperSgtPepper When u read biography of muhammed pbuh writtern by enemies of islam u will always think that muhammed pbuh was not that greate.u need to read the biography from correct ancient muslim writers The greatest prophets were in the order Muhammed>abraham>moses>jesus>nuh Jesus is the 4th best.if u read the history of prophets ,abraham and moses went through a lot more than jesus According to one historian ,christians killed 200 million in 2000 years,atheist killed 80 million in 100 years and islam killed 30 million in 1400 years.islam killed a lot less than christian nations .to give u an idea , british christians killed 15 million in bengal famine,european christians killed 20 million in ww1 ,european christians killed 75 million in ww2 ,european christians wiped out native american race from american continent,hitler a christian killed 6 million jews.european christians killed a lot in africa and indonesia by colonisation.islam killed a lot lesss compared to these acts.many islamic rulers were cruel ,but u will not find a big no like this @happyhappy
  6. USA doesnt give a flying fuck about muslims.usa killed millions in yemen ,syria,iraq,libiya and afghanistan for oil and resources.the only reason usa sanctions china is because usa is trying its level best to stop chinese economic growth.chinese economy is growing fast and is said to beat usa in near usa is trying level best to stop china from beating them economically . When u follow media so much , u will end up in this type of grand delusion.i stopped following media and man i have so much peace of mind.
  7. u need to do 2 things to get something out of books 1 improving your understanding of the concepts in the book 2 taking action using concepts on the book 1) to improve your understanding of your concepts in the book , u need to contemplate on it. the more u contemplate the more your understanding of the book increase. 2) take action on your understanding of the book.
  8. @hyruga what are your top 5 self actualization books
  9. usa freezed 7billion afghan money but the same usa is giving 770 million dollars for ukrain from world bank for war. afghan people are selling kidney for food.
  10. when ussr occupied aghanistan , usa funded afghan fighters. they were called mujahideens ,heros, warriors etc for fighting against ussr. the same afghan people who fought against usa are called terrorists, extremists etc. this is double standards at its best
  11. a genocide expert is predicting a genocide that could happen in india. on the one hand it could be a propoganda to divide and rule. on the other hand i think this genocide could happen soon. on internet there is lot of hate speech against muslims by hindu extremist
  12. @Epikur feminism backfired.sexual revolution backfired.lets see if lgbt backfire or not. About killing appostate, free speech doesnot exist anywhere.if u speak up against usa u will be assasinated.julien assenge is imprisoned.snowden fled to russia to prevent getting killed.those who speak up against usa ,their bank account will be freezed.they will be in no fly list.freedome of speech exist in no society including usa .if u speak up against leo your thread will be blocked , free speach does not exist in this forum.
  13. @Epikur islam is not about killing gays and killing appostates.athiest make it as if islam is only about killing gays and appostate.its much more than of the big thing is that it ended my solipsism.and i am happy now without doing a single minute of meditation.earlier i was non islamic and i was suicidal.i had to do meditation or i am at the limit of my depression and i was in danger of killing with returning to islam ,i am happy without doing a single minute of meditation.i am more happy than when i was practicing kriya yoga
  14. @Epikur this is 10 hours of content. it might clear your hatred
  15. @Epikur lol Why do u hate islam so much
  16. @Epikur @EpikurEpikurEpikurEpikEpikurEpikurEpikurEpikurEpiku
  17. @Epikur muhammed hijab is a jerk.i agree.but rest of the channel i posted above are u want a pdf about predictions made by prophet pbuh .it will strengthen your eeman insha allah
  19. At this point sadguru is more of a politician than a yoga teacher
  20. @Epikur yup. Unfortunately lot of muslims are going out if doubt .the fitna is so greate.all my friends became non muslims. fortunately i had enough proof that islam is from god Also if u wanna research islam from a practicing muslim then go to the channels below. Deenshow tv Muslim skeptic Blogging theology Farid responds Muhammed hijab Subbor ahmed Zakir naik
  21. @Epikur lol did u go to farid responds channel and see what farid has to say about appostate prophet. apostate propher could not respond to farid responds. but appostate prophet made a video that farid apologized and appus fan base belived it and are still stuck in the delusion fed by apostate prophet apostate prophets channel is for non muslims and weak muslims. its target audience is not strong muslims. i can see through his videos. but the non muslim who do not have knowledge of islam will fall for it.
  22. when usa goes to war with afghanistan it is usa vs islam. when usa goes to war with iraq it is usa vs islam. when usa goes to war with syria it is usa vs islam but when russia goes to war with ukrain it is not christians vs ukrain . russia is an othodox christian coutry. why is russian war with ukrain called russian invasion of ukrain and not orthodox christian invasion of ukrain usa was a christian country in ww2. when usa detonated nuclear bomb in japan , from the above logic it should be christians detonated nuclear bomb in japan. but u will not find this anywhere . when usa goes to war it is always usa goes to war and not christians going to war. but when usa try to illegally invade afghanistan and iraq , it is usa trying to defeat islamist radicals , terrorist etc. there relegions comes to play but when russia vs ukrain there is no relegion. islamaphobia was invented by usa to justify their illegal war crimes in middle east. the public will go crazy if they come to relaize their war crimes. but usa need to win the public over , so they invented islamaphobia to make public hate islam so they will not raise voice against usa illegal war crimes in middle east muslim countries. below is the situation of afghanistan , caused by usa who went there to liberate woman and modernaize afghanistan “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” ― Malcolm X
  23. The guy who make the video above is a troll A guy called farid responds made 52 videos refuting apostate prophet exposing his lies.apostate prophet was challenged to make a counter video by farid but for 2 years he did not respond Above is a playlist of 52 videos refuting apostate prophet