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Everything posted by CuriousityIsKey

  1. Thank you sincerely for sharing your expirience It must be indeed a very peculiar experience if physical death is the same as the ego death expirience. However, due to the fact that while you had the lsd experience your body was still alive, meaning heart beat brain function all was intact, it still cannot be compared to physical death and what the experience of a physical death is like. Therefore, we cannot say it is the same, however I don't argue with you that it might be the same, but consider please the fact that while you had the experience kn lsd, your body was alive. And I will make sure to watch the vide.
  2. Fellow Beautiful Being, I really do not try to rain on the parade, im like most people would be very interested in hearing to anyone who can explain what death is. But I think it might something that human words are not enough to explain even if one was to die. Like let's someone who has a strong dmt experience try to explain with words what it is it like to experience.
  3. Because you are still typing here in the forum. And unfortunately nobody who died were fortunate enough to come back and tell us what it is. I wonder why? It seems that God made sure that that the ones who die have no means to tell to the ones who still didn't die, what death was/is.
  4. If I may ask You, what exactly is making you suffer? Symptoms? You have to Stay strong, believe that God is always nearer to you than anyone in the world I'm sorry for your suffering.
  5. Hi cypres , yes Community Adventure those things are awesome as well. But in this case it is more about the overall atmosphere and aesthetic of the H.P. universe. I'm not sarcastic even the slightest when say that I would love to. And knowing the simple facts such as that Consiusness : infinite and Reality : Love. I know there is a way to actually live an entire dream/life in Harry Potter universe, but how to achieve this request? What kind of knowledge one needs to obtain to understand how such a thing can be achieved? I think I'm not the only one, and there are others as well who would love to expirence a creating type of world, be a fantasy world akin to Lord of the rings or a Sci fiction world akin to Star Wars and more other possibility.
  6. For sure Brother and Thank you for the powerful words. But I HAVE to remind that I actually want to find out practically how to make that the next reincarnatiom would be in a reality/dream akin to Harry Potter. What am I saying is that watching a Harry Potter movie and actually reincarnating into a Harry Potter universe are two different expirences. How to make that the latter can be experienced? We know that consciousness if infinite. Thank you so much.
  7. I think what is not understood is that all of the posts in this thread are typing words such as "death" , "life" etc. But in actuality you are speaking of things that you most probly don't know as much as you think that you do.