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Everything posted by CuriousityIsKey

  1. So if I am God dreaming the dream, if I became lucid I could will the dream and change on the fly to whatever I desire? Like in lucid draam for example, no? Alspe, then, is the fastest way to permanently meet God is for the home sapien body to die? But why exactly this is the only way?
  2. Just dying won't cut it because one would reincarnate into a physical form again, is that what Buddha believed?
  3. The problem as I see it is that one expirences reality though a limited form, but one doesn't even have control over this form, meaning, ageing, potential illness, constant need to keep feeding the form etc. and even then the form deteriorates and dies. But why do people assume that one can exist only trhough a limited form? If one became everything, would one still be a Being?
  4. The question is, why do we have consiousness in the first place? These homo spaien bodies could have survived without our consiousness being attached to them.
  5. So if you become indifferent to wheter you suffer or not you cease to suffer? But you still stuck to being in a human body?
  6. Budda said to wake up from reality and its cycle of reincarantion because ultimately it is suffering. But would he change his mind if he smoked dmt? Serious question.
  7. I realised that I=Mind is a Dream Machine, dreaming different dreams forever, BUT ! What if I am disillusioned and tired of reality and its endless dreams with all kinds of unnecessary dramas and just want to hop off from the roller coaster and just be left alone forever and ever, how can I do that?
  8. But if to take into consideration what Buddha allegedly teached, whatever mental pehonemon and visions etc. all of these things are part of the dream, no matter how awesome they might seem, they just make one fall deeper into the clutches of the illusion. I think that's why Buddha emphasised on non attachment , because whatever is happening "on-the-screen" what we consider "life" is happenings that entrance us and ask for one's attention. But how does one become like Buddha and just "leave the movie screen" one and for all? Like exit the cinema we call reality?
  9. Ye, the Difference is though, Hinduism celebrates life , but Buddha wanted to wake up from the cycle of reincarnation once and for all.
  10. How do I break free from thos cycle of ongoing reincarnation into different forms? Namaste
  11. To be honest, no. I can't remember exactly the moment I started to exist.
  12. You make it sound like us humans are capable to have a will, but God has not will.
  13. No matter how much you get your stuff together etc. You still gonna get get older and sicker no? Entropy exist. What if I wanna be forever young and healthy? Ahh f*ck my opinion and my wants right? I'm just a puppet that existence uses to experience another flavour of life. And then it all ends for me when I die. What a deal, what a deal man...........
  14. So reality is 100% God's will and it is 100% perfect. Ok, So then if one gets an illness, should one fight it or don't fight it cuz it's God's will for you to have the illness?
  15. But what does this imply for the human Me? What does change in my life? It's like... one of those things which you want to say "And what?".
  16. Wait so there is death? Really, guys, sometimes you say death is impossible because existence is all there is, then you say death is real and care about methods to avoid death.
  17. Want to say Big Thank You for everyone who read my question and took their time and effort to reply, Thank Yiu, and God willingly, evrthing will be in it's right place. Best wishes ?????
  18. Only people who spend a huge amount of time (3+ years" on trying to get rid of a chronic illness and suffering from it daily without a fix, will understand what I mean. I really think it is just "unnecessary" suffering, it just robs you from your time, youth, health. This all isnt too loving for me. I mean, if anybody had the choice to choose if people would be ill or healthy, I'm sure what people would choose, and that's the answer. But it looks God doesn't or can't take human Pov's into consideration. And then, there are theories that try to explain this by for example saying that it is karma, and that for example if yiu have a chronic illnes in this life it must be due to some bad karma from your past life etc. Which explains the ill children etc.
  19. If God wanted me to be healthy, God would give me illnes in the first place don't you think? Or even if its not God who gave me the illnes, God could have taken it away. I don't think God gives me illnes, God is Goodnes.
  20. Carl-Richard, I think I understood, do you mean God is Awareness? So Awareness let's Me be Aware, by Awareness being Me?
  21. Carl-Richard, I think what you wrote here is a great great understanding. Can you Please-Please explain it more thoroughly, I really would be thankful, because I do not want to miss the entire meaning of this sentence.
  22. But me as God then, will I ever have an existence in a corporeal from in which I will have total control over reality? Or am I eternally doomed to reincarnation into different corporeal forms without having the ability to control reality? Like for example to decide that there won't be aging, illnes etc.?
  23. But while I'm in this human life, I am stuck to suffer things outside of my control? Like potential illness, and many other unfortunate things, just for it all to end at the death of this home sapien body. Doesn't sound fun. Doesn't this make God selfish, in the way that God fully being aware that from my human perspective I might be in suffering, chooses to not alleviate my situation? And I'm sure I'm not the only human who might suffering from a chronic illness.