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Everything posted by CuriousityIsKey

  2. Like is Consiousness Literally Limitless? LIKE IS there Power above Consousness ?
  3. I truly believe that Consiousness can do these things without such unnecessary suffering as this. Come on guys we are better that this.
  4. I'm sorry but it really seems like you domt know what you guys talking about.
  5. Could you please explain this in simpler terms ? Thank you.
  6. If everyone it's You, should one ever feel embarrassed? Like people aren't embarrassed usually until there is another person(s). But if everybody is You, than why ever feel embarrassed?
  7. SRS Question - Will I go to Hell for being TOO Atracted to sex with women? Like I can't imagine existing without them, but my spiritual consious is bothering me.
  8. Good points. Do you think, there us a full proof way to find out? Like logic etc. ?
  9. I hear your point Bro, but the fact that almost all of the major religions on this planet talk about hell, must have a reason right?
  10. Can you PLEASE ? tell me who the energy worker was?! I deal with chronic pain, and I can see how it can be you.
  11. It is a known fact that Buddha taught how to wake up from Life/Dream, because Life is suffering, and thus to get rid of suffering one has to extinguish the flame of life, by becoming disattached to life. However, if Life was not suffering, would Buddha still want/teach how to wake up from life?
  12. Can I please ask you, then, what motivates you to be on the forum? If yiu are free from the matrix?
  13. But other than thoughts, you still have things such as vision content, audio content, bodily sensation content no? Thoughts aren't only things arising no? And why did nothing became into a matrix anyway?
  14. And what's outside of matrix? Does the content of reality change? Did you ever have a glimpse? Though psychedelics or meditation ?
  15. I mean I can actually imagine that I could fly, if I can imagine it can be so right, because reality is imagination, its simple. So the logical explanation is that there is something preventing me.
  16. I do contemplate almost every night until I fall asleep which ends up with having dream after dream until I wake up to this reality. I did have an expirence where I became consuous of the fact that I'm existence itself and that whatever I belive is reality basically. However, now I do think whether that "realizaiton" was false. I mean, even if I believe that I can fly, I can't fly. So I ask myself what force stop me from controlling the dream. Why cant I become a more active agent of reality and cease to be a passive prisoner of reality?
  17. Then you assume that the difference between the dreams at night and the dream of life is that the dram of life is more consistent? But they are made of the same "thing"? Then, why if one become lucid in the dream of night's one can become someone akin Neo in the Matrix but it seems like people can't bent the rules of this dream we call life? What stops?
  18. The best I can tell you from my expirience, that I am in the skull, that's how it feels like at the very least.
  19. I understand that words are concepts, and concepts are ideas and can be illusionary. However, when I stand in front of the mirror I see a human looking back at Me.
  20. I agree ? ?, I too had this realisation. Even if its not real, its still expirenced isn't it? But I'm still experiencing life though this limited homo sapien form, and knowing the avarge life span of humans, seems like its gonna be doing this for quite a while, with ageing, illness down the road. (Which I don't want to to be honest) However, if life is Truly Infjnite Imagination, there should be a reality in which I can lucid dream reality like Neo in the Matrix, I mean I can imagine it in my mind, why can't it manifest?
  21. So I am doomed, to be this human, experiencing it grow older, sicker, etc.? Damn.
  22. Man, idk if you read what Buddha allegedly told in his teachings, he told to become dissattached to life and to existinguish existence. Buddha didn't celebrate life, because he thaught life to be suffering.