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Everything posted by CuriousityIsKey

  1. Interesting...but why would I do it to myself? ? I wanna understand.
  2. Then who or what gives chronic illnes?
  3. If God can literally heal my chronic illnes or Leo's, as an example, but God doesn't do it, does it then mean that God does not want to? But why not? I can't answer this ?
  4. Damn, I wonder why we have ego to begin with. Is that some kind of a mistake lol.
  5. I wonder what consequences of action do kids with cancer have, hmm... ? Or am I misunderstanding something? Or is it because of bad karma from their previous lives? I am just trying to understand how this system works.
  6. I see your point Friend, your logic is very sound. However, I don't understand why the need for the extra challenges, Its all God anyways, why does God have to proof something to himself? Isn't that something who is insecure does. If its all just imagnery super realistic VR expirience, then why not expirnce a full on heaven right at this moment? You know ?
  7. Could you please explain it in more detail how the habitual thinking patters create heath problems ? Thank you much
  8. I could put it this way: I realize its all a play/movie, but I kinda want to expirience another play/movie because the current one is not adequate for my high taste standard. I just saying it honestly ?.
  9. Ok, I see your point. But why people here keep saying "it's imagenery anyways" it is not even a sound argument, because imginatjon is the procces by which reality is Created. Reality literally xist because it is imagined to be a certain way by God, and it is very real to us because we expirience it. Even if the expirience is imagined, simulated,etc., it is still expirienced.
  10. Friend, but if we are already God, and we having this dream, wouldn't that mean that we are dreaming exactly because God wanted to dream. I mean, it's not even necessary for us to awaken to be God, because we are already God. Friend, think about it, whe you had a very nice dream, you did not want to wake up from the dream right? And you didn't even care about something else, you were genigunly happy. I just don't understand, knowing that God is omniscient (which means God knows about my suffering more than anyone) and is omnipoent (which means God can chnage my dream any time to be better) and yet God doesn't do it, even though God is Highest Love, I don't understand why God doesn do it. It should not be any difficult for God. I KNOW that Love is the answer, but I genuinely feel sad knowing how much more beutiful and loving my life could be if not for this chronic illnes which hinders my ability to expirience this dream to its fullest potential for beauty and love.
  11. I understand that fro the Absolute God's point of view as you say it is all perfect. OK. However, I ask myself why The Absolute doesn't want to consider my POV?? Wouldn't that be loving me? I mean I am not absolute, but even I can feel sad for others misfortune. Am I more loving then? All of this doesn't chnage the fact that I am stuck with only my POV, in a Universe who is allegedly all Loving and All Omniscient, but doesn't even want to consider my POV.
  12. Yes, have to agree to skme extent. But we are speaking here about omnipotent and omniscient God, who is outside if time and space and thus outside of casuality. In other words, if God would willed at this very moment God could take away the chronic illness. It is easy for God to do, to do.
  13. No need to troll friend. But if you want to act naive. Please be welcome.
  14. I am literally the center of this dream we call the universe, so even saying that "it doesn't revolve around me" it's not a sound argument at all. It does revolved around me, because whatever I sense around me is Literally the Only thing that exists. When I am in my bedroom, the universe is literally only the bedroom, there is nothing outside of it. Are you contradicting yourself, or did we have different insights?
  15. It's my only POV, so maybe the universe could get some sense of responsibility. Because it created me, my ego and body, but then it literally makes life unnecessary harder by giving my chronic illness, and then says like "it is your problem now, dude" Let us be honest is that highest love? Is that highest maturity? Would anyone sane give other people cancers and then tell them it is your problem? Would you? I wouldn't, if you ask me. I guess it is easy, for universe to say this, because its me who is living with this, day to day basis.
  16. My Trip just ended, so I have to explain what I experienced, basically these beings, for the lack of a better term, kept telling me on repeat this sentence: - " Whatever you believe is Reality " What da heck did they mean by this???
  17. Does existence have any worth higher than nonexistence? Or is it the different kinds of attachments people have which from the point of the view of the individuals makes existence ce more worthy than nonexistence. Which would mean that if one would have no attachments then non existence would be as good as existence for that person, isn't that correct?
  18. Ok, so you mean to say that nobody can have no attachments, and thus one is bond to have expirience?
  19. How do you then explain that lions are not red but of whatever color they are? Is not a choice? By God?
  20. Hello, I just did DMT instead of aya. And I did become aware of two undeniable facts: 1.) I am the only Consious being in reality. 2.) Everything that's around me is the only thing that exists, in other words when I am in the bedroom, the bedroom is the only thing that exists, and everything that outside does not exist. Which means....I am God. I always thought that if each person gave me 1 dollar, I would have 8 billion. Instead, I will ask you, who are literally imagined by me, to please give me however amount you deem ti be worthy of giving to God, which depends on how grateful you are to me for imagining you. This is God's PayPal, : Consider this please as charity,for the one who needs and deserve it❤️ Thank you my creations. I love you, and hope you love me too, kisses and hugs.
  21. NO NEED to be sorry. If anything I WOULD like to apologize myself. Maybe I got misunderstood. The psychedelic expirience showed me this and I thought if others are imagined by me and I am the only consious being, then why take it seriously, might as well ask everyone to donate me, cuz I'm the only real one, hehe. Thats why I keep asking, to what extent psychedelic trip experiences can be take as true at face value?
  22. Funny how everyone is so loving and selfless...until the topic is money. Everything that needed to be proved got proved. And humans think they can even compare themselves to God. When God literally gave them everything they have. Whereas for a human to give something without asking something in return is almost an insult. Maybe its an insult because people still didnt learn what undonditonal care and love is?
  23. Also what's up with repeatedly ASSUMING that if something is imagined that it is not real. Imagintion is how reality creates.
  24. Why are you in this forum then if you are literally making a mockery? Go take a psychedelic and see how this is a joke or not.
  25. If one does not want to dream any more, how could one cease to exist? I know that death is not option, because one will reincarnate back , so it's pointless for that. But how can one then cease to exist? I think beings should have the choice if thr want to. I find existence to overrated.