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About Wyverz

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  1. "God might be super pleased with Its own existence, but if the One is so god damn smart why does It go ahead and split into everything for all eternity? So It can have something else to see Itself in and delude Itself that It's not alone. God's loneliness literally created the Universe. It IS alone. It always has been, It always will be, and It has nothing better to do than fractalize into infinite limited forms that torture themselves simply by virtue of not understanding. Not that they had a choice in the matter, the One decided for them." This is freaking me out.
  2. I agree, but once you've had a glimpse of the true nature it's pretty hard to return to the feeling of individuality although other people truly experience it. I'm actually slowly returning, thank god, but I have such bad paranoia that the ultimate truth is full of loneliness and misery.
  3. So when god takes shape of individuality everything's fine, but when god experiences the absolute truth loneliness is present?
  4. I had an ego death experience on mushrooms this weekend and it was the most terrifying experience I've ever been through. I was definitely not handling it the way I should have, as I kept denying and denying and denying. I felt like if I would have surrendered to the ego death I would have disappeared for good, so I kept clinging on to my regular human life as hard as I could. I had so much anxiety and I tried to make it go away by hugging my friend, but whenever I did I realized that it was just me hugging myself. This was the reason the trip was so terrifying. As I realized that I was just one big entity the feeling of loneliness became unbearable. Eventually I came back, gradually, but the feeling of loneliness is still lingering in my body. As I go throughout life, I keep thinking that it's just me everywhere I go. I googled and found people experiencing the same thing. Which makes me wonder, is god lonely? Is god creating boundaries and the idea of different entities to forget about it's own lonely existence?