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Everything posted by kamwalker

  1. Everyone is at different stages of development. Things that were said to me years ago had no impact, but now when I hear them I REALLY understand them. There's no point in trying to push people with this stuff. They'll be ready when they're ready
  2. @4201 that’s sort of what I was getting at. I don’t want to write off the possibility of there being actual brain damage because I have never met OP, but I also know it’s possible to convince yourself of this as well especially for younger people.
  3. Just curious how was the brain damage diagnosed?
  4. Lol this guy…his response would turn off many girls for his lack of leadership. But he might just not be interested either and thus has no investment. From my own perspective I don’t give crappy responses like that even if I I’m not interested. I still make an effort
  5. I sit and allow the feeling to run its course. Stop resisting. As I do this I gradually start to notice the feeling simply happening and that it is not actually happening to me at all. And I no longer identify with the feeling after a short period of time.
  6. Looks matter but it’s so subjective. There’s no blue print for how a woman needs to look to be good looking. I find women with very little or no makeup attractive. That’s just what I’ve noticed throughout my life. I remember one girl saying she couldn’t understand my taste in women, saying the girls I’m attracted to are very “plain”. I would actually weight personality and physical attraction equally for me. She doesn’t need to be some bombshell that makes all my guy friends compliment me, she just needs to be attractive enough to me. But I have friends who are a bit insecure and not only want to find their girl attractive, but they want to make sure others do too.
  7. I agree. Sometimes when I listen to PUa’s talk I realize how superficial a lot of the advice is and who it’s catered too. The spiritual work I’ve done over the years has centered me and I’ve gained a much better ability to be present that it’s all I really need when I talk to girls. The techniques and quest for sex that they teach are great for guys who are starting from a place of very little self worth though. I also like James Marshall. He attempts to embody a more “whole” approach that applies to more than just pick up
  8. I don't mean this is a patronizing or condescending way, but a 23 year old man or woman is basically a child. You assume everyone else around you has somehow figured life out but they haven't. They're 30-40 year olds I would still classify like this to be honest. You need experience. But don't approach your experiences with the mindset of being a failure or being a late bloomer. None of that matters just have fun and things will come naturally over time.
  9. It actually happens pretty naturally with the right person. You pick up on their lack of judgement and become open to expressing your emotions with them. I have two friends, one is a guy and one is a girl that I can do this with. It’s not an all the time thing because people don’t want to become your therapist but it’s very helpful.
  10. I read this after I made my post, but YES. This is exactly what I feel. Once you realize this it occurs to you how much you and so many others took for granted that anything is happening at all
  11. Reality itself. That we are even here existing as it. It's so absurd that it becomes beautiful and it brings so much love out of me the more I become aware of that. It's always new
  12. I had something of a difficult trip myself tonight so I relate on that. But when I reflect it appeared difficult because i was resisting and not letting go. It happens sometimes. Just have to accept reality as it is. You don’t always get the trip you want
  13. Nice. I also like to view it such that reality is like a beautiful landscape. Thought is a layer of cloud that overlays it. When you're unaware of thought you assume the overlay over the landscape is normal and just the way it is. Then as you become more conscious and aware of thought you gain this ability to see through the overlay and gaze into pure reality. The overlay/thought is still there but has little effect on your view of the landscape because you can now see right through it.
  14. Best part is at one point the kid taps into a higher degree of awareness he had never experienced before
  15. Use it appropriately just like anything else. That means something different for everyone. Few things are black and white enough to be labeled as good or bad. I still partake in certain recreational drugs when the situation is right that most of the population would consider, as Leo says, devilry. Life is not about pigeonholing yourself into a certain way of living Personally I take breaks from coffee every now and then so that my body doesn't get too accustomed to it and I don't consume more than 1 cup in a day.
  16. It is such an incredible feeling when you feel yourself becoming more and more aware of the distinction between thought and Self. So many “problems” that would have affected you in the past just vanish. It’s magical and beautiful
  17. Most people that do stuff like this transition to something else after a few years when it gets stale and they want to do something more impactful for the world. Nothing wrong with it, but prank videos are not something I’d bank on being super long term
  18. I know it seems counter intuitive but try not to make decisions based on what you think “should” happen. You’ll drive yourself mad and be disappointed that someone didn’t live up to expectations you set for someone when they weren’t even aware they existed at all. If you are interested enough just ask him out. You’ll find out right away whether all of this was worth it in the first place. The alternative is forget about him and if he starts taking the initiative then you’ll also have your answer. But just don’t spend too much time playing these games! You guys are young and this is normal for many but it’s better to grow out of it sooner rather than later
  19. Don’t over analyze text message conversations. You’ll read into things and create a scenarios in your mind that are probably not even be real. Waste of time. Meet up with him in person and see how interested you really are in each other. If things go well your texting conversations will naturally smoothen out
  20. Notice the one that is generating those thoughts of anxiety and existential crisis. If you truly do not exist as an “I” and have let go of the identification with the self then perhaps your true self is not the one experiencing those thoughts and feelings and thus there is nothing to worry about?
  21. Nope. Was shy and afraid to speak up for most of my life. I had a fair amount of friends but I was the quiet one. Then at 28 I started tripping and I got a job that forced me to come out of my shell. Conversation became effortless after that
  22. The person is going to form a judgment based on your answer, regardless of what it is. I think it’s something not worth bringing up. Unless it’s the cause of some sort of trauma that needs to be addressed because it’s affecting the relationship then just leave it in the past. It doesn’t seem that important to me.
  23. Do not take 1000 ug. If it's real LSD you don't need anywhere near that much. That's reckless and will exponentially increase the risk of a bad trip
  24. I'm present and there are very few thoughts. Words just flow out of me in conversation. This is also where wit and humor is generated from. I enjoy socializing and think it's fascinating figuring out how to relate to others.
  25. I was like you in the beginning of my tripping days. Didn’t really know what I was getting myself into, but just wanted to experience new things. While I did open my mind up, it wasn’t until last year that I realized how limited my approach was. I got more into spirituality and that changed my trips. Was no longer self focused and was able to breakthrough into discoveries of reality. Much of Leo’s advice is on point here