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Everything posted by kamwalker

  1. @impulse9 I guess I could see that. Who has time to question the fabric of the illusion of your coffee table when you don’t know if you can pay the electric bill or why the guy you like left you on read
  2. Do most people feel completely mind fucked by reality itself or does it not even cross their mind? Sometimes I'll just be walking around my apartment and then have to stop and feel the need to look around or at an object. And just wonder what the hell is going on or how this object is even being perceived by me. At times it can feel super overwhelming just taking in the vastness of what is happening in this moment. It can even make me feel like I'm going insane sometimes.
  3. I didn't take any psychs until I was 28. I could have started a few years earlier, but I'm glad nothing earlier than that. I needed the life experience to ground myself that I wouldn't have had prior to that. You might be fine taking them at 16, but you have to be ready to deal with the potential consequences as well which could be much harder to get a grasp on at a young age.
  4. @Terell Kirby what kind of ways have you found to combine them both synergistically?
  5. If I do it with my eyes closed I tend to get dizzy and nauseous.
  6. I agree about taking breaks during the process. I feel myself still putting up resistance because I have attachments I’m not ready to give up yet. I knowingly try to stick my head in the sand, but it’s fucking scary because even when I tell myself to do this it feels as though I’m caught in a river and now it’s too late to get out even if I want to.
  7. Integrating everything I learn. It’s so easy to have all the nice feelings and exist purely in the moment when things are going well. But when external reality decides it’s time to fuck you 5 different ways all at the same time that’s where the real test is.
  8. The way I have started to see things is that I would have made the exact same decisions as everyone else if I was given their same life circumstances. There can be no judgement as a result of this. As much as the ego wants to criticize someone for doing something that it thinks it would NEVER do…this is false.
  9. @Jakuchu I don't think I have ever had the slightest bit of nausea with any psychedelic or drug I've ingested with the except of alcohol edit: actually add tobacco to the exception list
  10. Yes he was saying something along the lines that a lot of the suffering mankind goes through is unnecessary because we could advance civilization and technology at a much faster rate if more people dedicated their energy to sciences. No more mindless jobs that could be performed by AI. The result of that would inevitably allow people to begin thinking beyond just materialism. I see this as stage Yellow thinking.
  11. He's very wise. Have listened to a bunch of his stuff. Seems very SD-Yellow
  12. @Mason Riggle People need to be completely honest with themselves. I think some hear Leo's words and they like the way they sound so they unknowingly adopt them as a belief and mistake it for knowing. It's like if you had never heard of a camel and someone told you such a thing exists, but they couldn't use words to describe what it was. This would have little impact on you. You would have to go see one for yourself to truly get it. Then words of description wouldn't even be necessary.
  13. Are you sure you know you’re awake? Or do you just believe you are?
  14. I've done periods of it to see what kind of effect it would have on me. They usually last about 2-3 weeks, but the longest I've gone was 4 months. I didn't feel it changed my life in any significant way. I think it's useful in the short term if you notice fatigue in your life as masturbation can have you feeling drained if you do it too much.
  15. I think that's a reasonable take for why someone would be consuming alcohol and is true much of the time. My point of the post wasn't really supposed to be about alcohol though, it was just an example of how I've found it helpful for my own growth to occasionally dabble in what people view as hedonistic pleasures. I agree with your second point about consciousness. It ties into what I said about recontexualization of reality. The content of that experience is dictated by the awareness of the experience itself.
  16. So I know that most people here like to discuss high consciousness and almost tend to demonize low conscious states, but I want to take a second to give my take on how being in these "low conscious" states are actually not something to write off. It's easy to get very lost in the spirituality realm and go through moments of crisis before coming to a certain awakening. You might think powering through it is the only option. In my experience going through periods of just letting all of it go are incredibly helpful. I've just sat home, took some edibles, drank some alcohol, put on some dance music, raved out of my mind, and induced states of euphoria most people probably won't ever understand. I've gone to a club and grinded on a stranger with the same feelings being felt. After doing stuff like this it has actually helped me with continuing the work of feeling true Self. Having said that I was only able to experience these moments through recontexualization of reality via spirituality. It confirms to me the importance of balancing it all. One foot on both sides of the field. Everything.
  17. You are literally mixing the two right now. And will continue to do so for the rest of your day.
  18. @Preety_India if you are under the assumption that engaging in materialist pleasure is not part of the process then you and a lot of people are going to have to rethink a lot about your life
  19. MDMA, E, Molly they are all referring to the same thing in regards to the primary compound. But pure MDMA is different than MDMA mixed with an assortment of other junk. The usually comes in the form of a pressed pill and is referred to as ecstasy or E. You also definitely committed one of the most rookie mistakes of taking another pill thinking the first one is a dud. Please never do that again. It’s also worth pointing out that a person’s interpretation of what is happening to them under the influence of a drug is very very dependent on the experiences they’ve had in life. It could have had psychedelic effects on you, but wouldn’t do the same for another who has had a different life experience.
  20. Too much thinking. When socializing there shouldn’t be much thought at all. This is where the flow of interactions are generated. Right now the anxiety is coming through and dictating the interaction instead.
  21. But that’s exactly all everything is. This moment is existence and everything. That’s it.
  22. For me I notice it in my chest and I become more conscious of my heart rhythm.
  23. The thing is even my most like minded friends don’t necessarily care about the realizations I have. Not everyone is ready to face certain truths at that particular point in their life. But you can use the truth to come through you and illuminate the friendships you do have in other ways.
  24. Single life can be very comfortable. But what's comfortable is also just what you are familiar with. Some can't stand the idea of not having a partner. Both states are good to experience as it gives you both perspectives. I don't see myself ever getting married (trying to create permanence doesn't end well in my opinion), but having a partner I can relate to on many levels that I can spend time with would be a good experience.