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Everything posted by kamwalker
I have seen nothing to suggest we are trending towards this. If anything we've been going further and further away from this as people have only felt less and less valued at their place of work in pursuit of company profit for shareholders. Now we are suddenly going to do a 180 on that? LOL
It really is semantics because if you take the definition of murder as killing unjustly or without reason then one can always find a reason to justify it based on their set of beliefs. And depending on the context you will find that many people will be OK with murder. A person who just raped a child and proceeds to walk away and gets gunned down by someone who saw it happen would garner a lot of sympathy in the public eye and I wager would not want them prosecuted. I'm not here to debate what is worse, a healthcare CEO getting rich off killing people vs some other evil act, but the point is that everyone has a tipping point. It's easy to sit here and try to straddle the line during internet post discussions because it makes you come across as less biased (when in reality all humans are biased no matter how hard you try), but when shit hits the fan and one of these situations applies to your life I guarantee every single one of you will be a lot less confident with your declarations.
How can you say there is no just cause for murder? There are plenty of situations where we murder people either through the death penalty, self defense, or emotional retaliation. To say there is no just cause for murder is some sort of holier than thou attitude where you want to come across as enlightened when the truly enlightened answer is that some things simply are binary as a human. Otherwise civilization would not exist as it does. If someone murdered your new born son or daughter in front of you you would be singing a different tune.
The pictures they have showed us never seem consistent. Still not sure why this guy had every piece of evidence on his person at the time of the arrest. Or why he never bothered to attempt a disguise. Was he trying to get caught? Makes no sense
Crazy how the media makes such a big deal out this. The vast majority of Americans do not care that he is dead and have no interest in the shooter getting caught. No one is going to have empathy for corrupt people who got rich at the expense of human life. This is the only way to even remotely even the playing field…keep these ghouls from ever feeling safe knowing their billions won’t save them
The more attachments you have in the world, the more likely it is you will eventually lose your mind if you continue to explore Consciousness. I came to this understanding about two years ago and pretty much decided to not go that deep again until I'm ready. The clash of trying to maintain some semblance of a normal life where the people around you don't have the slightest clue what you're experiencing will start to make you feel crazy.
Orange isn't going away in America. Tbh it has only gotten stronger these last few years. Most companies are drilling harder and harder into hyper efficiency and profit generation at the expense of job satisfaction. Leo is right that most want the image of being green while functioning at orange. Notice your bosses always say all the right things in meetings about how they value you, promote mental health, diversity, etc and yet they will fire you in a heart beat and replace you with someone else as soon as they can if you don't fit into their bottom line. Look no further than modern day healthcare, a sector you would expect human decency to be at the core of its existence and yet it has been fucked into oblivion by private equity and reduced doctors into grunt workers who are just cogs in a wheel whose purpose is to churn out as many patients as possible. It's not about providing the best quality care for humans. It's a business like everything else in this country
kamwalker replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
I agree with you. That's why I'm saying awakening is nothing special. He understands reality on level most people don't but his ego still allows him to make idiotic decisions that benefit him. And that same thing could happen to you too if you were in his position -
kamwalker replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Yeah. I've listened to enough of his 5-MeO experiences and even just pure explanations of reality to know he gets it. But he's so rich and famous now that he is losing his soul. It can happen to anyone -
kamwalker replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Your own ego will cloud how you see it -
kamwalker replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
He is awake. It's obvious if you actually listen to many of his podcasts. But his ideology is still clearly influenced by his status in society. Awakening is nothing to be respected. You guys put it up on this pedestal like only "special" people can understand it. There are many people here who are awake but have no idea how to function in society. If you don't understand how to balance both it's useless -
kamwalker replied to r0ckyreed's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Who you vote for has nothing to do with being awake. There are awake people who are still very much attached to their ego and will do what benefits them. Rogan is a clear example of this -
Strangely though I have noticed Joe becoming more awakened in some ways. In his latest podcast with Brian Cox he says at the 1:08:00 mark that he had been pondering a thought about existence but realized someone "else" had beat him to it, that the Universe and God are the same thing. The Universe is everything including God. He never used to feel that way before based on previous podcasts where I was beating my head with a stick getting so frustrated at him missing how obvious it is. When you first awaken to this it feels mind blowing and then just becomes second nature to your existence, but when someone finally realizes it after 50-60 years of living it's a pretty big deal so I wouldn't say he's necessarily stuck in his level of ego development.
I don't see a problem with dating multiple people so long as you don't feel it's something you have to hide. If you do then it's probably wrong. I just always try to be honest so I never have to feel guilty and can just be myself.
MDMA has given me the best afterglows of any drug I've ever done and have never had anything even remotely resembling a comedown. My most powerful awakening came on MDMA actually Most people just don't understand how to use it properly. They take too much or redose too much and disrespect it
I think if you are OK with marriage you should also be OK with divorce. Just accept it is something that may happen and all the ramifications that come with it from both an emotional and financial perspective. If you don't think you will be able to handle going through a divorce then you should never get married. Divorce is so statistically common that it would be foolish of you to think you will be the exception.
...So you are leaving the house to meet this person in real life. That's exactly my point. Most people are sitting at home jerking off to pixels or swiping on people's photos they will never meet in real life.
I'm aware of the apparent future population decline due to people not having kids at the replacement rate. But it has very little if anything to do with males being unattractive to women. Without doing any research my best guess is people are generally just more selfish now. I don't mean that in a bad way. I just mean people are prioritizing what is best for themselves. If they make just enough money to sustain themselves they don't want to undergo unnecessary financial stress to care for another life. Social gatherings also aren't seen as necessary as many people choose to stay home and use modern technology to satisfy their needs whether it's a dopamine or social desire. The problem is you can't procreate through a screen. Also there's nothing wrong with the hot woman being with the Chad. Why should the average to ugly guy get the hot girl? If that happens it should be seen as a fluke. It's not the norm. Physically unattractive people date other physically unattractive people, average looking people date other average looking people, and hot people date other hot people.
kamwalker replied to Federico del pueblo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Very true. There's a right time and place to reveal these vulnerabilities, but it's very much appreciated when people do. It's hard to connect with people who are too worried about projecting an image of what they want to be to the world. My closest friends are all people I've tripped with -
I feel like it's more accurate to say 20% of men don't need anything beyond their looks to get laid. These are the Chads who just have good genetics, but they are the small minority. Honestly even 20% sounds too high. I think it's more like 10% of guys are like that. The other 90% aren't physically attractive enough to do that and they need to develop themselves in another way in order to get attention from women. And that's what most of us end up doing. If 80-90% of men were actually that physically repulsive to women then we would have a severe population crisis. There will always be someone who is on your level looks wise and this is the most likely person you will end up with. It's very rare to see a huge deviation where an ugly guy is with a hot girl. Just look around you. Most people that are together it just makes sense from a looks standpoint. So there is no excuse to say you can't find someone because of your looks so long as you don't go out of your way to look unattractive (not shower, not groom yourself, not exercise)
Body will recover and you'll be fine. But you did something incredibly foolish to trip and then try to trip again basically as soon as the initial trip ended. I recommend you do some reading up on the substances you are ingesting and understand how they work neuro chemically. This is a rookie mistake and don't listen to anyone who tells you it's fine to do this just because nothing happened to them. Your trips will be 1000x better if you give yourself breaks in between and you are a lot less likely to destabilize your mind
Cocaine and alcohol combo is usually my go to if it's going to be a long night. Yes I know all about how horrible it is for you I don't need to hear a lecture. Usually don't snort these days to protect my nasal passages but if I do it's a small amount just to keep me awake Phenibut is good but loses its magic after only a few times. It was completely euphoric the first 3-4 times I did it and it just seemed to lose that effect after. You build a tolerance fast and it is extremely dangerous if you get addicted to this stuff. I used to mix with alcohol but that's a big no no. I would stay away. Adderall just makes me feel like garbage, but some ppl like it MDMA is too powerful for me to do on just a normal night out. No reason to feel that good around a bunch of aggressive drunk people A small dose of LSD with alcohol can be extremely fun too Basically what you're looking for based on your criteria is alcohol with a small amount of cocaine.
kamwalker replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
God is everything. There's no aspect of existence, reality, your reality that isn't God. Stop trying to pretend any particle of anything is anything but God. Every thought, every glance out of your eye, , every drop in temperature, everything. You cannot escape yourself. Don't take this to believe your human understanding of the world around you is God's understanding however. -
Sounds traumatic. Usually when I have a trip like this I lay off for a long time. What I learned from a traumatic trip like this about a year ago was that I was yearning for something my ego was not ready for. I’m still too attached to my physical body and the material world. Often times we read about other people’s experiences and think we want the same, but our arrogance can lead us astray. Everyone is at a different point in this journey and if we try to bypass certain steps substances like mushrooms can serve as a harsh reminder to take a step back and reevaluate.
If height on a guy is the equivalent of big tits/ass on a woman then ask yourself if you’ve ever fallen for a girl who did not have those features? I have plenty of times. Height is not as important as you think it is. On paper people think these things matter and then when they meet someone in person who for some reason turns them on and they can’t figure out why they aren’t even paying attention to height or the size of their tits.