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Everything posted by Synnergy

  1. Hello. The Afghanistan situation is now a disaster. I don't know how to assess what is happening there.
  2. I can not fathom how in the world could people vote for Joe Biden... I can not comprehend that. It is beyond me. It is beyond my faculty of reason. I warned my friends not to vote for Joe Biden. They didn't listen. The Biden administration instilled so much fear not only in the people of Afghanistan but in the entire world. Our allies are no longer trusting us. Biden has been warned repeatedly not to withdrawal so many troops at once from Afghanistan. He was warned about the US military equipment that was left behind, meaning that it will fall into the hands of the Taliban, a known terrorist group. And now it did! The Pentagon and several military generals are warning again that another terrorist attack will likely happen in the next days. I would prefer a president with provocative tweets than an incompetent, demented man. The left doesn't understand that human beings are still mammals and that people respond to strength, not diplomacy. I'm enraged.
  3. Hello. Before I start, I want to mention that I have another account on this forum with over 8000 posts and replies. Since I can not talk freely about politics here (although it should be a platform that welcomes free expression and difference of opinion), I won't be using it and I won't disclose my real account. Not to mention that I have many friends here that just won't talk about politics and their conservative views mainly because they fear that they'll get banned. In truth, conservatives are not allowed to talk on public forums or social media without being suppressed or banned. There's a huge bias against conservatives on this forum and a strong anti-conservative sentiment. We can not express ourselves freely because we'll end up losing our account and all that we've invested in this community, including supporting @Leo Gura on Patreon. I don't know the exact number of those who were banned on this forum but I believe it is a significant one. It shouldn't be this way. Conservativism has its role in the world and the left will never be able to change our minds, no matter how hard they're trying to push their worldview on us. IT IS OKAY TO HAVE DIFFERENCES OF OPINION. IT IS OKAY TO DISAGREE AND STILL TALK WITH EACH OTHER. We, as conservatives, if we disagree with you, we tell you that you're wrong and never shut you down. But when it comes to the left, you're just bad and there's no room for debate; you're a "harmer" of society. Really? I'm sorry to say it but the most biased and egoistic people are on the left. I noticed that they have the most trauma, even those who are into spirituality. To get to the point, I'm a member of from the beginning and a donor to Leo on Patreon. If this community continues to ban users and stifle their expression and points of view, I will leave for good, and stop supporting on Patreon. Enough is enough!
  4. I take them to be objective truth since they have been proven to work in reality. And I also stand with the West. We're by far superior to other cultures and I'm not saying that because I have an ego. We must acknowledge the moral superiority of the West. Here is the deal: slavery was universal. The West is the first and only civilization on planet Earth that abolished slavery. That is what makes us morally different. I would encourage you to stand with the West and enjoy your freedoms.
  5. China is totally different than the Western world. Start criticizing the government there and see what happens.
  6. @EternalForest, they have invested too much in @Leo Gura's teachings. And now they believe them to be objectively true. Leo does a great job when it comes to consciousness work. Other than that, take him with a grain of salt and that's with all due respect to Leo. You should be aware of Thomas Sowell's book: "How Intellectuals Ruin Society." Human beings are complex creatures. We can not create a utopia on planet Earth. We must allow what works in reality, not what sounds good in theory.
  7. Those values are objectively proven by reality. They work! USA, Canada, Europe, and Australia, all these countries are capitalistic. They work and innovate all the time. When I get up in the morning, the lights are on and the highways running. I go to a Starbucks and drink a delicious coffee; that moves me to tears. I'm relatively free in a Western nation and I'm grateful for that. You can't contradict reality and throw onto me all sorts of "nuances" that are useless in reality. You're either a capitalist or you are not.
  8. Hello. After a few years of hardcore meditation (staying present a few hours a day), I've come to look at coffee as a substance that enhances your well-being in a totally different way. Just a few sips of coffee make everything look different and life appears to be more meaningful in a subjective sense. I don't suggest using coffee as a crutch or as something that you depend upon. No. I only say that after you bypass The Dark Night of the Soul and become more conscious (to the point of being awake), drugs are experienced differently. You simply know how to revel in the delightful experiences that they offer: all of a sudden, a cup of coffee, a not-so-potent joint, a cigarette, a glass of wine, or a few squares of dark chocolate can bring joy into your life like never before, to the point of weeping without control. And sometimes you start to cry... We're often in search of meaning, without realizing that life is full of it. Even beingness is something that offers joy and meaning, but we're not persistent enough to reach its dimension. I had a cup of coffee at work. It was a highly intense moment. My mind was so clear that I thought: "Wow, it is so pleasant and refreshing just to be alive!" Now, I have a challenge for those who don't drink coffee. Don't eat for at least four days in a row and then drink a strong coffee the next day. It will be one of the most significant experiences you've had in your life. Note: don't overdo it. Learn to enjoy these drugs in a balanced manner.
  9. And yet a demented man ended up the president of the country that champions democracy. Democracy has its flaws.*
  10. I agree, @Danioover9000! Moreover, what does it mean to be a conservative? That's an important question. Conservativism stands for the building blocks of a functional society, which are liberty, freedom of speech, Capitalism, and Democracy. If you succeed in creating such a society, you want to protect it and preserve it. That's where borders come into place. Those who want to migrate to a civilized country must adopt those four principles. Diversity without assimilation leads to tribalism and chaos; history tells us that. 1. Liberty. It means that you need to be responsible for your own life and take care of yourself, not expecting the government to offer you a paycheck. When you're working, you're not a pariah because you contribute to the society you live in. 2. Freedom of speech. People have a need to speak freely. Enough said! 3. Capitalism. You must allow people to build businesses and offer people jobs; it is the greatest way to solve problems. I love YouTube, Amazon, Tesla, etc. 4. Democracy. We choose our leaders by voting. That is true conservativism and there's nothing wrong with being a conservative.
  11. I am afraid to do psychedelics, to be honest. I'm afraid of Nihilism and meaninglesness. "You have to be very careful about entering the realm of the Gods because you end up with a responsibility that might be more crushing than you can tolerate." - Jordan Peterson Jordan Peterson "admitted" that he has done psilocybin Magic Mushrooms. Imagine tripping out with him... those conversations though.
  12. "Misinformation" is often used by the left and those who support the Democratic Party. Don't be like them, Leo! We have the means to counteract those who spread false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive. You have a higher chance of convincing people about a topic when you engage in a debate with them. When you're shutting down people, you make the situation ten times worse; they might start a rebellion act. When you're letting them speak, you calm the situation down, despite the fact that they're talking nonsense.
  13. It's not your job to change minds. All you can do is help people become more conscious as human beings by expressing your points of view. That's it. The rest is up to them. You should be content with that and accept it totally. In regards to my views, I have an open mind, of course. Why do you think I'm into meditation and spirituality? I go highly meta daily, at the extreme and I still love some conservative principles. Is there's something wrong with that? I simply understand that some ideas that come from the right are fundamental to societies and civilizations. Besides that, there are goods sides to the left as well. I've spoken with a lot of conservatives throughout my life. They're hard-working, decent people. They're not racists or overly ideological. They own lots of businesses and they offer people jobs. Most of the small businesses in America are owned by conservatives. There's nothing wrong with being conservative, just as there's no fault in being on the left. You can't expect all people to reach state Purple on Spyral Dynamics. That's just arrogance. Honor people the way they are as long as they're productive members of society and let them speak freely. Is that too much? When people talk about Tim Pool, Tucker Carlson, or Ben Shapiro on this forum, it's like they're having a frenzy, being totally bias against them. Why not let them state their points of view, without being negatively affected? They're not always right but they have good points that need to be examined.
  14. I get you, brother! From my perspective, when the left says outrageous things or when they speak nonsense, I don't feel the need to ban or give them warnings. The opposite is the truth: I delight in their stupidity without having an impulse to shut them down. They're welcome to speak freely, even if it's about the ideology of being "woke." My approach is to debate and tell them where they're wrong, not to label them as racists or to tell them how bad they are. The left does not trigger me; I simply honor their right to speak freely, knowing that I have a lot of arguments in my arsenal. I don't have a fragile ego that suffers when somebody challenges my worldview. We shouldn't ban people who seem ideological. We should counteract them with arguments and be civilized with each other. And in the end, some people are going to change their minds, others won't. Instead of banning them, it would be better to respect them as humans and let them believe what they want.
  15. Of course, conservativism has its valuables sides. There are fundamental values in conservativism that need to be preserved. Jordan Peterson talks about a few of those values. And if we don't take them seriously, society crumbles. It is just a matter of fact.
  16. Thanks for giving me great advice. For now, I will take a break from posting on this forum and see how it is going to evolve. I need to regain trust in the forum since things are evolving so badly for conservatives here. The truth is that we're a lot more conservatives here than people think but we can not express ourselves freely; we're afraid that we'll end up losing our accounts. Leo is banning a lot of people.
  17. I get what you're saying, but for now, don't throw anything here or you'll get banned. A few of my friends here have got banned for holding conservative views. So unfair! And they were supporting on Patreon like I'm doing at the moment. I love this community because it makes people work on themselves. When we talk about politics, it is our right to have our own views; just like our preferences and tastes in food, which are not to be changed by others.
  18. Finally a great answer! I totally agree. What bothers me here is that people on the left are calling us evil, harmers, and bad people. We, as conservatives, call them wrong and state why. And then, we're nullified and banned under the pretext of dogma and ideology, when in fact, the left is extremely ideological. They live with the idea that their worldview is the correct one.
  19. Okay. That's a fair argument but we shouldn't ban people just because they have differences of opinion. The left is scared of arguments and disputation; I've seen how they treat conservatives. You're not a harmer of society for holding conservative views.
  20. Although I don't agree with your statement, I didn't see you mentioning "non-leftism", meaning that you can't stand conservatism. On a positive note, conservativism means preserving the enlightenment values, like freedom of speech, property rights, Capitalism, and so forth, without having the need to stifle the left or anyone else. Don't conflate conservatives with The Republican Party.
  21. We're never going to have a great world as long as we don't take into consideration what keeps civilization going: 1. Having a harmonious family with kids. Without the family unit, civilizations never occur. A big problem is that people don't look at the family unit that way. I was in town to eat something at a restaurant and I sat near a family with children. They seemed decent so I started to talk with them. After a while, we ended up talking about society. The father was somehow conservative and he told me that most people are no longer marrying, refusing to have kids. The majority of people in today's world are concerned only with themselves and their well-being. They don't care about the well-being of society as a whole. The Western world has become individualistic. The discussion I had with the father was impressive since I was kind of selfish myself, unilluminated to what's going on in the Western world. Now, what happens if people no longer have kids? We've fallen below replacement levels. We're no longer repopulate ourselves. Nobody seems to ask such questions, as the modern world is no longer wise. We're now basking in the joys of civilization like technology, infrastructure, YouTube, Google, all built by past generations that were struggling a lot. We must ask about the consequences... Always.