First of all, define what you mean by Real? If you define reality by what we see with the eyes is real then the so Called Riddhi-siddhis are unreal. But if you define reality by the perception of things, which is different for every being then yes they are "real". In my experience when you go deeper into your spiritual practise, your understanding of the nature of things reaches a certain level and you get endowed with certain powers such as the power to heal with your energy through hands, the power to forsee events/happenings, the power to create magic like illusions etc. Don't forget that all this comes as a result of infinite love for all beings and having the highest intensions in mind. But these are illusory as their very nature, don't ever get fooled by them, will definitely hinder your progress to the path if you started identifying with them. So far, I've reached the understanding that these are necessary to show a being who is super rigid with it's idea of reality and definitely not to abuse or thought of as fruits of labour after such hard work of spiritual practice. In conclusion, the body, the mind, the consciousness etc. everything is temporary. All the states of consciousness that we have collectively reached so far are also temporary and RIDDHI-SIDDHIs are just one part of those states of consciousness. Find out the absolute REALITY.