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Everything posted by TrueEnlightened

  1. Your attempt to sound deep while stating evidentially false & retarded things, then finishing with that boomer emoji, was really cringe. But I fixed it for you. :>. Am I not a cool guy? Yes, old thread but I don't quite give a shit.
  2. >trust me this course is already "being imagined by you" at this very you can't possible have any refunds and you can't possibly leave it a bad review, nor you can possibly miss buying it... remember, "it's being imagined by you, cough cough"... it's so trustful >all you have to do is buy "the infinite potential" course Why do you sound like a scamming clown trying to take advantage of people with the most retarded low-effort snake oil talk one could possibly think of? "Yeah bro, I'm totally imagining the pdf Leo is writing at his home, in fact, I'm doing it right now, I stopped just to imagine it! Hell, not even that? we are collective imagining it as I say it, in our little echo chamber and influencing Leo's hands to write his book as we intention our imaginings in space-time, durr durr." (Pic rel) LOL. Do you think you can fool more than a dozen mentally disordered normies with this absurdly cheap, sneaky & low IQ talk?