Something Funny

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Posts posted by Something Funny

  1. I have just realized that I don't have a humour problem, or a "not knowing what to say" problem, or an awkwardness problem or an introversion problem. I have a fear and insecurity problem.

    It's crazy how I can be the funniest persom in the room and be the soul of the company when I feel safe and comfortable. It's also crazy how I haven't realized this up until now even though it was the case for my entire life.

    I would think that I need to develop humour or somehow improve my speaking skills and stuff like that, becaude I sucked at them. Or I would think that I am shy, serious, and reserved a lot of time because I am an introvert. 

    And none of that is true. I am like that when I feel afraid / anxious / insecure. It's like it shackles my mind and turns me into a social retard. 

    So, if only I was able to free myself from fear, anxiety, and insecurity, it would probably solve all of my "social skills issues". 

    I know it's not some incredibly profound insight  but it has been a big mindest shift for me that has happened just now, so I wanted to share.


  2. Wow, it's crazy that has existed for so long and, unlike many other channels, didn't become stale, repetitive, or irrelevant, but is constantly evolving and going deeper. All due to Leo's vision, idealism, dedication, and hard work over all those years.

    Leo's dedication to his life purpose is something that I personally look up to.

    Seriously, thank you, Leo. You have created something that is truly unique and life changing. 


  3. I hope everything goes well. But no matter the outcome I think you shouldn't blame yourself, there are things that we can't really control in life.

    And it's also not nice of your husband to let all his frustration out onto you.

  4. @Intraplanetary haha okay. 

    51 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

    This sounds to me like a masculine way of approaching things. Courage doesn't have to relate with gender, but in the examples you're giving, I think you want to become more masculine and confident man.

    Specific examples or gender are nit the main point though in my opinion.

    It all boils down to experiencing fear and then running away from it.

  5. @HMD do you have any resources or can you explain in detail whay process did you follow, please?

    Also, I love the quotes.

    @Identity thanks, that's encouraging. I know that this is the most straightforward approach. And I guess I am doing it bit by bit. But I feel like I am too inconsistent with it, lack patience, give up too quickly, etc.

    For example I did pickup for like a week. I even found people to do it with. I had a week off from work so I would spend almost the whole day outsude trying to approach girls. But after a week I just quit and haven't done it since. And it's not just pickup, it's like that with almost everything that I do.



  6. @Sincerity @Intraplanetary but what if I want to live my life bravely as a whole, not just have courage around "must have" things?

    For example a few days ago I was at a post office and a drunk/high/crazy guy was bothering an old lady because she "took" his spot in a line that he previously "reserved". I felt like I should step in but instead just walked out like it's none of my business.

    Yesterday it was raining heavily and I had an umbrella with me and I thought how it would be cool to offer some girl to walk with her. But I didn't because I was too afraid.

    @Intraplanetary thanks for sharing the book, I will check it out.

  7. @Girzo @Thought Art @Average Investor thanks for advise guys I've decided to use a hybrid system for now. Writing some notes by hand and some on a laptop + taking photos of handwritten notes like Girzo advised.

    @Leo Gura so basically I would need to have a whole library of separate notebooks for different topics if I went fully with handwriting, right? 

    @Stretch how do you organize them exactly?

  8. @LSD-Rumi yeah this is probably what I will do or get a scanner in the long term. I am just worried that my commonplace book file will become too big over time and if it might cause any issues.


    34 minutes ago, RebornConsciousness said:

    In your particuliar case, the best combination would probably be a mixture of paperback gratitude journal/general journal for everything. And an online journal for a more intelectual stuff. I

    Yeah, that's a good idea.

    34 minutes ago, RebornConsciousness said:

    I would still use Onenote on laptop/PC, whilst combining it with Notion for mobile/tablet. That way you have the best of all worlds.

    Having two different apps sounds like a bad idea for me and I don't really need it on a mobile. Also, as I said I don't really like one note because it's not really clear to me what will happen if I decide to switch OS to Linux for example. I like obsidian more because it uses standard files and markup language so my files won't be tied down to just obsidian if anything happens to it. Plus it's available on mac, windows, and linux. I just need to learn how to use it properly.


    38 minutes ago, RebornConsciousness said:

    Personally, I've completely transcended the need for all paper stuff, including books, magazines etc. I only use the screen.

    Ehh, but they are so awesome, haha.

  9. @Lila9 thanks for sharing. Does it save notes in pdf so that you can watch them anywhere?

    I don't think this is the best option for me though. I like the feeling of writing on the paper and disconnecting from all the electronic devices since I already spend too much time in front of the screen.

    Also, I've just bought a new fountain pen, ink, and a journal and am really excited to use them, haha

    I think I will go for a mixed system where I take some notes on my laptop (for example from videos) and then also have a paper journal on the side.

    I've come up with a really cool idea of an emotional mastery journal (inspired by your suggestion btw).

  10. I love handwriting much more than typing on a computer and whenever I really need to think things through I do it on paper. I am not sure why, but I feel like it's easier for me to think this way, not to mention that I just love the process in general.

    But of course the issue is that you can't really organise and store your notes the same way you could in a digital commonplace book. So I was wondering if there is anything I can do to overcome this issue. The only thing I can think of so far is to make photos or scans of my notes and then upload them to my digital commonplace book, but I am worried that they will start taking up too much space and it will be cumbersome in general. Has anyone tried to do it this way? What software should I use: Notion, Obsidian (I don't like outlook because it's windows only and I have a mac and don't want to be tied to one OS forever in general).

  11. 9 hours ago, ElenaO said:

    Thank you for reading my journal!

    No problem it was very interesting to read.

    9 hours ago, ElenaO said:

    I am surprised myself I ever decided to have a second child. It was a horribly difficult time when my baby was small. But apparently people pass these periods and they forget how it was. I have to confess that it's mainly my husband who wants the second child. I am completely OK to go both ways. 

    I see. You sound like a great mom, so I am sure you will do great. If kids should be born to anyone it's to people like you I think.

    9 hours ago, ElenaO said:

    You seem interested in being a parent. Do you have kids or planning to have kids?

    Idk honestly. Sometimes I feel excited by the idea of having a child and raising it, and can fantasize about it here and there. But also sometimes I feel like dedicating my life to myself, haha.

    In any case, if I will every have kids, it will probably be in my late 30s / early 40s, because I would like to be the best dad I can for them.