Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. Hold my beer coconut water
  2. According to who? this is just your pet theory. Do you have any experience running advanced civilizations? Do you know of many hyper advanced alien civilizations and have studied their history to make such claims? And what makes you think that your measure and definition of the intelligence is the right one and the one that we should follow? There are many different types of intelligence.
  3. @Juns what "severe disabilities" it's such a catch phrase. Be specific. It doesn't matter what I am fine / not fine with because it's not my decision to impose arbitrary reproductive standards onto others. Because this is literally how life works? This is obviously very different. In one case you are acting in self-defence and in another you are just opressing people who have doen nothing wrong, based on your made up ideas about what's best for society. Exactly. Which is why there are ground rules, like how nobody is allowed to torture you, restrict your reproductive freedoms, and murder you. Society needs to be fair and just for people to want to live in it. Your high IQ wonderland will quickly come to an end when all the "low iq" people will come to your house and murder you and your whole family.
  4. @Juns it all boils down to how you have no right to have authority over another beings body. There is no point to discuss it any further than that.
  5. @NewKidOnTheBlock analogies are hard at room temperature IQ, I see.
  6. I mean... Sorry for trying to address your points seriously, I guess? Should have just clowned away.
  7. If you didn't want to talk about this topic in good faith, should have said so from the beginning. I only started talking to you because you seemed reasonable at first.
  8. you know what they say about straight men who are scared of homosexuality? Are you sure you don't have some repressed cuckold fantasies?
  9. You see, just like with candy, we seem to disagree on definitions. But like I've said, if you are looking for men for a group masturbation session, you will ahve more luck on grindr.
  10. @whh2222 the issue is that you are clearly much more fired up and emotionally invested about porn than you are about those. I have been sober my entire life, but you don't see me being an alcohol police.
  11. I literally gave you specific channel names, and yes, it is candy. I've literally given you dictionary definitions of candy. I am sorry it doesn't fit your little agenda.
  12. So what are you arguing about? From what you are saying, it sounds like porn is actually quite okay, which is what we have been saying all along.
  13. Cambridge dictionary: a small piece of sweet food made from sugar with chocolate, fruit, nuts, or flavors added: Miriam-Webster: something that is pleasant or appealing in a light or frivolous way
  14. I mean... You brought up your silly metaphor about candy, I've explained how it makes no sense with concrete examples. You said that there is no beautiful / artistic porn, I've given you concrete examples of the opposite. And all you did was just call me full of shit or deflect, without actually saying anything meaningful back. I wonder which one of us is really full of shit, lol
  15. what? you don't like when your arguments are easily disproven?
  16. Huh? How is that a false equivalency? So now you are saying that porn can be suitable in some cases? What are those cases, exactly and what makes them unsuitable in others? What about all those side effects you guys are constantly talking about? Do they magically disappear? Maybe because they are imaginary, huh? Also, nice assumptions.
  17. @whh2222 nothing is perfectly healthy. Even working out isn't perfectly healthy. You could totally create an amazingly beautiful, artistic cake, with mostly healthy ingredients. Even I can make a pretty healthy candy. Blend bananas and berries, add coconut, add whatever nut butter you prefer and roll it all into balls. Nice and healthy. Takes less than half and hour.
  18. It's only unhealthy if you make it unhealthy. Leo's is watching porn, by his own admission, and he is a millionaire and one of the most conscious people on the planet. So clearly, porn isn't that awful.
  19. What makes you say that? Why couldn't there be artistic and beautiful porn?
  20. there is though. Kate Marley, Tabby Noname, Bonniealex, Adored Hippie... All pretty nice channels run by cute couples. There's also Roxie Fox who does tantric and sex ed videos.