Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. No you can't. You need to choose just one thing. Also, if you want to donate to some human rights charity, you also have to choose either this or that. Cause you see, you can't be a human rights advocate and also have some concerns about porn industry...
  2. You can share your experience without being dismissive of a serious issue
  3. Yes, if you write half assed sentences that make no sense. And if somebody suddenly wants to take a shit, there is a whole lot of deep thinking involved before making a decision whether to just drop your pants and shit on a pavement or to find a toilet.
  4. @integral no the main miscommunication is the fact that they seem to be too binary to understand that adressing something from one side, doesn't stop anyone from addressing it from another...
  5. And yet you felt the need to make it about yourself and mention how you were not trafficked or mistreated. So it's not that bad. And even admitted how it triggers you when people view sex workers as trafficking victims or something like that. Even though it wasn't a point of the video or the thread.
  6. Yeah, yeah, I got the courstesy part. I don't understand what you mean by this or how it is related to the first part of the sentence... Like what? Why? How?
  7. Idk. As far as I understand they seem to think that you can either "know your human rights and donate to charities" or talk about issues with porn idustry. And that 2 are somehow mutually exclusive. Or they are just too personally involved in porn/sex industry so critizising it makes them feel attacked...
  8. You are doing good, no worries. I honestly have no idea what this sentence means. Did you want to make two separate sentences and forgot a half of it or something?
  9. I just can't. You know you are talking like a bot? Sorry, I am just not as much of a deep thinker as you are.
  10. Thanks fuck there is at least one person who is able to hold that concept in their head... Yes, and videos like this one are really helpful in raising awareness around issues with porn so that it can be properly addressed and regulated. @Ajax @Princess Arabia this is actually the education you like to mention so much.
  11. @Ajax the same way how I want to quit eating meat. Not because somebody is going to attack my dignity if I keep eating it, but simply because I recognise that it is a good thing to do.
  12. @Ajax do you really fail to see how this has totally nothing to do with the topic of this discussion? Nobody is saying that you should be attacked for anything. Nobody is planning to raid your house and confiscate your precious pornography archive. Relax. This thread simply raises awareness about the issue and offers those people who are conscious enough to stop contributing to this toxic industry. Out of their own free will. Go and start your own thread about your rights to privacy if you feel so strongly about them.
  13. How is this relevant to this particular discussion?
  14. So? Does that mean that porn doesn't deserve to be addressed? What's your point? This is a thread talking about porn specifically.
  15. Well... Looks like in this case it has backfired and caused you to make a fool of yourself. Cause if you have bothered to watch the interview before being an ass, you would have know that it shares a story of a girl who has never planned to have anything to do with the porn industry, and who was shamelessly mislead, taken advantage of, threatened, and raped.
  16. @Ajax can you please go, drink some coffee, and then read that paragraph again? I've literally said that simply pointing out the fact that porn contributes to (please google the word "contributes to" and note how it doesn't translate to: "is the one and only cause of something") sex trafficking does not mean that all of sex trafficking is caused by porn. But thank you for pointing out that sex trafficking has existed before porn. I didn't know that /s
  17. Which one? The one where she can't wrap her mind around how you can call out the dark side of porn without guilting or shaming anyone and without saying that LITERALLY ALL PORN IS SEX TRAFFICKING? Or the one where seems to think that if a person talks about how increased demand for porn promotes sex trafficking then they must believe that ALL SEX TRAFFICKING IS CAUSED BY PORN CONSUMPTION, and that if a person wants to address this particular part of the problem, then they are against other things like prosecuting sex trafficking directly, parenting, and education? To clarify, my main critique is that it's very easy to be all vague, saying things like: "this is a much larger issue and we live in a complex world" and that "we need to address it at the root cause". Without actually saying anything useful. But I guess that's what self proclaimed "deep thinkers" do... This thread was raising a very specific issue, which is worth addressing. So saying stuff like "yeah, and we poison air by breathing, and kill ants by walking" seems really out of place. @Princess Arabia it's funny how you say that you've watched the interview and still decided to mention parenting and schooling. Even though it was clearly shown that not only it is not the issue in many cases, it will also not help you at all in a lot of times. Literally everyone could have ended up in her situation no matter how good their family/education are. Also the whole "not all porn is sex trafficking" argument is totally irrelevant because: 1) you have no reliable way of discerning which video was and wasn't made ethically (or even legally) 2) considering the amount of porn the average user watches, it's a safe bet to say that if you are a regular porn user, you have probably watched at least a few such videos in your life Oh then sure, we should all stop talking about it, since it didn't affect you personally
  18. This is literally none of your business.
  19. @Princess Arabia sorry, but you don't know what you are talking about.
  20. @Princess Arabia okay, I get what you are trying to say, and that you have good intentions. But I do think that it is true. If you consume porn, you do contribute to that culture. We shouldn't shame and guilt people for watching porn, but we should make this fact clear in my opinion. And like to address your points: yeah, there is some damage done by us simply existing. That doesn't mean that we should just say fuck it and don't do anything. We can improve a lot and make our lives much more sustainable. Like you can buy locally produced food from small farmers. You can buy used phones or phones from ethical manufacturers. You can stop drinking cola. You can try not to step on ants...
  21. Okay, lets forget for a second that every point on this list is questionable, with some being a total bullshit. Let's leave that aside. What are you trying to say here? That we shouldn't discuss sex trafficking because we breathe air? ?‍♂️
  22. @Francis777 @Socrates you guys are so fucking disrespectful. You were privileged to be born healthy. You have no direct experience at all of what Leo is dealing with. You have very little idea about Leo's life in general. You have no actual medical knowledge besides youtube videos and esoteric theories. And yet, you feel entitled to tell Leo that he is sick simply because he has a bad mindset about it. Or think that you can help him by suggesting some alternative medicine influencer. Because, it's not like he hasn't tried a thousand things like that already, of course. Like really, what makes you think that it is okay for you to barge into his personal life like that and give your uninformed, unsolicited advice? MOD EDIT: profanity level reduced
  23. @Schizophonia buckwheat is totally fine. I am not sure about spelled, I rarely eat it.
  24. @undeather @Michael569 like I said, I didn't eat pure oatmeal today. I ate it with a bunch of watermelon slices and 2 spoons of tahini. What exactly about it doesn't seem edible? It is super soft and easy to chew. That's how I usually eat it. Also, I won't feel this when if I eat a bunch of sweets for example (I mean I will also feel like shit probably, but in a different way), so I don't think it's about sugar. The way I feel after eating oatmeal is quite unique...
  25. I don't think so. I am not aware of them at least. Hmm, I don't know. I should test it. No I eat different oat brands and they all feel more or less the same. Those are random Polish brands, so it won't tell you much I think. They are full, not instant oats (not sure how do you call them in english exactly).