Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. Yeah, but it is not a focus of this thread, is it? Sure, not all prostitutes are psychologically damaged because of their work. But some for sure are. So why not make their work conditions less harmful and toxic? This is a statement that literally says nothing. Regulating how? Regulating where? Why guns in the first place, why not taxi drivers or something? Gun is not even a profession, it's an object.
  2. Why? It's like saying: "don't put too much effort into healing sick people, look how many healthy people there are", "don't try to help poor people, a lot of people are making a decent living", "don't try to address family abuse, there are enough of normal families out there". It makes sense to me that regulating the field more would help to prevent the worst possible scenarios.
  3. @Seed I see, you sound fine. I don't think you will have any issue with having a second child if that's what you want.
  4. @Seed why do you even want a second child? You say that you don't have a deep yearning to have a kind, and that you feel complete with just the family of three, but then you are afraid that you might regret not having a child later on. In my opinion, you shouldn't have kids unless you really want to have kids and are 100% sure of it. I don't think you should pre-emptively have a child out of a fear that you might possibly regret not having it in the future. You also say that in 10 years your daughter will leave the nest and you will be alone, and will have no one to care for. That is also a bad motivation in my opinion. And by the way, what will change if you have another kid now? You will just delay the same thing for 10 years, but eventually you will still end up "with an empty nest". Only you will be even older by that time. What are you going to do then, cry for your kids to make grandchildren for you? This kind of unhealthy attachment really irks me. Kids are not there to help you escape from feeling lonely and empty.
  5. @Seed I don't think that anything of what you have listed will seriously get in a way of having a second child. The only thing I don't like is your motivation for having a second child. If my partner had that kind of mindset towards having a kid, I wouldn't want to have a kid with them.
  6. You don't know that. You know nothing about her daughter or about her family. You are clearly biased and don't care about whether it will actually work or not.
  7. Says a guy who can't stop cheating on his gf with camgirls, lol.
  8. @rnd I bet you haven't even spoken to a single person from Russia in your life, lol.
  9. @rnd lol, says who? A dude who has even less clue than me? Like I said, go live in Russia and prove me wrong. You are literally detached from reality if you compare censorship, human right abuses, and justice system in Russia, to whatever happens in the EU.
  10. @rnd I don't need to live there to make that claim as it should be perfectly clear to anyone with a functioning brain. Besides, I am from Ukraine originally, which might be better, but ultimately isn't that much different from Russia when it comes to corruption and human rights. Plus I've been immersed into the Russian culture and internal politics since my childhood so I know how things look there. But like I've said, you are welcome to go live there yourself and disprove my claims.
  11. @rnd if you don't like the way Europe works, you are welcome to go and live in Pakistan or Russia. I am sure you will find it much more just and less corrupt.
  12. I've always thought that tofu has a lot of protein in it. However, I've just bought it and it's just 13 grams, which is similar to what you have in regular grains. There are also: 7.5 gramms of fat 1.8 gramms of carbs 1 gramm of fiber 1 gramm of salt And 0.2 gramms of calcium Which gives us 24.5 gramms in total, out of 100. Where did the rest 75 gramms go? Why are they not accounted for?
  13. @Michael569
  14. @Bandman respect, please
  15. @undeather really? Okay, that's funny )
  16. @Princess Arabia nope
  17. Poor Leo
  18. @StarStruck Aliah, from the Perception Trainers youtube channel.
  19. I've noticed that after I eat oatmeal I start to feel kind of agitated/irritated/panicky. And also get a very dry feeling in my mouth which stays for a few hours no matter how much water I drink. Does anyone know why this might be happening? I usually cook my oatmeal with just water.
  20. @ToaTokuchi did you watch all of his videos?
  21. @Michael569 no, I did not. I know it's probably not that compicated and expensive but I still have a lot on my plate at the moment.
  22. @Michael569 no. I know that that's not allowed. But it seems like just having skin issues also excludes you.
  23. @StarStruck and what does it say about me?