Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. I have not read your every comment, but I am still not sure what exactly you are so afraid of and why do you dislike religious people so much.. Praise the Lord.
  2. Where would you find them? There is no active pickup group for my city and people on my city's subreddit really despise those kind of posts Also, it seems like all the people who could potentially be interested in pickup suck.
  3. @Leo Gura I see, thanks
  4. @Leo Gura what made you pick it over chatgpt in the first place? I assume chatgpt is the first stop for most people since it's hyped up the most.
  5. I am looking for something clean , melodic, and sharp. With meaningful lyrics. Can be a mix of different genres. Not too obnoxious and loud. I like linkin park and thousand foot crutch
  6. @Leo Gura ok, thank you
  7. @Leo Gura the website with the recording recommends 2 specific models of headphones (the same ones from you blog post). Supposedly because of their frequency range or whatever. Do you think it actually matters or its okay to use whatever, as long as they are comfortable? Also, why in ear headphones are bad for this? I can't imagine sleeping with a headset.
  8. @Michael569 ok, thank you
  9. I found that it really helps me to calm down and focus. But it is not very healthy, is it?
  10. @Michael569 one more question. Is there anything wrong with just chewing coffee beans instead of making coffee? Or making coffee with ground coffee beans but without filtering them out?
  11. @Michael569 I see, thanks a lot.
  12. Really? For some reason I always assumed that coffee and caffeine are bad for your heart. I made this post after dring an energy drink, but yeah, in the long term I would go for something healthier. What about different teas and stuff, like matcha, green tea, black tea, etc. How do they compare to coffee?
  13. I want to start a twitch stream + youtube blog of me learning how to make clothes from zero. I think it's a cool idea because it will kind of provide a meta outlook on a learning process vs just learning from someone who is already good at it. Is this something that would potentially be interesting for people to watch?
  14. @mattm33 thank you, I will try them.
  15. @Leo Gura thank you, that means a lot.
  16. @Cireeric something like that: Maybe with some piano and violin as well.
  17. @Cireeric I think I am in the mood for something that is less slow and chill and something that has more highs vs mids and lows. I hope that makes sense. But those are really beautiful, thank you. I am definitely going to save them.
  18. @Schizophonia do you have adhd or do you just know a lot?
  19. @Princess Arabia I am treating being monogamous or not as sexual orientation. It's not about an identity. Like if you are gay, then you are gay. Just like everything you/me said, no?
  20. We are mixing a lot of different topics here. My statement is that: Some people are monogamous, some people are not monogamous. Non monogamous people should have open relationships from the start, hence cheating is not applicable people. Monogamous people only cheat when they don't love their partner / lose attraction for them. Otherwise they shouldn't feel the need to cheat. This is excluding addictions and other mental health issues that can make someone more prone to cheating.
  21. How would you know who actually doesn't feel the need to cheat and who restraints themselves? I think self-restraint is only needed when you don't love the other person.
  22. I think your perception is very skewed because you are constantly in contact with people like that.