Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. @Schizophonia I am not familiar with ken wilber's quadrants. What you wrote didn't seem holistic. True on some level - yes, but definitely not taking the whole picture into perspective.
  2. Do you mind explaining why you think so? Why would replacing meat, egg, and cheese, which are super expensive, with lentils, chickpeas, and bean be more expensive? I have only committed to a full vegan diet a few months ago and my food costs stayed more or less the same (about 200-300$ per month). Whole foods / eco / organic foods is a separate thing. It's not exclusive to veganism you can eat only organic foods as an omnivore and you can eat only junk food and noodles as a vegan. You don't need any fancy meat or cheese replacements. Those are mostly just a rate snack. Just like a meat eater would go to a restaurant and order burger once in a while, a vegan will go to a restaurant and order a vegan burger once in a while. Nobody uses those products as staple foods in their diet. I think poorer parts of the world are actually much closer to vegan diets, even if they are not strict vegans. Meat consumption is the highest in rich, western countries.
  3. @PurpleTree that good to know. I hope I will get a chance to travel across Europe by train one day. By train and also by bike. With my girlfriend. Will be so cool.
  4. Is there anyone here who does zero waste? Are you fully committed to it or are you just trying to minimize your waste as much as you can? If you are fully committed, was it hard to implement? I've found that there are quite a few logistical challenges to it. For example the nearest store that sell products by weight, instead of packaging them is all the way across the city from me. I am also still not completely sure what you are supposed to do about the garbage bags. My plan is to try to live without them completely and see how it goes.
  5. @PurpleTree Ibreally wishbtrains were more developed in Europe. They are okay within a country but travelling abroad by train is not the best idea. Even bus is better in my opinion.
  6. @NewKidOnTheBlock sorry, I just think that whenever people use language like this it says a lot about them. Good to hear that you are better than that. And I agree that I have gotten pretty emotional, but that's only because you guys can be dense as fuck. I am not sure what you think I am trying to prove to you? I am not asking you to become vegan it just pisses me off when you guys strawman and misrepresent veganism so much.
  7. What the actual fuck are you talking about, lol? I don't care if you are a cuck or beta or whatever. Those words are not even a part of my vocabulary. This is a misogynist and demeaning thing to say. Saying that women basically have no control over themselves and their decisions. And have no independence over their choices. Like they are basically some intellectually inferior, airheaded tools. I hate when people say shit like that. And also you say that you have been "field testing" it and that you haven't found an exception yet. Which is just a load of bullshit. Have you slept with literally every woman that you have ever approached? Have you never had even 1 rejection, ever?
  8. @PsychedelicEagle sure, blood is blood and it will be useful no matter why it was given, but giving it with thatkind of mindset is really funny.
  9. Sorry, I happen to be allergic to stupidity.
  10. @AION Huh? Somehow all everyone here does is engages with me...
  11. Lol, good job identifying yourself as a brain dead red piller from reddit. You are right, there is no reason for us to keep talking. Go listen to andrew tate or whatever rapist is popular with you guys nowadays.
  12. Its literally the same dumb type of video that you've share like 10 times already. Its even from the same playlist, lol. Like I've already said, come back when you are able to share something of value.
  13. You are the one who posts the same retarded video again and again like a chatbot, lol. You can't even quote the right person.
  14. Look, I am glad that you've found a new hobby in reading Freud but this is just one little perspective out of a hundred. And its not even the best one.
  15. Not sure what you mean but If you are saying that nothing is just there for its own sake, then I disagree. All thise projections about how you can use who are irrelevant.
  16. @PurpleTree I was talking about running a household specifically but sure, you are welcome to share your travel strategies as well.
  17. This is just your interpretation of my words. It has nothing to do with what I've said. I didn't say anything about narcissism or selfishness or desires. Just described the way you look at animals. According to you
  18. Its not in the same. There are still some basic standards with which I treat a person no matter whi they are. Like not eating them for dinner. Vegan advocate for extending those standards to animals as well. Because vegans share deep love, empathy, and respect for living beings that most humans don't have. No. You are only presenting part of the picture. The other part of it is that people have morals and empathy that they are guided by. And they consider certain things to be unacceptable and wouldn't want to live in a society that engages in those things. It has nothing to do with power. Nice projection. You actually have zero clue about what my reason for being a vegan are and how I view myself. Sorry, I don't fit into your little couch psychology bubble.
  19. Exactly what I was saying. Normal people treat different animals differently, based on their usefulness,cuteness, cultural conditioning, etc. Vegans say that all animals should be treated equally no matter if they happen to be useful to your survival agenda or not. A vegan would say that animal life is not there to be useful to you and to beexploited by you. It just is, for its own sake. That's the fundamental distinction. You don't give an animal the right to just be. It has to be useful to you. Its all about you and your ego. Me me me. You have no respect and recognition for them as a separate being.
  20. So against 0.1 percent of vegan activism? You mean like all the amazing documentaries, blogs, books, that were made, all the rescue animal shelters, all the peaceful protests and demonstrations? This is just going in circles. "The reason I don't like you is because you are unlikable" What's the actual reason why veganism is so triggering to people. Why so many people have such strong opinions about it, despite the fact that most of them haven't even met a single vegan in their life? Because veganism questions people's worlviews, values, and beliefs. For the same reason people freak out about trans people, or gay people, or immigrants. Just look at all the example that you used before, they are all texbook examples of finding some ragebait edgecase and being met about it. Like those stories about people changing their kids gender and drag queens in schools, etc. Very few people whonare outraged by veganism have actually had a bad experience with a vegan person irl. Even Buck Edwards, when asked about who shamed her about eating animal, had to resort to lying about me doing it, even though I have never done such thing. And she had to post a video if some trolls coming to a vegan demonstration and creating an argument THEMSELVES, but made it vegans fault for "shaming people" It says what I've just said. Its too radical, challenging, and scary for most people. And its not any more groupthink than any other political movement. In fact, vegans on average are more developed. They are SD stage green, compared to most other people who are blue and orange.
  21. 1. You are the one who's made the most unspecific claim ever and said that you are going to feel better than A vegan. So I can ask you the same. What vegan? How do we establish who is a good representative of A vegan for you to compare yourself to? And on what basis? How are you planning to back up that claim. 2. At least I named a specific person who I am comparing myself to. Just my intuition. You seem kind of small minded and petty. So I am pretty sure that I can outdo you simply due to the sheer power of my unyielding, fiery spirit!
  22. I agree, but that's not what altruism means? At least not in my understanding. I am willing to bet you a million dollars that vegans on average care way more about the environment and ecology than your average person. Also the example of the guy you are giving is not really fair. You can always find some ultra radical nutjob in every movement. Personally, this is the first time I am hearing about euthanising predators. Most vegans wouldn't support something like this. If I find you a case where gay couple adopted and raped a child, will that be a good argument to saying that all gays are pedophiles? A cool thing about veganism is that its not just a mental masturbation philosophy. You can start act on it, directly, at this very moment, by refusing to consume animal products. It is that simple. So I am not sure what you mean by "flawed execution". It is very straightforward in that you can just focus on yourself and do what you consider to be the right thing. And then every person can decide for themselves how much activism they want to participate in and what kind. You don't need to wait until every person on earth shares your worldview. It's not like vegans are trying to overthrow tge government or something. Again, the problem with you using those kinds of examples as a critique of veganism is that those are just random nutcases. 99% of vegans have nothing to do with that kind of activism. And also note that in this case sure, those activists would cause some harm and chaos. And it is an irresponsible and not very wise thing to do. But when you put it into the perspective of how much harm to individual animals and the environment animal farming causes literally every single day, it just vanishes in comparison. This is just blatantly false. Its vegans who advocate for all animals, including humans to have the same basic rights. You've said this yourself. Its vegans who care about chickens, and pigs, and goats, and slugs, and insects, etc. No matter how cute or ugly they are. And its your regular person that draws a distinction and has no problem with eating a pig, but when they hear about a dog or a dolphin being killed - they become outraged.
  23. I am not sure if I'll feel better or not than AN omnivore, whatever the measurement for that is, but I am pretty sure that I will feel a lot better than you in this lifetime
  24. @AION let me know when you have something of value to share and not this garbage.