Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  2. How do you calculate whole chicken per 84g? Honest question. I am sorry, I thought we were discussing a scenario where a person has not enough money to eat properly at all. Obviously, if you are exercising regularly, you will need more food.
  3. What nutrient exactly do you think a vegan diet can't provide despite the supplements and a good diet planning? You can't even be specific because you are talking out of your ass.
  4. @NewKidOnTheBlock That was not the point. The point was that your claim about vegan diet being less healthy than an omnivore one was full of shit and you couldn't neither provide any evidence that would support your claim nor disprove evidence that they showed you.
  5. @AION Did your brain finally melt after watching every garbage video that you could find on youtube?
  6. @Ero I am 178cm, 80kg. I eat about 2000 calories while maintaining weight. Not sure how smaall / big you are talking.
  7. @Ero rice is about 180+200 calories Chicken is 160 Buckwheat is 343 calories Barley is 347 Pork is 279 Lentils is 331 Per 100 grams
  8. Good thing regular burgers are super healthy and health organisation tell us to eat them every day.
  9. You are the one who has to come up with bullshit excuses and talk about children and pets, not me. Why no response to Michael and Emerald? You were so sure that you were right, I thought you did your research.
  10. I do, actually. Its not that bad in my experience. You can mix it with oil, ketchup, onions, garlic, tomato paste... Maybe you guys just don't know how to cook? And you are not supposed to lose weight if you eat enough calories. But again. If meat and eggs is what worked for you then ok. Sounds like they didn't... I am sorry.
  11. This is what annoys me the most actually. If people here just said that they don't want to be vegan - I would be fine with it. But you guys feel the need to come up with random bullshit and twist facts becuase you feel like you need an excuse.
  12. Yes, obviously 3k a year is not a comfortable wage. But then its not comfortable, period. Whether you are vegan or not. And if in your case you wasn't feeling capable of going vegan - its okay. Whether it was the finances or you just had too much on your plate, or whatever. It doesn't matter. You don't need to feel like you need an excuse for not being vegan. But, as a matter of fact, I don't think that vegan diet would be that much more expensive. Unless you are a gourmet like Schizofonia and are averese to "slave" food like rice and beans, lol. Actually, most Polish people are really nice to me, even if I had a few individual bad experiences. But it doesn't matyer because I wasn't talking down to you. I asked you a straightforward question. Your interprentation of it is not my responsibility.
  13. @Ero I asked are you aware, because I was not sure if you are aware... And I am not a westerner btw, I am from Ukraine, living in Poland right now. My sister lived in Canada for 2 years so I know for a fact that her salary would need to be at least 2.5 x of mine to afford a similar level of lifestyle. And Poland isn't even a poor country. And US is even more expensive than Canada from what I know. So for your lifestyle to be just 2 times more expensive than back home, you would have to be coming from a pretty decent country. Which is why I am asking you where you are from as your story doesn't seem to be that solid to me.
  14. Lol. Says a guy from a country that invented eating frogs. Apparently you have never had a good bean soup. Its literally one of the tastiest things on this planet.
  15. @Ero how's that a demeaning question? I am asking because I would like compare the prices for myself to know the truth instead of trusting some random guy online who might be full of shit for all I know.
  16. @Ero where are you from? Are you aware of the concept called purchasing power?
  17. @AION have you counted? Which country's economy did you base your calculations on? What vitamins were you buying? How many times per year did you do blood work and doctor visits in this hypothetical scenario? What makes you think that omnivore diet doesn't require bloodwork, doctor visits, and supplements? Hospitals are packed with omnivores.
  18. can you edit titles? Edit: you actually can, lol
  19. I am not talking about that. I don't care what you think about stupid beans. I am talking about you being a racist.
  20. what are you even talking about? Sorry, I am really trying to be nice here, but you guys just have no respect. I am done entertaining this nonsense.
  21. unrelated, but I love your profile pic
  22. @Schizophonia I am not familiar with ken wilber's quadrants. What you wrote didn't seem holistic. True on some level - yes, but definitely not taking the whole picture into perspective.
  23. Do you mind explaining why you think so? Why would replacing meat, egg, and cheese, which are super expensive, with lentils, chickpeas, and bean be more expensive? I have only committed to a full vegan diet a few months ago and my food costs stayed more or less the same (about 200-300$ per month). Whole foods / eco / organic foods is a separate thing. It's not exclusive to veganism you can eat only organic foods as an omnivore and you can eat only junk food and noodles as a vegan. You don't need any fancy meat or cheese replacements. Those are mostly just a rate snack. Just like a meat eater would go to a restaurant and order burger once in a while, a vegan will go to a restaurant and order a vegan burger once in a while. Nobody uses those products as staple foods in their diet. I think poorer parts of the world are actually much closer to vegan diets, even if they are not strict vegans. Meat consumption is the highest in rich, western countries.
  24. @PurpleTree that good to know. I hope I will get a chance to travel across Europe by train one day. By train and also by bike. With my girlfriend. Will be so cool.