Something Funny

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Everything posted by Something Funny

  1. @Michael569 he is going to say that this is too expensive and that you either have to be a privileged, entitled westerner, or eat rice and beans.
  2. @NewKidOnTheBlock in what way is it "objectively unhealthier"? You are acting like I am obese. Sure, I've gained like 10 kg this year, and I don't have the shredded, defined muscles I used to have. But in no way my body type is "objectively unhealthy". I actually feel stronger than ever, and my cardio is great cause I cycle 25km to work.
  3. @NewKidOnTheBlock Clearly you don't.
  4. @NewKidOnTheBlock so what if I were chubby? What horrible thing would happen? Like I've said, so insecure and obsessed with looks, lol. You can't even comprehend how a person can be confident in their body no matter how it looks.
  5. You clearly know nothing of what this whole spirituality and self-actualization work is about. How do people like you even find this forum? Zero self awareness...
  6. @Ero personally, I think that we are already much more technologically advanced than we are mentally and socially. But maybe you are right.
  7. Our brain melt here doesn't know what projection is.
  8. I will leave this life aligned with truth and love, having contributed to a better world for my children. You will die a pathetic hedonist.
  9. @Schizophonia my testosterone if fine and so is my muscle condition, thank you.
  10. Its ironic that this obsession is what makes you less masculine and actually an antithesis to what a real man is. A man is supposed to be confident, stoic, able to endure harsh conditions, grounded in higher values, thinking big vs focusing on petty things. And you are obsessed with your looks, like a little girl, living in comfort, and stuffing your belly. Those are all feminine qualities. God forbid someone thinks that your muscles are not big enough. God forbid people think that you are a soy boy. You are so afraid of it, you think it is some bad insult, lol. You are obsessed with external opinions instead of being grounded in your own principles. All about pretending and not being. Pathetic
  11. That's what this all is about. You guys don't give a shit about nutrition or actually finding out what is healthy or not. You are just insecure in your masculinity and feel the need to overcompensate. Chimps, lol.
  12. Not my fault you can't even read. It was answered.
  13. His reward circuit did not evolve to care about that.
  14. Mmm, heavy metals, my favourite side dish.
  15. @AION linking saltbae garbage cooking (even by meat eater standards) is all you really need to know about the person, lol. When you have no class but pretend to be rich, lol.
  16. Yes, you also have other legumes, and nuts, and grains, and oils, and seeds.
  17. @Schizophonia meat has even less than 350 ckal?
  18. @Ero i am not talking about 84 or 100. I am just pointing that simply calculating an average, like: 2000g (eating a full chicken) = 4761 ca Therefore 84g = 200ca Is incorrect Because humans don't take a little bite out of every part. If you are eating chicken with your family, someone will get a leg, someone a wing, someone a breast. So everyone will eat a different amount of calories per 84g.
  19. @NewKidOnTheBlock maybe you have omega 3 deficiency? That would explain a lot.
  20. No but I am asking how you actually measure a chicken as 84 grams. Since every part has different caloric value. You would need to decide which part you are going to add to those 84g, in what proportion. How is that decided?
  21. B12 was already answered. Vegetables are full of calcium. Iron is easy to supplement. You still need to take omega 3 supplements, even as a meat eater. Zinc is easy to supplement. It's not my fault you are completely divorced from logic and ability to learn
  23. How do you calculate whole chicken per 84g? Honest question. I am sorry, I thought we were discussing a scenario where a person has not enough money to eat properly at all. Obviously, if you are exercising regularly, you will need more food.