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About Magnifico

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  • Birthday 02/08/1997

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    Stuttgart, Germany
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  1. Well fear of abondonment is definetly something I haven't consider so far (for me). But I think it is also in me in some way. At least would make sense because as you said it is one of our first dramatic incident in our life. Thank you very much @Farnaby
  2. I like the stress quote very much with understemating yourself and overestimating the risk. The whole "I won't be able to handle it"-fear is something I've never heard of but makes good sense when I think about it. Thank you very much
  3. Hola Bellos, I am dealing with some dramatic childhood memory right now and discover that any of those lead to basic fears I still have today. I want to really understand what kind of fears I have and which basic fear there are in Life. So, What are basic fears of life? I know there is fear of rejection, fear of success, fear of failure but there are a lot more fears I struggle to put in words. Maybe I am also overanalysing this but I would love to have a overlook over this topic. Or is every fear rooted in the fear of death? Let me know your thoughts Love Tim
  4. Hey everybody, I just hate the idea of money, why can't I make music all day long and life like a free bird. I know complaining won't work and a victim mindset either. I am 19, finished high school recently with good grades. Applied to companies for dual study and failed with every company, kinda hurts because I take it too personally. Now I am working as a helper 9 to 5 for 5 months and going for 7 months to Central amerika with this money. But there is a time after my travel experience. I can't live with my parents my whole life. I want to follow what I'm passionate about and that is music. But I can't imagine livin a 9 to 5 life later to keep me livin' AND hustling for my passion. Because I hate that kind of working. I hate it right now and and will hate a "normal" job in the future, because I am not free. But I can't ignore money. I get so depressed because of this. Because one can't work with the other. Really my mind just says give a shit and be a homeless. Do you felt the same sometimes? How do you cope with this conflict? Tim :*
  5. A wonderful good day community, All my friends aren't into Self-Improvement and I can't motivate them to, they act weird when I talk about life and mastering it and so on. Don't know. But we live in a world of globalisation and I would love to talk with people who also took the life long journey of self-Improvement. Seeking: Self improvement buddy or group This forum is wonderful for sharing ideas but also very complex and so on and I would love to talk with people about life, their philosophy, their missions, recommendations and just helping each other out with ideas and so on. I know the only person in my life who can make a change am I but a person or a group who also takes this journey to talk to would be just awesome. i don't know if a group like this exists already but when you're interested let me know Peace out and stay tuned, Tim
  6. Hi guys, I know this topic does apply Self-Actualization in an indirect way, but it has something to do with psychology I guess. So lately I noticed some interesting with my social surrounding. Every friend of mine wants to have "the typical (mostly unsatisfied) life of an adult". I see friends who only talks about their work and always talks about that she must work in that shift and tomorrow in that shift and so on. She doesn't seem really satisfied with her job but loves to talk about the fact that she's working I see friends in a destructive relationship. Where they got push around or they have massive problems in communication, but they don't fix it nor break up because I see they like the fact that they are in a relationship like adults nowadays. I see friends always complaining about something und judging other people, like it is usual for many grown-ups to always complain about sth and be extremely judgemental These are just few examples. (Note: I'm 19 and live in a rural area, maybe it is different in big cities). But what I want to say is everybody seems kind of unhappy what they do, but the fact that they do these things like working or have a relationship keeps them continuing. So why does everybody wants to be an adult so fast, only to have these things & not to seek for real love in relationship, business and freetime-activitites ? I hope you get my question. It is important for me to know this, because I get in touch with them nearly every day and these kind of things are really influencing me, because I don't want to have a job just to have a job (although the image gives me a kind of satisfaction, like my friends) but I know it won't get me happy in long-term. I want to have a job where I am happy with what I'm doing I think it's a kind of inner child in us, who always wanted to be a grown-up, who does things children aren't allowed to do. I grew up with this dogma of have a job, a relationship, watch Tv in the evening and drink alcohol- "that's life" everybody said to me, but I know this needn't to be so unsatisfying . Or what do you think? With love, Tim
  7. Hey Hey, So I recently started reading "Psycho Cybernetics" and got the idea of create a (positive) vivid image instead of an (negative) experience, so that your subconscious mind can work for you. My problem here is that I can't get that voice out telling me "that is not real, that is not you, you never experienced anything like that". And because it is right I can't really get a development, cause I can't believe in this technique, due to this "logical voice". Has anyone also thought about this dilemma and what experience do you have? With Love, Tim
  8. Day #5 Meditation Time: 90min I've meditated 3 times. and of these was a kind of hypnosis session. Yes not really Meditation but you also practice mindfulness. My head feels busy like after an 5h-exam but I don't know if this normal. What the heck I don't care 290min - 90min = 200min
  9. Day #4 Meditation time: 80min I've meditated 3 times, this time without sleepiness but always stopped when i can't focus anymore properly. There isn't much change like suspected yet, expect that I remember myself through the everyday to be in the moment and I just be for 10sec to 1 min. It is relly releasing to experience these times of consciousness thrugh the daily grind 370min - 80min = 290 min
  10. @examinationseeker Yes I know I appreciate your opinion. The effects are more long-term and by simply intense the activity it won't get that better, because consistency is the answer. But it's kind of a experiment to identify maybe little pieces of change in th everyday or maybe a little change in my thinking. Moreover I want challenge myself with this to really commit sth bigger for me than I am used to. But thanks though
  11. Day #3 Meditation time: 100min I've meditated 4 times (20,20,40,20), those in the afternoon was very hard because of my sleepiness I got. It seems that when I'm awake and full of power I can achieve more than my regular10-20 min and I'm pretty proud of that, because that time really was peaceful and calming. Fuck yeah I hope I can manage more of those longer and more intense meditation sessions in the future. I believe it. 470min - 100min = 370 min
  12. @Natura Sonoris Thanks for the suggestion. I will totally check it out man
  13. Day #2 Meditation time: 80min I've meditated 3 times. First time in the morning linked with my morning routine (20min). then the next time in the afternoon (30min) but had problems with my sleepiness. and the last time in the evening (30min). The last time was the most present one. I really observed how your brain is so occupied with thoughts in the afternoon. Anyways my brain feels kind of "used" but that's pretty normal I guess. I will fucking made it 550min - 80min=470min
  14. Day #1 Meditation time: 50 min The first day went good to meditate, except my position. Many body part hurts so I changed my positiopn a lot. In the end I sat on my bed, which was really comfortable. I think I continue with sitting when I meditate. I feel calm but nothing else, let's see how my experiment goes on. 600min - 50min =550min (Maybe I take it too far and too seriously with the time )