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About RyanK

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  1. @Edvardas @JuliusCaesar @Thought Art Sometimes I try to transcend language.. it’s language that I use to speak to myself and to describe reality to myself ..and it helps to try and forget it. If I didn’t know any words or language at all, then The Truth would just be what is..so simple. I complicate everything with language. Make sense? You guys feel the same?
  2. @JuliusCaesar side question - when I look in the mirror, is that just a form that appears, to trick myself that it’s ‘me’ ? Just like everything else that appears? (A tree, a dog, other people, etc)
  3. @JuliusCaesar thanks for taking the time to explain all of this. Helps a lot ❤️?
  4. You’re right.. I do know my body is just a concept and idea. But Leo talks about Actuality and direct experience being the only thing that exists. It seems like 5 minutes ago was actual, 5 minutes ago..but has now just become a concept and idea in this moment.
  5. @Display_Name I would say there are no words for what is happening.. but if I’m using words to try and describe what’s happening, I would say 5 minutes ago I was sitting on my couch. But saying Nothing Ever Happened seems to suggest that I wasn’t sitting on my couch.
  6. @Display_Name I understand that time is a concept.. but.. Noting Ever Happened seems to suggest 5 minutes ago didn’t actually happen. Is it just the language that’s confusing me ?
  7. @OBEler ya that’s how I understand it also.. but then I wonder why people say nothing ever happened. I completely understand it doesn’t exist right now, but to say nothing never happened? I wonder if I’m understanding this correctly.
  8. @Karla @OBEler but what does it mean that the past .. or 5 minutes ago didn’t actually happen?
  9. Hey @Leo Gura ..After over 25 5-Meo trips, I understand clearly that I’m dreaming. I’m trying to grasp one thing though..what is meant by ‘nothing ever happened’. For example, if I’m sitting here, and 5 minutes pass, what is that past (5 minutes ago). Is it just a ‘thought’ that I’m having in the now ? And, if right now, I’m thinking about my past a few years ago, is it correct to say it didn’t actually happen, and I’m just dreaming that it happened, right now? Hope this question is clear enough. ?❤️
  10. Hey @Leo Gura .. I’ve watched your ‘What is Death’ video a bunch of times to really understand it. Extremely well done! When you say that someone dies, and they’re right here..their consciousness is right here.. I understand that everyone is me, and that I’m imagining everyone.. so would it be correct to say that they just disappear from my dream as everything is impermanent? Just trying to grasp what you mean when you say they didn’t go anywhere and they’re right here, cause it’s not like I have access to that person after they die. Or maybe I do, but I’m not conscious enough. Any way of clearing this up for me ? ❤️?
  11. Thanks @Leo Gura .. I appreciate your thoughts. And just curious, when you take lower doses of mushrooms in the 2 Gram area .. does it now take you directly to Infinite Love? or are you more in contemplation mode?
  12. @Leo Gura Been doing 5-MeO for the last couple of years and wanted to try a mushroom trip again. I’ve done high doses before (14 Grams), but you’ve spoken about how different other psychedelics can be after 5. Not sure if you’re comfortable talking doses, but wondering what you’d suggest. Was thinking 2.5 Grams of Golden Teachers. I’d like to remember as much as I can so I can really integrate whatever I learn. Would love your thoughts. Completely understand if you’d rather not say ❤️??
  13. Thanks @Leo Gura that helps me so much! You are a such a beautiful gift in my life!
  14. @Leo Gura so as I’m coming out of my 5-MeO trips. I watch all my thoughts and my whole life story slowly start to come back in.. when you say I did create myself, are you saying it was pre planned before this moment I’m in now? Or is it all just happening instantaneously right now?