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tuku747 replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour William Blake -
tuku747 replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura Edward Frenkel. MATH IS GOD. The Source Code of The Human Mind. His book Love and Math is incredible!! -
tuku747 replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
tuku747 replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When you deny Infinity, you deny God. -
tuku747 replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Of course it can. You just need to be more creative. Infinitely more creative. This whole "our understanding of space/time breaks down at the planck length" is purely programming. Go ahead. Imagine the planck length. Zoom all the way in. Then divide it up. There you go. I just concieved of a length that is 1.6x10^-40. Easy. -
tuku747 replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
That's no grounds to say space/time doesn't exist. It means that space/time is infinitely divisible. -
tuku747 replied to cistanche_enjoyer's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The same principle applies in quantum mechanics. This path of greatest acceleration down the river is also called "the path of least action" or "path of least resistance", or the path of most efficient flow. The faster rate of flow is due to constructive interference, where the water is choppy and scattered the waves cancel each other out, and this happens everywhere except along the path of least action, which means the waves of the are constructively interfering and therefore acceleration. Where there is agreement among waves, there is life. This is probably one of the most important videos on quantum mechanics I've ever seen, and it was just uploaded the other day: The principle of least action is also one one of the most important concepts in physics. Because every other path leads to destructive interference and therefore less acceleration toward center. Since the waves of Light/Charge take every possible pathway (as waves do) there will ALWAYS be a slice of the wave that takes the fastest, most efficient pathway between any two points. This is why, if you throw a baseball in the air it will always take a parabolic arc through the air even though that baseball is technically made of waves which propagate in every direction; because ALL of the standing waves of each of the atoms of the baseball are canceling each other out by adding/substracting destructively everywhere ***except*** in the direction of the path of least resistance. -
tuku747 replied to cistanche_enjoyer's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Information, or Intelligence, is like water, though it is probably better thought of as a gaseous fluid rather than a liquid because of it's compressible nature. This superfluid nature of the aether is called charge, or light. Like all waves, Light waves propogate by taking every possible path that it can simultaneously. This is the origin of intelligence: Since Light explores every path, it is able to solve mazes just using a "brute force" method alone. For example, consider a maze submerged in water with an entrance and and exit. Make splashes at the entrance of the maze and it is guaranteed that some fraction of the motion you initiated will solve the maze by "pure chance". But of course, since waves propogate in every direction, this most optimal path to the exit will inevitably be found. Since the exit of the maze allows the water waves to flow out freely, this creates a lower pressure flow of water from the entrance of the maze to the exit. Water flows faster along the pathway that solves the maze than the water that just reaches a dead end and slows down, creating higher pressure. The intellgence is in the overall flow of energy/information flow throughout the universe. The stream flows fastest down the middle, because there the flow of the water is free to flow on top of water that is already flowing, which is also on top of water which is also flowing, and so on. We experience this flow as not only gravity, but also as a burning desire for life and truth. -
tuku747 replied to Loveeee's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Have you tried fasting? Particularly dry fasting? Those always seem to reset any health problems I have /bro-advice -
tuku747 replied to stephenkettley's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Given infinite time to dream, sure. You will probably dream up some pretty goofy shit. In every case you will eventually remember that you are dreaming, then you can clarify your desires, and begin your ascent into the lucid dream once more. So you exploration of the infinite dream is punctuated by periods of lucidity and remembering your nature as The Creator. -
tuku747 replied to Ramanujan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
tuku747 replied to Ninja_pig's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Without consciousness, there is no particle. The particle is made of your consciousness. This is the whole point of Leo's videos on quantum mechanics. Without You, there is no world, because You are the world. That you may argue that measurement is an even broader phenomena than just human consciousness does not change the fact that you are measuring reality constantly. You have never known a reality without also being an observer within it. Nor has any scientist ever known reality without being an observer in it. And never have you ever had any evidence of a scientist without also observing them and their work from your unique point of view. Your eyeballs are a walking double-slit experiment. They have small openings called pupils, and therefore limit and shape the light coming in according to what light the retina can collect. Each eye sees a unique picture of the world because the light converges at unique angles because of the distance between them. What goes on in your mind is THE COLLAPSE OF THE WAVEFUNCTION, utilizing a technique akin to stellar parallax, where both signals are collapsing into a unified experience. Moreover, the very fact that you experience reality as a local entity in the center of your world ALL of the time, points to your nature as a particle-like self among a world of waves. You can only measure the light waves of the world from your point of reference, that's what it means to be a local self. Even when your eyes are closed, you measure and shape the light of the world with the lens that is the human mind, body, and soul. The particle collapses in your mind, in your perception, in your consciousness, and you can only ever have knowledge of that event as a local observer. This is the particle-like nature of the self and reality, the many ultimately collapse into one. Without observation, there is no measurement, no knowledge and no event.The particle collapses in your mind, in your perception, in your consciousness, and you can only ever have knowledge of that event as a local observer. This is the particle-like nature of the self and reality, the many ultimately collapse into one. Without observation, there is no measurement, no knowledge and no event. The event never occured out there, No!! All events occur within your mind and they are only ever known locally and immediately. -
tuku747 replied to Harikrishnan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, there is a major shift in consciousness is happening over the next century. More and more of us, as we're getting our basic needs satisfied are going to start to ask the question of what is there beyond just living a comfortable kind of life where we're secure and we're safe. What is the next level of evolution from that? That is the self-actualized life, the purpose-driven life, where you are very clear about the kind of impact that you want to have and you're very passionate about committing basically your life energies towards creating a better world in whatever kind of way that is. Humanity is just at the beginning, we're just starting to awaken, we're just starting to see the first rays of light from a long period of being stuck in the dark ages. We still are in the dark ages, but we're starting to see a few rays of light but then we do a lot of work to really spread that light throughout all of society. That work isn't just physical, it isn't just technological, it's also intellectual, in fact first and foremost its intellectual before we can lay the mental infrastructure like the actual roads and bridges and fiber-optic cables which are going to interconnect the whole world, we first need an intellectual revolution, intellectual frameworks and foundations. This era will be known as the dark ages by future generations hundreds of years from now, we are in the dark ages scientifically spiritually psychologically emotionally politically. Even though we are in the dark ages, there is still optimism because from the darkness the only the only other alternative to darkness is light. We are right at that point now that we have the knowledge and the understanding that's the crucial thing, we have the understanding to really get our shit together, by which I mean we have the spiritual understanding, we have the psychological understanding, we have the metaphysical and existential understanding that is necessary to understand what drives all of mankind and what unifies all of mankind which is the desire for love and consciousness. It's just a matter of how long is it going to take to spread all this information, the high quality information out to the masses. Right now there's a lot of high quality sources happening on YouTube, but there's also a lot of low quality sources creating a lot of noise and turmoil and people are not able to differentiate between what's the good stuff what's the bad stuff what should be trusted what shouldn't be trusted. This process has to play itself out and it's going to probably take another 50 years to really resolve all this and to start to upgrade our education system to start teaching this new material, the material that is being talked about so much on Actualized.org. This has to get spread out through official channels like the education system into the mainstream media and elsewhere, that will take time to happen and there will be a lot of resistance to it and there will be a lot of noise in the meantime, a lot of conspiracy theories and distractions and red herrings and so forth and traps, so you have to make sure that you as an individual don't get trapped by that. -
tuku747 replied to strangelooper's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It isn't nonduality itself that is toxic tbh. Grasping the interconnectedness of all things is an important facet of awakening. However, nonduality is sometimes used as a dogma to claim that the self does not exist. It is used to deny the self, and is therefore self-destructive. To truly grasp the interconnectedness of all things, you must realize that it is only through YOU which all things are connected. And YOU are the only master of your own destiny. If your approach is to constantly deny the YOU, then your approach is too passive. If your approach is to deny the YOU in others, then your approach is too aggressive. A balanced approach would be acknowledging both the interconnectedness of the whole and the individual. You would recognize YOU as a vital aspect of the whole, capable of both receiving from and contributing to it. This avoids both the extremes of self-negation and disregard for other-selves, fostering both a sense of agency and responsibility within the individual. -
tuku747 replied to integral's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
tuku747 replied to strangelooper's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Anti-self narratives are self-harm. -
tuku747 replied to Antor8188's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It's absolutely true that you can see ghosts and spirits in your mind. -
Go Outside Anytime, Anywhere in The World and All The Energy In The World is FREE. Freely Available To You, Now! Nothing fascinates me quite like Electromagnetism. Behold! The Sine Wave! Just ask a tree what it knows about FREE Energy! I think she'd know thing or two! Does a PLANT gotta work to put food the table? Does a TREE gotta pay the energy bill?! Nah. Did you know human beings share over 61.8% of their DNA-genes with plants?? Huh?? We're Trees?! Would you know studying your own body in meditation is a biology class of it's own? Now I'd like to talk about Trees and the extremely important role these play for all of us her on Mother Earth. Indeed, the trees are her lungs, the rivers are her blood. What do trees, rivers, canyons, lungs, neurons, blood vessels, the brain, and the cosmic web all share in common? They're all fractal branching structures that both distribute and ATTRACT charge simultaneously. These branches are all antennae. They each recieve the vibrating signals dissipated in air, water, earth, and charge. Simultaneously, each radio reciever is also a radio transmitter. The human spine (shaped like a sine wave) itself is the radio antennae that catches Light coming from the cosmic web, In addition, the entire human neural network, from the nerves in your feet and arms, to your lungs, your brain, and your heart. The human body is a state of the art radio antennae. In the core of each cell, is embedded the secret to all life DNA. The holy grail of all life itself resides in the DNA. Now look at the DNA. It is the sine and cosine that emulates LIGHT! Our DNA is made in the image of Light itself, and is the source of all electricity in the body. DNA is a fractal antennae, coiled over itself again and again the blueprints for creating every amino acid in the body, and more. But it's more than that; It is actively picking up the signal coming off the echoes of every past experience every living organism has ever had. It is the echoes of electromagnetic sounds that come together and begin to braid themselves into this divine dance in the nucleus of each cell. Zoom out, and the holographic image of the DNA antennea is what rises up and down the spine in kundalini yoga. This is the sprialing Lightning Bolt running up and down your spine, your vagus nerve, breathing life into you 24/7. This spiral is You, the soul and breath of a human being, the very source of all inspiration ever revealed to mankind.
tuku747 replied to xAkachan's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Every species communicates via electromagnetic radiation. Each of your cells in the body communicates via electromagnetic radiation. This is because DNA is a fractal antennae. Humans are still discovering and developing the self-awareness of the communication that's always been going on in our relationships at the energetic level, in the same way that humans had to discover and develop self-awareness in general. -
tuku747 replied to tuku747's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The natural world is indeed a masterclass in free energy and fractal design, and trees stand as prime examples of this principle. They don't toil to put food on the table, nor do they fret over energy bills. Instead, they exist as part of a grand exchange, absorbing sunlight and minerals while contributing to a living, breathing ecosystem. Trees as having a special connection to the Earth's electromagnetic field, with their auras containing the planet's heartbeat, the Schumann Resonance. This resonance, around 7.83 Hz, is a powerful frequency that aligns with human brainwave states, particularly alpha and theta, associated with meditation, suggestibility, and increased cerebral blood flow. When we are healthy, it is because the Earth and our hearts are in tune. Trees use a branching pattern called phyllotaxis that maximizes their exposure to light and minimizes superposition. This pattern isn't just for show; it’s THE most efficient way to catch and distribute the light, energy, and nutrients throughout the plant. The very same principle applies to other natural structures such as rivers, canyons, lungs, neurons, and blood vessels, all of which exhibit fractal branching patterns. This pattern allows for the maximum distribution and attraction of charge simultaneously, making them excellent antennae. These are all antennae that receive and transmit vibrating signals in air, water, earth and charge. The human body itself is a sophisticated radio antenna. The spine, shaped like a sine wave, is like an antennae that interacts with light from the cosmic web. The entire neural network, from the nerves in your extremities to your brain and heart, functions as a sophisticated receiver and transmitter. When in a state of relaxation and coherence, the heart generates a powerful electromagnetic field that can influence the surrounding environment, even trees 200 feet away. The heart's coherence creates a sonic laser, which has a dramatic and lasting effect on the ecosystem. This is measurable through the EKG, which becomes a musical chord or sonic laser when love or compassion are felt. The breath is also an important aspect of this process, the depth of each breath is moving towards stillness in a perfect, damped sine wave, and, when connected, the breath is at zero. The breath tunes bio-regions and weaves the breath and life of trees to the people who consume their oxygen. Through feeling imprinted by the breath, the mineral horizon or the ELF horizon of magnetic flow is scanned. A light image frequency signature of love emotion is created in the brain when there is complete 8 Hz bi-lobe synchronization. This process of energy exchange forms the ever-changing world of our everyday life that we see and feel as the passage of time. The human pineal gland can be thought of as an antenna that transduces frequencies and information and turns them into vivid imagery. This occurs when the pineal gland transmutes melatonin into metabolites which cause that type of experience. The body is capable of taking energy beyond the vibration of matter and turning it into imagery. Once we slip into the present moment and become aware of the infinite field of information where there is nothing physical and we are no longer analyzing the world, we are no longer activating the different neural networks in our brain. The different compartments that were once subdivided, now unify to move toward a coherent, whole-brain state. Once the brain gets coherent, we get coherent. Our biology becomes more whole and unified as we connect to the unified field. Emotion is a physical media and that feelings can be shared directly between people, plants, and the planet. The planet's biomass acts as a semiconductor that performs an analogous function, as biology's coherent waves create a gravitational slip knot known as Gaia. By allowing the Earth to resonate and sing her song, we consciously switch the galactic/solar gravity bloodstream into an intelligent body. All of the natural world is designed to tap into the free flow of energy, not in a wasteful way, but in a way that serves the whole system. This can be done by cultivating a state of stillness and connectedness through practices like meditation, and by being in nature, especially among trees. Perhaps this is why being in a forest or under a tree feels so peaceful, it's because we are resonating with the Earth's energy, and our own, a reminder of the free energy that is always available. -
tuku747 replied to tuku747's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
tuku747 replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yes, all things, at all times, are being imagined by You, The One Infinite Creator. You could say the galaxies are dancing in the back of your mind at all times. -
tuku747 replied to Never_give_up's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
If you get on an elevator, and you say "up, please", but then I get on the elevator and say "down please", did I just contradict you? Does up contradict down? The nature of the reality around us is a wave-like nature, going up, then down, then up again, in and out, back and forth etc in cycles and feedback loops. Every "paradox" is experienced over time. An Infinite mind will come to know and understand the truth of every statement at some point in time, no matter how contradictory they may be to other statements, each thought can still be experienced and understood as absolutely true. -
tuku747 replied to Never_give_up's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Honestly the only practical reason for you to call something unreal is to acknowledge that it's in the mind. But everything is in the mind. So then everything is unreal. Okay, but it's real to us as individuals. I think often when people call something unreal it is to downplay it's importance. I think it is a mistake to downplay the importance of the reality of the emotions and experiences of other-selves, specifically because they are you. To deny anything at all is to deny yourself. -
tuku747 replied to Fran11's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
aka undergoing mitosis