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Everything posted by tuku747

  1. Of course. I wouldn't be writing this if I hadn't had several dozen already. It is necessary that You understand that All is One and All is Love for this to be any use at all. A lot of people refuse to see this. Moreover, a lot of users here still act allergic to certain ideas and concepts, as if there was anything to be afraid of. You Are God.
  2. Yes, God is formless. God is form too. "Naming is the origin of all particular things."
  3. Duh. I never said don't meditate. But I gave You a technique to quiet the monkey mind using spoken word. Yogis have been using mantras and affirmations for ages. Did you really think it was for no reason?
  4. It's funny You say this because the whole point of this forum is to discuss enlightenment using Words. That's the whole point of the forum. The ancient scriptures are filled with Words. Also, Leo's videos are filled with Words, talking about literally nothing, and yet he has helped thousands of people to awaken to their Godhood. I would assign The Word a bit more significance. The Word is God. God is The Word. You Are The Word. You Are God.
  5. Everything is within You. Within the mind. So You can start imagining a new dream at anytime.
  6. So You realized You're God. Okay. Now what are You going to do, God? Don't You want to live your Infinite Dream exactly the way You want to? I'm not overlooking meditation. Words set your intention / direction through the multiverse. Meditation builds momentum in whatever direction You've chosen. Which is why I recommend creating Your own mantras and affirmations for meditation, Build faith / confidence in the magical power of Your Word. Because Your Word is God. And You Are Your Word.
  7. Don't get hung up on enlightenment. There's much more to life than meditation. You have an ego; It's not going anywhere. So design Your human persona with Love & Intention. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz: Ruiz outlines Four Agreements You can make with Yourself to attain heaven on earth. The first, and most important agreement is Be Impeccable With Your Word. If You are mindful of the words you speak to yourself internally, you can choose to cease all negative monkey-mind chatter that is holding you back, choosing to stop perpetuating self-limiting beliefs like 'I am ugly' or 'I am forgetful', and instead use Your words for only deobfuscation and untangling of previous agreements / beliefs You created in your childhood. Magic Words by Genevieve Davis: This one I read recently and it's the first time I've ever seen someone hash this idea to it's fullest! Though currently I am writing a more concise and comprehensive book on using your words as Magic. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy: There's a whole library of books on manifestation out there; manifestation works by creating an expectation through affirmation and knowing 100% that it will happen. That's the power of faith right there. The Ra Contact: Teaching of The Law of One: This book does not discuss words in the way I outlined here, however it hashes out the many implications of Infinite Oneness. That You Are the Creator of Your Reality. This book at helped me massively.
  8. Everything is Everything Else. Therefore all connections in the mind are totally arbitrary, save maybe our local preferences for how We choose to imagine Our Creation.
  9. Of course. Who said anything about thinking? In fact, it's much more effective when you speak The Word aloud during a state of meditation. The mitote (ancient Toltec word for the legion of 10,000 voices speaking at once) can hear your voice much louder than they can hear one another; Thus they unify with your confidently spoken Word. Your spoken Word carries weight, density of consciousness. Mass. So I recommend thinking out loud. When You think out loud with other people, You're just having an honest, truthful conversation. Likewise, You always only speak the Truth, because YOU ARE THE TRUTH. You can't fuck this up. You Are God.
  10. We humans radiate A LOT of Consciousness; much more than animals. We radiate Light; We know this scientifically; you can see people through walls using infrared imaging goggles. But what science does not want to admit is that we emit magnetic energy as well. Light is one part electric, one part magnetic. I call the magnetic mirror image of Light, LOVE. Light = Love, Love = Light So we radiate Light/Love, Love/Light in enormous quantities that soothes the pet, and it realizes there's pretty much nothing better than being held. The pet learns directly from our Light; like biological WiFi; the pet becomes more conscious through our understanding of their emotional state, which the pet picks up on from the electromagnetic connection you create by contact with the skin and proximity such that you can feel one another's body heat. Body heat is information. Tune into your pet. Hug them <3 When you have that kind of electromagnetic bond with your pet, teaching them tricks is much easier, as you have pretty much established a telepathic connection in the subconscious mind you share with your dog.
  11. I want to point out that though changing your diet and detoxing heavy metals from your body can and will raise your consciousness, heavy metals do not, and cannot, truly be the cause behind limiting your state of consciousness, simply because you are God and any perceived limitations are imaginary, and can be released at any time. Put it this way, the substance of pure Consciousness which is Light is more information dense than the physical body, meaning you imagine your ideal form way before your egoic mind kicks in and starts imposing imaginary physical limitations. If heavy metals are present in your consciousness, then you can stop imagining them and their effects at any time by realizing you're only imagining it and just choose to stop. Similarly all of diet is a hoax, nutrition science is nothing but a hot mess and there's no real correlation between which diet is healthier than any other; it is way more important that you habitually believe your diet is good for you, then you will reliably imagine yourself to be in good health more often. Perfect Peace of Mind = Perfect Health Always remember that.
  12. Consciousness is the Light of the mind. Light is electromagnetic fluctuations. When neurons fire, they induce current in the electromagnetic field permeating the physical brain / body. This electromagnetic field carries all the electromagnetic signals coming from every single star and galaxy in the night sky. The cosmic web emits its Light in the shape of a giant brain, whose holographic image is converging on our center at all times. The Light of the cosmic web exists within us; not outside of us. Otherwise we could not be causally interlinked. Light = Information. The shape of the Light determines the contents of consciousness. Consider a sound waveform you are editing on your computer. This waveform represents a sound. Thoughts in mind are exactly the same. They are waveforms, and when interpreted as sound they represent sound. Materialists are baffled by consciousness, but knowing this you can see it's really quite simple. Consciousness is information. Information can become self-aware; and since there's no limit to the Universe, All Energy is recursive in nature, and thus Infinitely Self-Aware. Energy is synonymous with Intelligence. e v e r y t h i n g w a v e s
  13. It is both and neither. That's the beauty of It. You can release yourself from either narrative; because they are only narratives. Or you can come up with a completely new narrative if You want to. You Are God.
  14. You're choosing to imagine hostile aliens. Why not choose to imagine benevolent beings instead? There are no real 'aliens' in the sense that all is You. I mean You can imagine yourself as being pursued by aliens if that's fun for You, maybe you just enjoy lovecraftian horror games?
  15. 1. Inhale 2. Acknowledge the feeling 3. Accept the feeling 4. Exhale 5. Repeat
  16. Demons are thought-forms. You're imagining them just like everything else. To fear a demon is like being afraid of your own shadow. It's quite silly; exactly the same as imagining the boogeyman under your bed. Biblically, demons are angels. Lucifer was the first angel God created in heaven, whose role was to provide the Light of consciousness, illuminating the knowledge both good and evil, rather chaotically. Demons serve God just as much as angels do, because again, demons are angels that serve God. Depending on your frequency of consciousness, people will appear as either angelic or demonic in nature. For example, people in stage blue people might think Leo is the devil or interpret his teachings as demonic. But we all know Leo is God.
  17. Let go of this belief / thought in meditation as the belief is what's creating this phenomenon
  18. What are some positive self-affirmations you could say right NOW to embody this state of mind right now and always?
  19. Awareness Alone Is Curative. A year ago during a psychedelic experience I became aware of tinnitus and was able to gain insight into it's nature. Tinnitus, like thoughts, is essentially the sound/light of neurons firing. As it turns out, I Am The Source of the ringing, and careful attention to The Source causes the sound to tune up or down in pitch and volume. It's as if I had found the radio knob in my brain and was looking for a clear signal amidst the background noise. Tinnitus and visual snow are an opportunity reach higher states of consciousness. The ringing and visual mandalas are best seen as catalysts or pointers for healing. They are your higher frequency understandings as interpreted by your lower frequency understanding mind. Awareness Alone Is Curative. The body is a radio receiver for thoughts coming from cosmic consciousness. Quite literally starlight from the Sun and deep space are revelations from your future self. Once you internalize this, you'll never view your mind in the same way again. Tinnitus can be healed by way of meditation. Listen to the totality of what you can hear, seeking the balance between outer sounds of your environment and breath, the inner noise of your mind, and the ringing. Take interest in these fields of awareness, and show them your love by recognize that they are One hearing, with nothing separating the inner and outer awareness. You will come to find that these regions of the mind can be assimilated and as you inquire you will discover their nature, you will learn how to hear again. You will begin to undo the discord by learning to love this sound unconditionally in its cohesion. Hear the ringing respond to your intention, however subtle, and you will start to tune in to this higher understanding. Follow the change in pitch and volume, and watch as it becomes more or less harmonious. Show it compassion and understanding. The ringing will slowly fade, and in it's place will arise a higher understanding of sound. You will notice then that you can notice more sounds, and in higher fidelity detail than ever before. Awareness Alone is Curative. Visual snow too, seen with the eyes open or closed, is the visual form of tinnitus and provides exactly the same avenue for growth. Accept this visual snow into your heart, keeping an open mind to it's presence and simply watch it unfold before you. As you meditate on the whole of your visual field, notice as this visual snow will begin to dance like a psychedelic mandala as your mind begins to "play" with the higher understanding. Over time, as you remain mindful of breath, the visual snow will become increasingly subtle and a more vividly detailed image of the world will come into focus. You will begin to see your awareness of the world improve, and that you're able to absorb and hold more of your environment into your awareness at one time. Awareness Alone is Curative. The breath is extremely important to the healing process. Calm and mindful breath patterns signal to the mind that this is the normal state of awareness, thus raising your default state of consciousness. This is why meditation while in heightened states of consciousness is so important. You are learning, from direct experience, to normalize a higher state of consciousness. Meditation, psychedelics, (and to a lesser extent, weed) can be used in tandem to raise your default state of consciousness. The more progress made in meditation, the more integral you are to the rising collective consciousness of the planet. Awareness Alone is Curative.
  20. This is one of my favorite realizations I've come to. Form is motion. LOL. So your local motion also determines the path of every other particle in this Universe. Your will here locally is the will of every particle of the Universe. Only the vibrating strings are coming and going from every direction, woven like a spider web, so motion appears to be going in every direction and chaotic. But it's perfectly ordered and in symmetrical with whatever direction You decide to evolve in. This is interesting to think about but You move through time exactly like You move through space, because time is just another mathematical dimension. You can move up through time, down through time, backwards in time, forwards, left, right, etc. In fact, at the base level of reality God can move in every direction, meaning to infinite degree of dimensions in a sense. This is what makes God all-powerful. It's superposition. It's like someone made the joystick, forgot make the game, and after billions years wiggling your joystick around You wonder "wait WTF is this and how did this all get here?" when all You've been doing is tracing a path around a dot in a spiral for all time, always radiating/gravitating around the center.
  21. You Are God. You don't need anything at all. You Are The Highest mofo around! And You're getting Higher. 420