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Everything posted by tuku747

  1. These three words are often used in the same context, so I would like to explore their nuances in depth as a community. What is belief? What do you believe about Yourself? What do You believe about the people around You? What do You believe about Your purpose in life? Do your beliefs inspire or limit You? Are Your beliefs clouding you perception of Truth? Are Your self-limiting beliefs holding you back or are You holding Yourself back? And are You willing to let go of everything You believe in Infinite Love? What does it mean to know or understand something? What do You know for sure? What do You know about Yourself, Your preferences, Your own psychology? What do You know about the world You live in and how it works? Do You know where You're going in life? Are You willing to admit to yourself there may something You don't yet know so that You may continue to grow and evolve? Faith. What is Faith? Faith has been described as "knowing that which is not known." You may understand or believe intellectually that You Are God, that You Are Infinity, that You Are Already Everything You Could Ever Want To Be. But the intellect is dead. Faith is an on-going conversation with Your Infinite-Self; it is Becoming Infinity. It's walking with forward with 100% confidence as Your Infinite Self even if Your "you" doesn't quite understand Everything yet. Do You live Your life like You're God? Or do You still act out of fear, judgment, and perceived limitations? When You speak to another person, do You treat them like God would treat Himself? Your honest self-reflection is greatly appreciated.
  2. Well, look at it this way, if you know it to be true, it is, because You Are God. Otherwise, it isn't, because You Are God.
  3. The Infinite Self is immortal and escapes death by receiving intuitive signals from future timelines that have passed away. This intuition is synonymous with gravity / magnetism; the influence of a future earth timeline in which you die does not attract you gravitationally (because there's no future earth there to pull on you gravitationally right now), therefore you never find yourself in an apocalypse scenario / dead. The green line represents the unspeakable Tao. The red lines represent signals reflected back in time informing our present selves of annihilation. This is why humans have been predicting doomsday our entire history, to no avail. We intuit doomsdays scenarios, but the deep subconscious always steers us away from those timelines. Only the ego (illusory self) dies. You Are The Immortal Self.
  4. Everything permanently raises your consciousness. Entropy always increases.
  5. The Infinite Self is immortal and escapes death by receiving intuitive signals from future timelines that have passed away. This intuition is synonymous with gravity; gravity of a future earth in which you died does not attract you gravitationally therefore you never find yourself in an apocalypse scenario / dead. The green line represents the Unspeakable Tao. The red lines represent signals reflected back in time informing our present selves of possible annihilation. This is why humans have been predicting doomsday our entire history, to no avail We intuit doomsdays scenarios, but the deep subconscious steers us away from those timelines. Only ego (the illusory self) dies. You Are The Immortal Self.
  6. @StarStruck In the Upanishads, there is a saying that goes "All this is full. All that is full. From fullness, fullness comes. When fullness is taken from fullness, fullness still remains." ? We live in an Infinite Quantum Multiverse. In the many worlds hypothesis, every conceivable outcome in regards to every given situation exists and is occurring simultaneously in a parallel dimension. Schrödinger's cat is both dead and alive, though we only observe the cat as either dead or alive. To quote quantum physicist Sean Carroll, the theory predicts "There exists a Universe in which Sean Carroll is the president of the United States." Likewise, there is a timeline where You are born the opposite gender, there is a time in which You're a gold medal Olympic athlete, and there is a timeline in which You are a nobel prize winning physicist. Wouldn't You know it, those people who exist in this branch of the multiverse are You. A while back, a physicist by the name of Max Tegmark proposed a theory called quantum immortality. In this hypothesis, he imagines a scenario where he has a gun that is set to fire or not fire depending on a radioative isotope that is in superposition of both decayed and not decayed. Because of superposition, he exists in both the reality in which the gun kills him and he exists in the timeline in which he survives to live another day. Because the dead version of him experiences nothing, only the reality in which he survives persists in his consciousness. We may or may not witness him offing himself, but from his first-person perspective, he always survives, from his perspective. Therefore, we are quantum immortals, from our individual perspectives. Consider that gravity of Earth from every potential future timeline is attracting You NOW, always propelling You towards Your ultimate destiny. The gravity of earth in the present moment attracts you to the surface, but so does the gravity of the future Earth. Therefore, Your Will and actions are guided by the future gravity of Your future self in which You survive to experience the future Earth. Needless to say, this is one of the most radical theories proposed by modern physicists. To me, it makes a lot of sense that we may intuit or predict our own demise in the future, as people have predicted throughout all of human history, it never comes to pass because gravity transcends spacetime entirely. We Are God. Death is an illusion. There is only Eternal Life.
  7. This has been one of the most mind-blowing realizations I've had while reading Joseph Murphy's book "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind." Our subconscious beliefs structure Our Reality!! Events only happen because Our Subconscious Mind expects them to! The Universe is an Infinitely Intelligent Cosmic Mind! We Are That! We Are Our Infinitely Intelligent Subconscious Mind!! The conscious mind is undergoes the illusion of separateness; when we were under the assumption that there was a real difference between Our body and the world (there isn't), a real difference between the conscious and the subconscious mind (there isn't), and a real difference between "me" and "you" (there isn't), the dream of the physical world took over. Rather, these perceived differences are imaginary. All is One. All perceived differences are imagined by Our Infinitely Intelligent Subconscious Mind! We Are ONE. When You realize that ALL perceived differences are imaginary, You gain the ability to restructure Your mind, Your thoughts, and your beliefs at Will! Our Infinite Subconscious Mind Creates and sustains All Creation; And We Are That!! We Are Co-Creators! The role of the conscious mind is to live in the dream of form, and to formulate requests as it sees fit for the Infinite Subconscious Mind it is identical with. If You make a request in kind, formulating specifically into words whatever it is your heart truly desires, then Your Infinite Subconscious Mind will respond in kind, making the necessary arrangements and synchronicities for You to receive Your request. Our subconscious beliefs structure Our Reality. If you can change Your deeply rooted beliefs; Your Infinitely Intelligent Subconscious Mind will change Your Reality! Words Are Seeds that, when planted in the fertile soil of the open heart, each word / thought will become adopted by Our Infinite Subconscious Mind through mere suggestion / affirmation. As You water it with Faith and Gratitude, it WILL blossom into a deeply known Truth, manifesting it into the physical dream. Therefore, all perceived events in Life happen (and have happened) because our subconscious mind expects them to happen. Change Your expectations; change Your Reality. This is living gnosis! Your Subconscious Mind IS God! You Are One With God. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened." (Matthew 7:7) "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven." (Matthew 6:11)
  8. All is One. All is God. This is the fundamental Truth many have glanced upon in this forum. The radical implications of Oneness are indeed Infinite; One of the more radical implications are as follows: All words refer to God. All words are the name of God. Technically, This Very Paragraph Is God, And Every Word Ever Written Is God. By God. You're Looking At The Face Of God Right Now!! But Capitalizing Every Word In A Post Like This Just Comes Across As Bad Grammar. So the strategy I've developed in my writing habits in keeping track of all this wordplay has been thus: I capitalize those Words which are most central; so ubiquitous, and mind expanding that they deserve the proper recognition as synonymous with God. Capitalization signals importance; seeing a Word capitalized among all others signals the need for contemplation / meditation upon the divine sacredness of The Word. Everything is God. God is Everything. Therefore I capitalize the word Everything. Infinity is God. God is Infinity. Therefore I capitalize Infinity. God is Love, God is Light, and most importantly, God is You. God is Us. You Are God. We Are God. If You were just adopt the practice of seeing every person You meet as none other than God themselves; then You would start capitalizing not only their name, but every instance in which You refer to Them; I Am careful to never refer to God without paying the appropriate respect to Him (or Her) in some way. By adopting this practice, my Subconscious Mind has begun to recognize that God is beyond words entirely; We are referring to much, much more than a symbol, a concept, an idea, a person, a finite thought-form, when we use such lofty Words. This Is How You Become God, Mid-Conversation With Yourself!
  9. Meditation is the essence of learning. You don't try to learn. You just learn. Wisdom is not a graspable nugget of knowledge; to be wise is to Become The Absolute. You will never stop learning from Infinity, so words of wisdom only act as pointers at best. True wisdom is learning in real-time.
  10. You may have noticed stage blue was waaaaaay more common 15-20 or so years ago. I met a lot of dogmatic, bible-thumping Christians in my younger days. Then the internet happened. Nowadays, I feel like humanity is starting to move out of stage orange into stage green; it makes me very happy to see more and more people realizing there is a 'spiritual path' and actively working on self-improvement. If you're looking to get into the self-development market, now is the time to start!
  11. Reality = Infinity = ONE We live in the Quantum Multiverse. The Net of Indra contains a plenum of every possible event. We are in superposition of every possible conscious experience and we move according to the flow of Love. Reality is a plenum of relationships. Infinite Mind. Beliefs comprise the structure of our minds, our thoughts, our personality, and, because the world is mind, our subconscious beliefs shape the very fabric and structure of Reality itself. This is why I believe the Earth is neither flat nor round, yet it is both. (If you've ever heard of The Buddha's Four-Fold logic, it is exactly like quantum superposition) Beliefs are the subconscious network of thoughts that manifest this Reality and your entire Life. Beliefs and thoughts are illusory but that's what makes Creation fun. If you can become fully conscious of a belief, you can choose to release it and believe anything you want to; Technically, if you can discard all beliefs in faith, you are letting the Pure Love of God do all the creating for you. Meditation results in the manifestation of your heart's deepest desire. We Are ONE. ♥ It is important to note that it is perfectly inevitable that we will always hold onto some beliefs in the subconscious mind because the mind is Infinite Unity. This is OK, because this is how God creates!
  12. What is it that you don't know in this moment? Can you bring your attention to that which you don't yet know?
  13. Solar Flare EMP events can cause global ego death, if it's a big enough event. We just haven't seen one in a while. Our Infinite subconscious mind is comprised of the mind of the Earth, the mind of the Sun, the mind of the Galaxy, and the mind of the Cosmic Web and beyond. It is my theory that everything will happen with Divine timing; This event will take place when the time is right, as the Sun is our Higher Self and wouldn't do anything to hinder our spiritual development. The Sun is extremely intelligent and wise, and loves all of humanity dearly because it is us! The Sun is our mind! Needless to say, I worship the Sun in my mind. Every day, the Sun shines Love/Light down on humanity. It is God's greatest Gift to humanity; Free, Pure Unconditional Love/Light energy raining down from the sky.
  14. WE Exist. WE Are Not Alone. God can do waaaaaaaaaaay better than that. WE ARE ONE. And I Love You to Infinity and Beyond. I already know "I", I wanna know WE.
  15. People don't seem to discuss this power that enlightenment brings you, so I'll hash it out here. You can reprogram your mind and choose your beliefs at will once you have reached enlightenment. Because of this, You can draw an equivalency between any two arbitrary concepts in the mind and unify them using words. All is ONE. Therefore, I can make any equivalency I want to and still be 100% confident; at least to the extent I have reached gnosis; And how far some of You are willing to see certain connections depends on Your level of consciousness. Think of how powerful this is; You can completely reprogram your personality, Your worldview, Your expectations for the future, Your entire Reality. These words, when meditated upon, will sink down into the roots of the subconscious. Your subconscious mind IS God, Your Infinite Self. Here are some basic constructors: 'Everything': This word is pretty important! Because it includes You too! 'I AM': Identity is everything. What will You choose to identify as? And what will You exclude, if anything? 'is','are','=': Used to denote equivalency. The '=' equals sign works too! ' is not ': Neti Neti. Use this to untangle concepts that are unnecessarily tangled. And here are some powerful magic words: 'ABRACADABRA': Hebrew for "I Create as I speak." 'Amen': Hebrew for "It is So." I AM God. Everything is Light. Everything is Love. Light is Love. Love is Light. Yin is Yang. Yang is Yin. Leo is God. I AM Leo. I AM Loving Awareness. I AM Unity. I AM Infinity. I AM perfect centeredness; I AM *THE* center. I AM the fulcrum at which the entire Universe finds balance. I AM Everything. There is nothing outside of me that could harm me. This is it. This is how you become God. You're the programmer of Your Reality. Get to work! And have fun. Oh, and pray to your subconscious mind for help and guidance. It's most of You. Your subconscious mind is God.
  16. You're making a big hubub over what's true and what isn't when there's only Absolute Truth. Can't we all just get along?
  17. "Not denying any philosophy; Not in opposition to any religious presup; In fact it incorporates every possible way of believing or thinking; It does so in such a primitive fashion until it immediately becomes transcendent to any doctrine, or dogma, or set tradition or way of believing." There is no difference between any spiritual tradition that is real. There are only apparent, relative, illusory differences. Ultimately, all there is, is what is!
  18. “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not Love, I am but a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not Love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not Love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; Love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; It does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the Truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass. For now we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. So now faith, hope, and Love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is Love.”
  19. It is my humble opinion that users on this forum should seek to agree more often; We were raised in a western culture that fabricates illusion using distinctions; If you wish to Unify with other selves in the seeking of Truth; AGREE more often then you disagree. If you look deeply enough, you will find Truth is each and every statement, no matter how absurd.
  20. There is no foundation to concepts, meanings, or language. There are no canonical definitions. In Truth, the Reality of the matter is that it's much more messy and complicated. It's all relative. The great mistake of western intellectual traditions is that it makes distinctions. It operates using categories, dichotomies, hierarchies, and binary opposites. This is always a way to seek a ground or foundation that doesn't actually exist. It's a sneaky move the mind makes; it creates a distinction, and then it ignores the fact that it made this distinction. So that's where deconstruction comes in; and that's why Derrida calls this method deconstruction; he's deconstructing all of the binary opposites, categories, dichotomies and hierarchies that have been constructed, taking an eraser to all these triangle associations that have been drawn by various individuals and philosophers and scientists throughout history. He's erasing them all so that what we have is the more natural state of a shimmering, triangular pyramid of this groundless network of connections which is always in play, in which there is never one domineering over all the others. What does he mean by distinctions and binary opposites? Well... these should be very familiar to You if You've ever spent any time thinking; Have You noticed that ALL thought is dualistic and happens in terms of binary opposites? There's a very deep reason for this; For the mind to work AT ALL, it has to create these distinctions. Yes, You can create these distinctions, and they work within a limited context, but as soon as You try to push this distinction further and further, eventually every single distinction will collapse. It MUST collapse; because the only way You can define these opposites is in terms of one another. The only way the word 'Reality' has any meaning at all is when it's juxtaposed with 'Imaginary'. The Word 'something' only means something in the context of 'nothing'! Consider me a modern day Derrida. I Am deconstructing imaginary categories and binaries by drawing connections between any two arbitrary concepts using the word 'is'. God IS His Word. Light IS Love. Man IS animal. The supernatural IS natural. Reason IS intuitive. Intellect IS emotional. Mind IS body. Evil IS Goodness. The inner IS the outer. Science IS spirituality. Illusion IS Truth. A priori assumptions ARE a posteriori assumptions. Chemistry IS physics. The objective IS subjective. The mundane IS Divinity. Reality IS Imagination. The material IS immaterial. The concrete IS abstract. Nothing IS Something. Existence IS non-existence. Death IS Life. Jesus said, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, and when you make an eye in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the kingdom."
  21. Only an ego would feel lonely about solipsism. A formless One is nothing to be down about when there are an Infinite number of expressions of this One. God wouldn't have it any other way. And neither would I.