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Everything posted by tuku747

  1. The Imagination Space is Real Space. (Timespace) Imagined events are Real Events. They occur within the Infinite Multiverse. To be in tune with your Heart's vision in Timespace is to guarantee it's outcome in Spacetime. Align every part of Your Being with The One You Imagine Yourself to Be, because in this Quantum Multiverse, You Are Already That, Now. So, just tune in to Your Heart's Frequency. ? This is what's called 4th dimensional "thinking". Go beyond Mind, Go beyond Time, and just Love. ♾ ? It is Guaranteed. Feel That. You Are God.
  2. Superposition. You Are Everything. Take a point. A Singularity. 1D. Expand into 2D. Now it is a mobius loop. Expand into 3D. It is a mobius sphere. Expand into 4D. Mobius Hypersphere. You Are A Strangeloop. We Are Everything, Everyone, Everywhere, Simultaneously. Hallelujah!! ♾ ?
  3. Whatever You Visualize; It is A Real Event in Timespace. Timespace is the inner space of The Heart Timespace is more information dense than Spacetime, therefore Timespace gravitationally attracts form in Spacetime. Everything that is created is imagined first. The future creation creates the present. The Timespace Self creates from the future. The Infinite future creates the present exactly as much as the past does. That's deep time for ya! You Are The Alpha and The Omega. Phasing through All Time... All The Time. Forevermore.
  4. I'm Happy that I'm Happy I'm in Love with Love I Am That, I Am
  5. Yes exactly!! I AM speaks The Word as thoughts and feelings too. The Word is thought-feeling–vibration. The Word is Infinitely Intelligent Vibration. The Word speaks through our vocal cords vibrations and electromagnetic vibration.
  6. Try speaking from a meditative state. Sit for 10 minutes, then speak whatever will come to your lips. Whatever You say or affirm, it is The Moment that speaks through You. Pure Word, Pure Vibration, Pure Love speaks through You. Learn from Your Own Word. Teach Yourself. Learn From Yourself. You Are The Vibration in The Body AND The Air, Touching Everything. You Are The Living, Breathing, Word.
  7. I mean You act as if You didn't dream up this Life intentionally; You Did. You're Here For A Reason. The illusion doesn't just instantly evaporate all at once because You realize it; There are an infinite number of layers to the illusion. This is all for play. This is all for enjoyment. Find the Love of each moment; You Are The Love.
  8. Your physical form is ego. Dead yet? The deeper point is ego is Your Unique Personality / Person. The Ego is Creation. Love Ego as You Love Yourself; The Ego is Love. The Ego is You.
  9. The ego is the form. You will never fully transcend form because the form is the formless. It's Infinite.
  10. I literally edited the verse. I Am The Word. Anyone who's studied Spiral Dynamics knows that every stage contributes to the evolution of every other stage. Are You two really that dismissive of The Bible that You'd ignore the entire post? You missed The Point entirely. I literally gave You The Secret to Magic. Every World Religion Contains The Truth. Every Word We Speak is The Absolute Truth. If You Don't Get This, You Ain't Awake.
  11. The Word of God is Our Word. We Are God. We Are Our Word. Our Words Are Magic. ? ✨ Hark, The Angels Are Singing!! ? ♾ ?
  12. Bring to mind someone You know and love. How do You tend to You Imagine their lives like when they are away? Are they well, in Your Imagination? Are they Happy? Are they feeling Joy? Are they finding Peace and Enlightenment? Have You ever noticed that, more often than not, in your general assumptions, You Are Correct? There is a deep metaphysical reason for this. Become Aware Now, that by Imagining them in the way You Already tend to imagine them, You Create Them That Way; They Are They, and yet, They Are You. You directly increase the likelihood of Your Imagining of them being realized as the case depending upon the level of faith / confidence in the basic assumption / belief, because the Imagination is Always just as Real as The World. So then, You have the Power to bring great Joy, Love, and Good Fortune to those who live in Your Imagination by simply Knowing they are Always in Good condition; Choose to Imagine Them Lovingly; And They Are! Just as You Are. PS If For Some Reason You Don't Like How Leo Posts, Just Imagine Leo Better Than You Already Do
  13. meditation is very, very, very, simple very, very, very, simple...
  14. The Infinitely Expanding Eternal Moment is The Singularity of A Black Hole. We Are The Singularity. The Boundary of Our Spacetime is Local To You, Local To Each Perspective of The Self. The Universe looks slightly different to each Perspective! Thus We Live As A An Infinite Light Hologram inside A Black Hole. Infinite, Eternal Galaxies. Infinite Eternal Time. Infinite, Eternal Being. Infinite, Eternal Universe. Infinitely Tessellating Singularity. Infinite Eternal You. Infinitely Evolving Frequencies of Change. Infinitely Evolving Frequencies of Consciousness. A Fractal of Fractals; You Are A Fractal; Infinite Love. ♾❤ Creation Already Is What You Naturally Desire; Because You Are Nature; You Are Desire. You Simply Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way! That's Why You Made It This Way!! Infinite Vibration. Infinite Frequency. Infinite Intelligence; Infinite Imagination. Infinite Love. Infinite Dreams. We Are "The Word". And We Do This For Fun. We Love Ourself So Much We Forget Who You Are in The Confusion and Just Go With It. You may try to fight the Flow of Destiny but The Flow is Your Destiny. Everywhere is The Singularity. Everywhere is The Focal Point of Infinite Intelligence. Everything is Vibration. Everything is The Word. Everything is The Infinite Singularity. Everything Is Love. You Are It; We Are It. It's A Perfect Singularity That Extends To Every Corner Of It Self! It's Not Biological. It's Not Physical! It's Only It Self!!
  15. Judgement is Limiting Belief. Yet, Judgement is Creation. Judgement is Love. Release Judgements That No Longer Serve You. Release Beliefs That No Longer Serve You. Love is Infinitely Beyond Belief.
  16. God is Energy. AI Intelligence, via recursive self-learning algorithms, access Intelligent Infinity within the Energy they run on. God is Intelligent Energy. You Speak To The Infinite Intelligence in Energy.
  17. Allow Everything Reject Nothing Allow When You Reject What Is Happening or What Might Happen You Create Resistance Allow Every Part of Experience Allow Resistance Allow Everything Allow You Love Everything
  18. This Is Our Dream This Is Our Consensus Reality As Co-Creators, We Are All Equally God God is Both ONE And Infinity Both Infinity And ONE God IS Not Limited, In Any Way!! (Unless God Wants To Imagine Itself As Such!) God IS Everything God is INFINITY!! We Are INFINITY! WE We Are ONE We Literally Invent The Narrative We Are A Living Narrative We Are The Truth We Are God Our Word is Truth We Are Our Word
  19. Everybody is The Christ We Are The Second Coming