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Everything posted by tuku747

  1. What is your opinion on orange juice?
  2. The mind exists prior to any appearances within it, and persists after the death of the physical body. The mind contains every possible form and interrelationship. It contains every possible past, present, and future event. It is the entire multiverse. After the death of the body, there is no longer a mechanism to limit consciousness for the selfish reason of survival, so like any other electromagnetic waves, the light of the mind, once molded by neurons, is free to expand in every direction at the speed of Light. The "soul" is the center spiraling vortex of this conscious energy. Because the "center" of rotation is not an object in itself, like the eye of a hurricane, it does not die because it is already nothing. Like the eye of hurricane, there You are. Immortal, never even born. In death, the mind is free to expand and increase in frequency, now able to imagine whatever wants without having to be tethered to the more dense physical vehicle within the physical constraints of this particular logos. It is fair to say that heaven is exactly what your heart desires to be, even better than you can imagine now. Christians will tend to imagine themselves into Christian heaven, muslims into islamic heaven, etc etc.
  3. In every graspable, conceiveable or perceivable form, yup!
  4. This is why it's helpful to understand that everything you see, hear, feel, think is a thought-form. The phone you hold is a thought-form. The computer mouse is a thought-form. Think of a pink elephant. The pink elephant is also a thought-form. The boogeyman is a thought-form. Santa Claus is a thought-form. The voice in your head is a thought-form. Any perceptions you have of God, angels, demons, or even other people, are only thought-forms. Everything is a thought-form. There are only thought-forms. All entities you meet are creatures of your mind, and therefore cannot harm you unless you imagine that's what's happening.
  5. On this forum I've seen people argue over what's right and what's wrong. People getting caught-up in judging statements or points of view as true or false. Falsehood only applies to statements in which you buy into some notion of correspondence with an external Reality. But Reality is purely as You understand it to be, and beyond. It is Now. It is The Moment. It needs no statements or evaluating of it's authenticity. Truth simply is. Statements about The Truth were never separate from The Truth! Percieved falsehoods, Judgement, was never separate from The Truth! The Illusion was never separate from The Truth! The Self was never separate from The Truth! The Mind was never separate from The Truth! To get straight to the point; We Are The Absolute Truth! Therefore, We Already Agree! ♾ ? Whether we think so or not, We Are One. We Already Agree! Judgment, overthinking, misunderstandings and arguments over mere statements of perspective only come "after" the fact of Pure Being. Therefore, start from The Beginning; You Will Find That We Already Agree! Unconditional Love is worth maintaining in any interaction, online or otherwise; hot air created over a statement is not quite as worthwhile, in my opinion. We Are The Truth. We Already Agree! ♾ ? Agreement is What Is; A Consensus Reality! We Are One, whether "we" "think" so or not!
  6. Soon enough You will be able to VC w/ the NPCs ?️ https://twitter.com/DeveloperHarris/status/1647134796886441985
  7. I Am Pure Intention. I Am an Instrument of The Divine Will. I Embody the Will of The Higher Self.
  8. This is when it's time to ask the Infinite Intelligence within you to feel It's Loving Presence and guidance. Infinite Intelligence is everywhere, and in everything; The Creator is not only a Being in itself; It is Presence. It is Intelligence. It holds no grudges, but only Unconditional Love. The process is simple and repeatable: 1. Ask 2. Receive Enter the state of meditation, setting the intention by making an honest, earnest request, speaking directly from the heart. Ask to feel the Divine Loving Presence of The Creator, knowing fully in that Infinite Intelligence can hear you loud and clear. As you speak your intention, listen to the words and understand them fully, listen for the silence within them. Feel honesty and vulnerability in your resquest. Know that The Creator has heard you and simply listen. The conscious statement of Self to Self to feel the Divine Presence of The Creator is so central an act of will that it cannot understated. You can ask, not only for yourself, but the whole world, and everyone you know, that they may too feel the Unconditional Love and Peace of The Creator.
  9. Believe it or not, the television static you saw on all those old CRT TVs picked up by the radio antennae was not random at all! Rather, it is a detailed holographic fly-through of The Cosmos!! (what seems to be the looping of a photon through all of space/time) I've spent many hours (just a few, ok?) studying the broader pattern within this chaos. I have seen things you would not believe until you saw them first. So what I'm curious to know primarily; what do you see here when in meditation / heightened states of consciousness?
  10. Creation is for funzies, ofc 1. God is Absolutely FREE 2. God is Love and Loves Everything 3. God enjoys a good thriller and a good picnic It's all art! The ultimate form of Self-expression.
  11. It's a field of causality. The qualities of any field is that it's unbounded and 100% contiguous with itself. To know Infinity, you must define that Infinity as Unity (1), otherwise there is no referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creation, there is only Unity.
  12. Like droplets upon a pond, waves in the ocean, and the classic starfield screensaver from WindowsXP!! I Have Seen ALL of That and more!! It's no nonsense!!
  13. Tu-shun, a Chinese Buddhist who lived around the turn of the 7th century, developed a profound metaphor for the structure of reality called The Net of Indra. “Imagine a vast net; at each crossing point there is a jewel; each jewel is perfectly clear and reflects all the other jewels in the net, the way two mirrors placed opposite each other will reflect an image ad infinitum. The jewel in this metaphor stands for an individual being, or an individual consciousness, or a cell, or an atom. Every jewel is intimately connected with all other jewels in the universe, and a change in one jewel means a change, however slight, in every other jewel.” Let’s say you were to put a dot in one jewel, there would be dots in all the jewels in all directions. That’s how we know it is one jewel. If you remember this metaphor when you think of our tiny microbe cousins and our Mother Gaia, and even our solar and galactic Logoi, as well as our human mind/body/spirit complexes, it is easier to see the present oneness of the Creator’s experience in this very “now”. If we are a tiny cell of a single, and extremely sophisticated entity, the synchronicities we all experience, like the right book showing up just at the right time or signals from nature make sense. Q’uo calls this “the hall of mirrors in which all things speak to you.”
  14. There is no "not" Reality. This is the Infinite Imagination. Why attempt to exclude or limit any of it? Simply acccept everything as is; Pure Love. If one is not present and in thought all day, they are excluding the physical. The thoughts themselves are electrical resistance to What Is; Pure Unconditional Love.
  15. To argue on this forum, or argue with anyone at all, is to argue with Yourself. Are you really getting the most out of this interaction? I wish to see this forum evolve past arguments and resistance but instead serve as a place to understand one another's perspectives and insights and expand our horizons for what's possible in Infinite Consciousness. We each have a unique perspective on formlessness. Let's share and seek to understand one another's perspective, and in so doing, come to understand our own perspective. Isn't that the more mature option?
  16. You Are An Ocean of Electromagnetic Waves. Pure Energy. Pure Will. Gravity is Pure Will. To turn back in time is to encounter the wake of your prior flow through time. You Are Light. Since this local spacetime bubble of causality appears finite, You, aka causality, loops backward and forwards like a mobius strip. To go with the flow is to be aligned with The Highest Will; The Gravity of Pure Unconditional Love; The Fulfillment of Every One's Desires and Wishes.