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About Medhansh

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  1. How To Make Hot, Badass Pics For Tinder/ Other Dating Sites
    How To Make Hot, Badass Pics For Tinder/ Other Dating Sites
    Basically: pictures of you doing cool, fun SOCIAL stuff. Relaxed and easy-going.
    No nerd activities. No solo pictures. No mirror selfies. << All this tells the girl you're a loner loser nerd who can't get a date in the real world so he's desperately trying online.

  2. The Different Facets Of Social Skills + Suggestions For How To Master Them
    The Different Facets Of Social Skills + Suggestions For How To Master Them
    The only way to develop social skills is to actually socialize -- with real people -- frequently for months and years on end.
    Then, on top of that, you can layer in some books, theories, tips, techniques, etc. But without that foundation, you're screwed.
    So start thinking about how to be around more people more of the time. A common vehicle for young guys to be more social is through pickup. Or college activities.
    Or perhaps you'll decide that you don't want that, and you just want to remain anti-social. That's an option too.

  3. Pickup: To do or not to do?
    Pickup: To do or not to do?
    If you're THAT behind the curve and you suck with women, then I would recommend pick up or some other form of dating material. Just do it responsibly and understand the limitations.
    There is no way to get better at dating without actually dating people.
    And it helps to learn the basics of how women think and what they are attracted to in a guy, because it's very counter-intuitive at first. If you've never been around women, then you will have a lot of wrong ideas about what they want.
    My rant video against pickup was mostly aimed at HARDCORE players and pickup fanatics, not newbies who just want a girlfriend. Like I said in the video, I personally got A LOT out of pickup and I did it fairly responsibly.

  4. High Consciousness Ways of Developing Social Skills?
    High Consciousness Ways of Developing Social Skills?
    It's the opposite in practice. The more I socialize the less I care what people think about me.
    I used to care A LOT. Now it's just irrelevant because I've talked to 1000s of people, many of whom rejected me and I grew a thick skin.
    No! You fundamentally misunderstand what charisma is. It's not about getting people to like you or saying things you think they want to hear.
    Go out and talk to people.
    Talking to people is not some high consciousness activity. It's dumb. Learn to relate to people on a dumb, fun level. Don't treat it too seriously. Especially when talking to girls.
    The biggest change I had to make to get good with girls is to learn to talk dumb. The biggest mistake is to trying to be intellectual or serious with girls. Ironically, learning to talk dumb is not easy if you're smart.
    It is a mistake to try to make socializing "high consciousness". It's not supposed to be. It's like playing with a child.

  5. Girl Rejected Me Because I Don't Drink
    Girl Rejected Me Because I Don't Drink
    What you do in this situation is you talk to more girls.
    A big part of dating/pickup is screening out girls who are not a good match for you. Just because she is hot doesn't mean it's a good match.
    If a girl leaves you because you refuse her drink, that is not a girl you should be interested in sleeping with.
    The lesson here for you is not about how to get such girls go stay. The lesson is to screen them out yourself.
    YOU should be screening her, instead she screened you. This is your mistake. Learn to SCREEN girls.

  6. College and pickup as a life noob
    College and pickup as a life noob
    Talk to girls and find your LP so you can build the right career skills.
    Do both.
    Yes, I use visualization a lot. I always have an exciting vision of my future that I am working towards.

  7. Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    In this case make yourself into an amazing and exceptional guy who brings a lot of value to the table.
    Have a life purpose, have a good career, have your finances in order, be well educated, be spiritual, know how to give her amazing sex, know how to build deep intimacy, be in good shape, have a nice wardrobe, have a cool social circle of friends, have a cool house/condo, have some cool hobbies like travel or photography, be well-groomed.
    That above is basically every girl's dream bf/husband.
    But really, if you just learn to give her deep emotional sex that will be enough for her to think you're amazing and get addicted to you. Deep emotional sex is the way into her heart. The rest is window-dressing.

  8. How do you open mixed groups (guys and girls)?
    How do you open mixed groups (guys and girls)?
    Well, the correct answer is you should approach the girl directly regardless and calibrate AFTER the fact.
    You can open her direct, and then if she says, "That's my bf/husband, you can say, Oh, no worries. He's a lucky guy."
    Just don't open too physical.
    Or... if you wanna be more of a pussy about it, approach indirect with, "Hey guys, I wanted to come over and be social. How do ya'll know each other? Are you two a couple? No? Oh, you're a cutie "

  9. I asked a friend whether she's down to fuck. She called me disgusting.
    I asked a friend whether she's down to fuck. She called me disgusting.
    #1 rule with girls: never explicitly tell them about sex. If she's gonna fuck you, she needs to be able to maintain the appearance of being a lady. When you tell her explicitly about sex, you make her feel like a cheap whore, and she will never sleep with you after that.
    You must play subtle and coy.
    Instead of "You down to fuck?" make it, "Let's get a coffee." Make things sound as innocent as possible. Rather than telling her, "Let's go have sex" tell her, "Let's go watch cartoons".
    There is no problem if you wanna fuck. Just don't go telling girls about it. Dating is a game. You gotta flirt and tease your way into her pants.
    It's very counter-intuitive. One of the best things you can do is act like you are totally disinterested in sex. You can even tell her, "We are definitely not having sex tonight." Then have sex with her 10 minutes later.
    Get good at playing these mind games.

  10. Never hit on the first date?
    Never hit on the first date?
    It depends on where you're getting the girl from. If you're getting her from the nightclub, you need to sleep with her that night because the next day she will lose her mood and never call you again.
    But if you get her from more day-game and social circle, then you can afford to be much more patient.

  11. Feeling awkward and strange after a date
    Feeling awkward and strange after a date
    Abso-fucking-lutely. You should know these places like the back of your hand. You need to scout out the best places.
    I'm talking about first date. After that it doesn't matter much.

  12. Feeling awkward and strange after a date
    Feeling awkward and strange after a date
    Well, if that's true, the ultimate rule in game is this: not everything will make sense. Sometimes a girl is just acting dumb and deserves no further analysis. Don't take too much bullshit from girls. If they are acting weird, move on to the next who will appreciate what you got to offer.
    Your attitude should be like this: if this girl is not excited to be in my presence, she doesn't deserve what I got.
    Not everything in game is your fault. Have standards. One of my standards is that the girl should be excited about being with me.

  13. I didn't kiss on the second date
    I didn't kiss on the second date
    If she says No then you stop.
    It's not complicated. Go for a hard No. Make her reject you or accept you.
    It's pretty obvious if she doesn't want you.

  14. I didn't kiss on the second date
    I didn't kiss on the second date
    Don't wait for anything. Create what you desire.
    Act on your feelings for her. If you find her hot, you need to show her that, not hide it. She wants you to want her, in a non-creepy way.
    How do you do that? You just stand there and say to her: "Hold on. Let me just look at you." and you look her up and down like a wolf looking at a juicy rabbit. And then all you say is, "Mmmmmm...." and grab her hand and keep walking.
    Dating is all about improvising. You have to think quick and take action rather than hesitating or getting paralyzed in thought.
    Don't be that guy. When you complement a woman, complement something unique about her personality, not her body.
    If you're real clever, you could text her something like:
    "You know what surprised me about you?"
    And then when she responds: "What?"
    You respond: "It's kinda personal. Never mind."
    And she of course says: "NO! TELL ME!"
    You: "It's actually 3 things."
    She: "Tell me!"
    You: "You sure??"
    She: "YES!"
    Then you give her 2 genuine compliments about her personality or life.
    She: "And the 3rd?"
    You: "The 3rd must remain secret "
    And you NEVER tell her the 3rd.
    And if she's not responsive to those texts, that's how you know you fucked up your date. Any girl who likes you will go nuts over those texts.
    - - - - -
    It's important to do a non-needy follow-up text right after the date. If you go cold she will think something might be wrong.

  15. Date report, failed and need advice
    Date report, failed and need advice
    @Karmadhi Be less logical, more emotional, more intimate, more flirty, more physical escalation. Basically treat her like she is already your GF. When you walk with her, put your arm around her. Interlock fingers.
    Physical escalation is very powerful once you get good at it.
    Tease her.
    Talk about interesting things.
    Crazy strong eye contact.
    Poke her. Tickle her.
    Bounce around to multiple nearby locations.

  16. Date report, failed and need advice
    Date report, failed and need advice
    It wasn't because you didn't kiss her. It just seems like you two lacked chemistry and she didn't find you that attractive.
    Sometimes that happens and there's not much you can do. You will not resonate with all girls. There needs to be a certain level of chemistry and you can't always make it work.
    Hooking girls usually requires emotional conversation. So the better you get at emotionally stimulating convo the better your odds will be. But still never 100%.
    Don't beat yourself up. It's not always your fault. Some dates just turn out to be duds.
    If she says she's busy after a date, take that to mean she lost attraction. She is just giving you easy excuses. Girls love to do that.

  17. Went on a first date ever. Please kill me...
    Went on a first date ever. Please kill me...
    Stop listening to dating advice from women! They have no clue how things actually work. Everything works the opposite of what they say.
    This was such a needy text, sealing in her mind that you have no balls.
    The reason your girl felt you "didn't click" was because she didn't feel you had the balls to handle her. In order to let you fuck her she needs to feel that you are above her. Your lack of leadership and neediness demonstrated the opposite.
    This is what happens when you don't learn game. You will lose lots of girls like this because growing balls takes a lot of work for most men.
    I know it stings man. But it is this sting which you need to motivate you to actually start learning game and become a stronger man. Leverage that sting as fuel to develop yourself massively in this area.
    Since you are so inexperienced this result was predictable. But that's okay. The only way to get better with girls is thru lots of failure.
    You got lucky that you got that date at all.

  18. Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    Also, if for whatever reason you go in for a kiss and she rejects it, just laugh it off, continue your conversation like nothing happened, and try again in 5 minutes.
    When you go in for the kiss it should be at an emotional high point. Like she is smiling or laughing, then you stop her, look deep in her eyes, and go for the kiss.
    Another great trick for flawless reading of whether she will accept the kiss is to look in her eyes, slowly take your finger and trace it down from the bottom of her ear, down her jawline, to her chin. If she lets you do that and doesn't flinch, she 100% wants to be kissed.
    But this move is only necessary for newbies. As you get more advanced you shouldn't need any excuse or test at all to just kiss her. Kissing girls is so easy. All you need is like 5 minutes of comfort. Hell, not even that. You can grab girls in the club walking past you and just start making out with them. Kisses are cheap.
    The most important trick is to not make a big deal out of kissing. Treat a kiss like a hand shake. It's no big deal. It's just going to happen every time half way into date 1. Make this your mindset and she will go along.

  19. Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    Not having balls, not kissing her is how you ruin a date.
    Of course only kiss her if you feel she is in a good mood and digs you.
    If she will hold eye contact with you, that's how you know you can kiss her. If you slowly move your face closer to her and she doesn't move away or flinch, then definitely you can kiss her.
    Yes, it stings like bitch. Nothing you can do but approach more girls and learn your lesson from every catastrophe.
    1 to 3 dates is the target to shoot for. If you aren't closing it by the end of date 3, you're fucking up. Some girls will not be comfortable on day 1. Although plenty will be if you run a solid date with plenty of bounces and locations and you physically escalate from the beginning and throughout. But by 2nd date 90% of girls should be down. So you should aim to close by the 2nd date. 3rd date is only really there in case of logistical problems. Sometimes she is too busy for it to happen on date 2. Do not drag is out beyond 3 dates. That's more than enough. If it takes you more than 3 then your date game is horrible and you are actually making her confused because by date 3 she wants you to take her. You will actually lose her if you don't take her. If she is going on dates with you she obviously wants you to fuck her.
    WhatsApp is text messaging. I don't distinguish between them.
    Of course you can text a bit more than just date logistics, but keep it simple.
    Of course on the day of date you must follow up and get her to verify that she is coming. They flake like crazy, so always verify.

  20. Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    Approached the first girl ever in my life!
    Great work!
    However, next time you open a girl, never ask for the date right off the bat. That's way too weird. You need to just chat to see if you like her first. Instead of saying you want a date, tell her you find her attractive and want to see if she's cool.
    But anyways, you got super lucky and somehow by fluke luck your way worked.
    Now that you have a date, play it cool. Don't fuck it up by getting too needy. The less you say to her before the date the better. Use texts to arrange location. Keep it simple.
    Make sure the location you take her to has multiple locations to bounce around. Bounce her around as much as possible: cafe, stroll thru park, ice cream, park bench, shops, etc. Pick a large mall-like area with lots of places to go.
    Hug her as soon as you meet her. Start touching her hands very early on. Start holding her hand and leading her early on. Lock eyes with her as much as possible. Kiss her half-way thru the date. DO NOT leave the kiss for the end. Find reasons to wrap your hands around her hips and move her hips around as you stand face go face with her. Make your first kiss very short, no tongue. Leave her craving more. Cut the kiss off before she can get enough.
    At the end of the date take her to a place where you can make out. Ideally your couch, otherwise a park bench or in your car. As you make out, rub her body, squeeze her thighs, kiss her neck, grab her hair by the root. Lock eyes as deep and long as possible.
    No sex for you. Just try to turn her on. Turn her on, then send her home.

  21. Conscious date vs Unconcious date
    Conscious date vs Unconcious date
    @ambrojohn Lol, you're not going to become confident with women without massive experience with women.
    The most direct, efficient, and precise way to get comfortable with dating is by going on tons of dates.
    Your inner game will self-correct as you become proficient at outer game. Each successful date will make you more and more comfortable doing future dates to the point where dating will be as easy as driving your car. You won't even think about it.

  22. Leo, can I set up a date right of the bat with a girl I Insta dated?
    Leo, can I set up a date right of the bat with a girl I Insta dated?
    That's too much as a text opener.
    First just get her to respond to your text. Then you can send the date text. However, do not call it a "date". And sushi is asking for too much compliance and it's not a good date choice. Instead, suggest coffee or drinks.
    But if you already seeded sushi and she was agreeable, then stick to that. But never do that in the future. You're asking for way too much compliance/investment of her and it's a bad date idea. Don't waste money buying her sushi. Too much investment for a girl you don't know. It's also not ideal to fuck after eating.
    With a sushi date you're setting the boyfriend frame, which means she won't fuck you for 3 dates. If you go for drinks, she's likely to fuck you same day. DO NOT CALL IT A DATE.
    Notice how your eagerness to wine and dine her is getting in your own way.
    Why would a high value guy take a girl he doesn't know to sushi? You see? There's a subtle neediness there that sub-communicates low value. Stop trying to impress girls.

  23. Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Dude, if a girl is interested in fucking you she'd also be interested in dating you. It's a matter of logistics in many cases. Sometimes the girl is just in town for the weekend so dating is not viable.
    If you can get models to sleep with you, you can certainly get them to date you. Not all of them of course. But it also works in reverse! Plenty of girls will date you who will not do a one night stand with you. If fact, most of your lays will come from dates, not ONSs.
    A lot of girls have rules they set for themselves about not doing ONSs. So in a sense ONSs are harder than dating.
    It's hard to pull consistently every week, it's much easier to set up 3 dates a week.

  24. Leo, does pick up really develop deep confidence + make you into a strong man?
    Leo, does pick up really develop deep confidence + make you into a strong man?
    Confidence tends to be very situational. Just because you're confident at public speaking does not automatically make you confident at flirting with a girl. Because these are different skills that must be trained. And your lack of confidence here is just an admission that you lack experience with that particular mode of operating.
    Then there might be something like core confidence which is more universal and applies to anything new you attempt in life. But even if your core confidence is high, you still won't be good with girls because girls require a very specific experience base to make you good with them. Core confidence isn't enough there. And conversely, just because you're very experienced with girls does not necessarily mean you got a high core confidence.
    So you want to work both on your core confidence and also confidence which is highly situational to the things you want to be good at. You want both a broad and narrow confidence. Pickup can be used to train a narrow confidence, but it also can help you develop some broader confidence if you combine it with self-esteem work and deep inner game work and spiritual work.
    Broad confidence will tend to come more from personal development and spiritual development. But also just exposing yourself to a wide variety of challenging life experiences (of which pickup is one kind of challenging experience).

  25. Leo, does pick up really develop deep confidence + make you into a strong man?
    Leo, does pick up really develop deep confidence + make you into a strong man?
    There is some truth in both perspectives.
    There are also different kinds of confidence.
    And it also depends on how you go about doing it.
    Pickup helps most with developing social confidence and confidence in dealing with girls.