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About Medhansh

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  1. How much time talking to a girl in club before asking if she has a boyfriend?
    How much time talking to a girl in club before asking if she has a boyfriend?
    Your sexual subcommunication should be so strong that she tells you about her BF within a few seconds or minutes herself.
    If girls are not telling you about their BF until much later that tells you that your intent is too weak and needs work. Sexual eye contact is key. Work on that.

  2. The difference between dating in Western countries vs India
    The difference between dating in Western countries vs India
    1) Big cities in India must have nightclubs, bars, and a liberal social scene.
    2) Yes, dating in deeply stage Blue societies is more formal and challenging. Casual dating isn't so acceptable there. You need a stage Orange society to do dating effectively. Dating is a stage Orange notion. Pickup advice is not geared towards places like India, it's geared towards Western parts of the world. Obviously you cannot go to a tribe in the Amazon and start running game or setting up coffee dates. When in Rome you must do as the Romans or they might kill you.
    3) Move to where dating is socially acceptable.

  3. Whats the point of it all?
    Whats the point of it all?
    The point is to enjoy the process. You will never reach some destination where everything will be happily ever after. Drop that notion. And stop making excuses not to talk to girls.
    Love life. Do things you love, not because you are aping some YTber.
    Also, don't discount your huge progress so easily. You're 22. You're basically a child.
    And stop envying those dumb girls. Their lives are awful. Appreciate what you have built in your life and never throw it away for some dumb girl.

  4. Getting out of the friendzone
    Getting out of the friendzone
    Up to you, but it's a good idea to practice and learn to keep female friends.

  5. Classic Small Talk Problem
    Classic Small Talk Problem
    Talk about yourself, your dreams, your past, your future, your feelings. Don't filter by significance. Talk about insignificant things like what you had for breakfast and how you felt about it.
    Learn to let your mouth run without filtering or pre-meditation.

  6. What is Financial Freedom?
    What is Financial Freedom?
    At the most basic level, for me it's about not having to worry or think about money.
    Absolute financial freedom would be having enough money that you never have to work again, and money isn't a factor in any decision you make. If you want to start a Youtube channel or make music or produce your own clothing line, you can do it just for the love of the thing, without worrying about money. You wake up and do what you're passionate about every day. If you get bored of something, you can just switch to something else without consequence.
    For most people a reasonable compromise is enough freedom to do what you want for work, to work as much or little as you want within reasonable limits. To be able to have enough money in your bank account that you don't even have to think if you have enough to cover bills or not. You can just buy a random $100 item you want without really having to think about whether you should spend the money or not.
    To be truly free, I guess no loans / debt / mortgage would be a requirement for me as well.

  7. Texting girls
    Texting girls
    1) The way you're asking for the date is not optimal.
    First of all, never call it a "date".
    Next, you should build a bit of connection before you ask her out. Not too much connection, but something a bit clever and funny is nice. Get her used to responding to you and interested in you.
    Next, you should make the request as low-compliance as possible. "Let's grab a coffee sometime this week." Don't mention a specific date/time. Wait til she responds before specifying that.
    Next, it is crucial that you discuss and seed the coffee date when you are getting her phone number in-person. You must tell her that you two will get a coffee together later that week and ask her what her schedule is like, when she's busy and when she's free. Get her to agree in-person. This increase your date rate a lot. All the work is done in-person, not via text.
    2) Even if you ask for the date optimally, many girls will just ignore (which means decline). Don't take is personally. Most girls will decline.

  8. Annoyed by car noise - ear plugs?
    Annoyed by car noise - ear plugs?
    I bought Loop brand earplugs off Amazon. They're made of silicone and re-usable.
    I got a pair of both 18dB and 27dB ones. A bit expensive for what they are.
    18 dB are more comfortable but don't block as much obviously. You can have a conversation with someone if you're looking at them. They let through some weird frequencies though. They block low noise well but I can hear high frequency noises like a clock ticking perfectly.
    27 dB are good for sleeping and will block out most noise. I can't hear the fan in my bedroom when I have them in. They're a bit less comfortable though.
    I bought a container of 38 dB foam earplugs and they're by far the most comfortable for sleeping. Since they expand, they perfectly fit your ear canal and most effectively block out sound as well. I can't hear anything when they're in.
    The foam earplugs have an added benefit that they will remove any remaining wax from DEEP inside your ear, even right after cleaning your ears. After you wear them a couple times you will have no problems with wax buildup. First time I wore them I saw weird dark orangeish wax I've never seen before.
    TLDR: Foam are most comfortable and block the sound best. You can get 60 pairs for like $15. If you use each pair for 3 or 4 days, you can well over a year before they'll add up to the cost of 1 silicone pair. And I don't know how gross the silicone pair will be after a year, I'd rather constantly have fresh ones.
    I've been thinking about getting the big over-ear ones for comfort when wearing them hours at a time, but haven't tried them yet.
    One caveat I've noticed is that if you start wearing any kind of ear protection or noise cancelling a lot..... is that you kind of become dependent on it to a degree, and when you're not wearing it, the noise can be even more noticeable and annoying.

  9. Jordan Peterson's reign is over (opinions?)
    Jordan Peterson's reign is over (opinions?)
    I got scorned by my parents when I went from being fat to being normal and healthy.
    Because people close to you don't feel comfortable with you changing.
    I also get scorned for my awakenings and spiritual growth. Crabs in the bucket.

  10. Leo Doesn't Make Sense Anymore
    Leo Doesn't Make Sense Anymore
    You guys wouldn't be so confused if you were focused on doing practices. If you are just building conceptual models of spirituality then, yeah, you will get very confused.
    But also, confusion is a huge part of this work. You are in for years of confusion as you struggle to make sense of all the different stuff that spiritual teachers tell you.
    Some confusion is good for ya. And it's good that you don't just take everything I said blindly. I've actually thought about deliberately incorporating falsehoods in my teaching as poison pills, so you are forced to validate everything I say for yourselves.
    Maybe this latest video was just a poison pill? How would you know? 
    It would be really good if in the front of the Bible it said, "Note: 10% of the stuff written here is deliberately false so that you think for yourself. Enjoy figuring out which 10% ;)"

  11. Speaking louder
    Speaking louder
    The best thing is to go out to loud clubs and practice projecting your voice loud over the music.
    You have to really push air through it. Really push it.
    Your voice will get significantly louder and deeper. Your vocal chords will hurt for about a week and then they will grow rougher and tougher. Like training a muscle.

  12. Flirting struggles
    Flirting struggles
    So i have started talking to girls and so far i have went out with 3 of them on a 1-1 setting. However i have noticed that i struggle with sexualization and flirting when the meeting is not clearly a date. 1 of the girls i met was clearly into me and with her flirting was effortless. It was very easy and it came natural to me to flirt then with the others. The girls looks have nothing to do with this. It is just that if their attitude towards me is more platonic or neutral, if i am unsure that they even see me romantically i struggle to flirt and sexualize.
    I am talking here about flirting, not about being fun and playful. I can act fun and playful with all girls. Making them laugh, being goofy, not overly logical etc is no issue.  However flirting and sexualization is something that i can only do comfrotably if i know the girl is into me somewhat. Also if the girl acts in a very neutral way, i struggle to change the frame into a flirty/sexual frame. Imagine trying to flirt with a church girl, that is the way it feels to me. I think it is totally in my head since i can flirt much more easily with girls that i know are somewhat into me. 
    Any advice/help?

  13. Unique skills that pay huge dividends
    Unique skills that pay huge dividends
    Small talk
    Deep sex
    Public speaking
    Sales copy writing
    Conscious communication

  14. Unique skills that pay huge dividends
    Unique skills that pay huge dividends
    I was reading some thread on the forum when I saw our beloved summarizer @FlyingLotus say this:
    This is an example of a very unique, valuable skill that you won't hear about pretty much anywhere. Almost no one in society is going to go and develop it deliberately. It's just not talked about.
    So I wanted to ask you guys: do you know of other examples of such skills, especially those that you yourself are trying to grow intentionally? or maybe that you're planning to?
    I'm talking about skills related to general self-help, education, spirituality, epistemology, creativity, or whatever! In short, improving the quality of life somehow, paying massive dividends AND uncommon to hear about. Let's make them explicit.
    Some examples I thought of, or heard Leo mention:
    being able to quickly spot bullshit - be that outside or inside (self-deception) being able to quickly discern how open and "conscious" a certain perspective is being able to formulate lessons and key points from things you read;  being able to read between the lines (example: I've been reading some trip reports lately, but I noticed that I'm not getting much out of this - because am I actually learning something from them, or just reading? Well, I thought to myself, I could as well take away some meta-lessons about the general process of psychedelic exploration. So I guess what I mean is when I'm reading, I'm trying to read between the lines and learn something that isn't explicitly said in the report) - quite similar to what FlyingLotus said. using a search engine very efficiently reframing a failure into a lesson to be learned the skill of organizing your knowledge and insights elegantly the skill of integrating insights you get into everyday life the skills of putting things, situations in a larger context (gaining a "higher perspective", looking at situations with a certain distance) These are just food for thought  I'd love to hear your examples. 

  15. Pick-Up and metaphysical assumptions about reality.
    Pick-Up and metaphysical assumptions about reality.
    Yes, burn to the ground, but in a manner where you do not insult or hurt her. Just get a solid rejection.
    Unless it's not a cold approach and the girl is part of your social circle, like a work colleague. Then do not burn to the ground.
    Most of it is in your subcommunication, your intent, and how you look at her, not the content of the words. You have to look at her in a charming sexual way.
    As far as word choice goes, you can same something as direct as, "Oh my goodness! You are fucking adorable." Or "Hey cutie, you should get to know me." This makes your intent clear and sets the right frame.
    Put yourself in this frame of mind: if you knew she was already really attracted to you sexually, how would you speak to her? And no, this does not mean being sexually explicit with her. That's not how you talk to girls. You have to be flirtatious. Analyze what flirtation is and how it's different from normal conversation. Flirtation is a special mode of speech almost like speaking to a child or a dog. But laced with sexual intent.

  16. Website building Questions
    Website building Questions
    Extremely easy, basically copy and paste the link into a box and it's done. I would upload them as unlisted videos on Youtube and then embed them, instead of taking up hosting on your own site. Most modern website themes are dynamic and they'll automatically adjust the player size based on the device someone is viewing your site on, so you don't even have to worry about resizing it.
    I've always liked Namecheap. Never had any issues, and it's popular enough that there are Youtube tutorials to walk you through any common questions like linking your domain + host together, creating redirects, etc.
    You can do a quick search for "best domain providers 2022" or something to see if there's anything revolutionary out there I've missed in the past few years, but I don't think so.
    Right now Namecheap has a deal where new customers can sign up for 2 years of domain registration for $0.98. I don't know when it ends but I would jump on that. (Most domains are about $10/year ongoing after that regardless)
    Shared hosting is good enough for what you need, until you're getting about 30,000 or more views per month. Basically your stuff is stored on a server with 10 - 20 other sites instead of its own dedicated server to cut down on cost, but it's all kept separate and secure and you won't notice a difference.
    This is the base plan most hosts offer, starting from about $3/month.
    I personally use HostGator and it's fine, but if I was starting again today I'd use BlueHost.
    You only need one hosting account unless one of your sites gets huge. I have 10+ sites running on one shared hosting plan.
    Don't buy your domain and hosting from the same company, so if you ever want to transfer it's easier and your domain can't be held hostage.
    Both the domain registrar and hosting company are going to try to upsell you on a lot of stuff you don't need to pay for:
    WHOIS protection is free (make sure you get it to hide your address and personal info) SSL certificates are now free from most hosts as a standard practice. Enable this early on to make your site HTTPS instead of HTTP and avoid headaches converting over later, especially if you plan to take payments through your site. (Gives you the little lock in the URL bar, and will make sure people don't get a "This domain is not secure" warning from their browser when they visit your site) Wordpress installation is free and easy. You don't have to pay for it or pay someone to do it for you. Don't confuse Wordpress.ORG (An open source software that millions of websites run on) with Wordpress.COM (A mediocre web host) You can create infinite email accounts with infinite storage with your host (@ for free. Don't pay for email. Anti-spam protection, DDoS protection, backups, and most security stuff is free When you first link your domain and hosting together, it can take up to 24 hours for them to sync up (called propagation.) Don't freak out if your website is showing a blank page or some random ads at first and you can't seem to fix it, it's normal. Once you point your domain at your hosting nameservers, just leave it for at least a few hours to propagate and avoid obsessively refreshing or trying to work with it before it's ready.
    You'll pretty much pick up what you need as you go. Coding is not required. If there is some little customization you want to do that your theme doesn't cover, someone has probably written the CSS for you to copy and paste in somewhere on the web.
    Assuming you will use Wordpress, there are a lot of little initial setup things and recommended plugins I can list out if you want.
    Platforms like Wix, Squarespace, etc are easiest to set up. But you end up overpaying for what they offer in the long run, and they tend to nickle and dime you for little extras.
    You also don't want to waste hundreds of hours coding a website from scratch.
    I suggest the middle option, which is paying for your domain + hosting, then do a free 1-click install of Wordpress on your site. Then everything you do on your site is within Wordpress, all GUI and user-friendly, no coding or moving stuff through folders.
    Wordpress has thousands of free themes to choose from, which basically offer all the out-of-the-box customization you could want. Especially for just a basic website with a home page, contact form, testimonials, a blog, maybe 10 pages in total.
    In Wordpress, the only "managing and maintaining" your site you really need to do is updating your plugins occasionally with 1 click when it tells you there's a new version.
    Avoid using website builders like Elementor, especially drag-and-drop stuff, as it tends to break over time and eventually you'll end up having to redo your whole website anyway.

  17. Pick-Up and metaphysical assumptions about reality.
    Pick-Up and metaphysical assumptions about reality.
    You have to dig deep and really own your sexuality. Be sexual. Don't try to hide it. You're a man, man has cravings. Let's not pretend otherwise.
    People and women especially will respect you more when you are honest about your sexuality. Game will teach you that gotta be as authentic as possible and fully in love with yourself.
    If you try to hide your sexual desires and intentions you will come off creepy and women will punish you for it ruthlessly.
    If you desire a woman, make your intention obvious. If she rejects you, fine, no problem. But make it clear. Some will reject you, others will love you. The worst thing is to pretend like you don't desire her. This is the definition of beta. Alphas know when they wanna fuck and aren't embarrassed or guilty about it.
    Of course this does not mean that you explicitly talk about sex with women you're hitting on. You still gotta be subtle about it most of the time.

  18. I'm stuck in materialism and I'm scared I'll never get out
    I'm stuck in materialism and I'm scared I'll never get out
    The good news is that you're super young and you got time to turn all that around.
    Be careful not to overwhelm yourself with this task of developing your life. You need to pick one or two things to focus in for now and take baby steps on them. You will build up a lot momentum over the years as you take action towards your ideal life. Think of this as a 5-10 year project and pace it out.

  19. Can't Talk To Hot Girls
    Can't Talk To Hot Girls
    That’s a good number if your approaches are strong and result in actual conversations. In fact if your approaches are quality, you could get away with less than that and still see big improvement.
    If you’re counting just saying “Hi” to a girl as one of those 1000 though, that’s not enough. You could do 100 “Hi” approaches in a single night.
    Quality over quantity. Don’t get too hung  up on the numbers. The goal is not to hit your numbers, the goal is to become natural with women. So if you’re “hitting your numbers” but not improving, you missed the whole point. The numbers are just one metric of feedback of many metrics.
    You’re much better off doing 3 solid, full intent approaches than 30 half-assed ones. That means getting her attention. That means not bailing out immediately if things don’t seem to be working out. And that means following through on your intent on why you approached her, e.g get her Instagram, set up a date etc. You may not succeed, but don’t just have a good interaction and then leave. 

  20. Struggle with approaching consistently
    Struggle with approaching consistently
    It's just not practical to do it randomly. What worked best for me is to go out with the plan to do 5-10 approaches.

  21. Struggle with approaching consistently
    Struggle with approaching consistently
    I'd do both. I did both when I started. They synergize nicely.
    Night game is crucial for getting good with girls. Day game simply does not offer enough practice opportunities. Night game is your dojo.

  22. I'm on this forum because I'm seeking validation.
    I'm on this forum because I'm seeking validation.
    I can see why a lot of people say they are addicted to this forum because it has a lot of like-minded people on it. When I'm on the forum, I specifically look for topics where I have an opinion or view that I want other people to know. I feel very satisfied when someone looks at something I said and approves of it or says it helps them, I'm slightly less satisfied when someone disagrees with what I say, and I feel disappointed when no one shows any sign or having read my post or no one offers an opinion. I think that I have learned a lot by using this forum, and engineering my posts in order to gain attention has forced me to write high quality posts that require a lot of contemplation. However, I am worried that browsing the forum will turn into an addiction, or that seeking to be helpful will sabotage my growth because I may be less willing to learn from others.
    I'm writing this post in order to bring this insight more to some other people who might be doing the same thing. I am also writing it because I want other people to respond with their experience on this forum and validate my own feelings. So please respond if you have any suggestions and if you think this is a problem. How can I be less reliant on what others think? Should I be less reliant on what others think? Have you dealt with this problem in the past?

  23. I'm on this forum because I'm seeking validation.
    I'm on this forum because I'm seeking validation.
    You are basically describing the human condition. We are social creatures. We value and need to be part of a community and we all love to have our worldview, biases, and emotions validated back to us.
    You're not going to avoid this problem. This problem will exist to some degree within any community or socialization activity. So bite the bullet and learn to socialize consciously.

  24. Struggle with approaching consistently
    Struggle with approaching consistently
    You need to build up momentum by going out consistently several nights a week. Then use that momentum to approach during the day.
    It's hard to just do a random cold approach in the middle of the day while shopping for books. To be able to pull that off usually requires a few years of training. You need to get good at managing your internal state and cutting off all excuses. This requires 1000s of approaches. The first 1000 approaches will come with a lot of anxiety and hesitation so get them out of the way quickly.

  25. Approached a girl I liked, gave me her number but has a boyfriend.
    Approached a girl I liked, gave me her number but has a boyfriend.
    It's simple: To get you to leave her alone.
    The #1 reason girls give out their number is so that you stop talking to them.
    Move on to other girls. Stop wasting time on girls who are not excited by you or who have boyfriends. Most hot girls will have a boyfriend, so nothing surprising about that.