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About Medhansh

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  1. How to deal with early success In cold approaching?
    How to deal with early success In cold approaching?
    Yeah, I've falling into that a lot.
    The reality is that girls don't care much about you until after sex. Many girls will not even consider things are exclusive after one time of sex. It usually takes like 3+ times of sex before a girl starts to really get attached. At that point you want to avoid hurting her.

  2. Legit youtube channels that talk about money and business
    Legit youtube channels that talk about money and business
    Robert Kiyosaki is legit, but he has his own agenda and blindspots. He seems very heavily focused on real estate, and lately has been saying kind of weird stuff about crypto. He also seems exceptionally repetitive, just says the same thing in every video or interview and points you back toward Rich Dad Poor Dad.
    That's going to be a common pattern for everyone though. Everybody has their own agenda and it's up to you to filter it out.
    Even the toxic ones have something to offer. I find Grant Cardone entertaining and motivational and he even says some good stuff, but I can also acknowledge there's lots of scummy and toxic stuff to him too. I think it's worth watching the toxic ones just to contrast the good ones when you find them, so you can tell the difference. Watch Dan Pena and Dan Lok specifically to see bad examples.
    Gary Vee seems pretty genuine, although his hustle mindset can be toxic, and you can tell from when people approach him on the street that he has a bit of a cult. But probably a good place for newbies to start for motivation. His "trash talk" garage sale / flipping videos are probably a good place to start, or more long-form speeches and interviews with people. Skip all the day-in-the-life vlog stuff.
    Graham Stephen's old stuff before he just talked about the economy and general investing advice every video. Sort his videos by oldest
    Valuetainment is all solid stuff
    BeatTheBush is a guy who retired from his software job at like 30, if you're interested in the FIRE (financial independence, retire early) lifestyle. As much info about saving money and living poor, reducing expenses, as well as making money.
    Watch interviews with rich people like Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Jack Ma, or whoever else you want to emulate.

  3. How Do You Deal With False Accusations When Doing Pickup?
    How Do You Deal With False Accusations When Doing Pickup?
    Ignore and go about your day.
    If you talk to 1000s of people you will occasionally get some very negative reactions that have nothing to do with you.
    Then again, if you're being particularly awkward and creepy, then stop doing that. Basically you need better social calibration.

  4. When women make excuses not to date you are they true or false?
    When women make excuses not to date you are they true or false?
    Pretty common excuse. It's not worth your time analyzing whether it is true. Most girls are so confused about life they themselves don't know why they do what they do. Just move on to other girls.
    Do not try hard to win girls over. If she's not down, next. And don't waste time trying to figure it out. Girls will waste a ton of your time with their drama, real or imagined. Do not indulge their drama, go about your life.

  5. Spending free time
    Spending free time
    Heavily depends on your state in life.
    1. Depressed
    -Inspect what in your lifestyle gives you energy and what depletes it. So getting rid of junk food, video games, netflix, youtube, porn. See where in live you give away power/responsibility. Where are you judgemental. Where do you hurt others?
    -Do stuff that gives you energy. Drink lots of water, do some sport, eat some fruits, eat some nuts etc. Find out what activity that is for you. Meditation, Yoga, Do nothing. And as leo said, aligning yourself with your life purpose. Figure out what you value in life and work towards it.
    2. Normal
    -Start embodying your values. Find ways to embody them more and more.
    -Define life purpose. Learn about your life purpose. Practice your life purpose.
    -Network and surround yourself with people who share your values.
    -Psychedelics, solo-retreats
    -Learn about emotions. Release emotions like fear of death, fear of loosing control and fear of not being accepted.
    3. Almost enlightened(?)
    -By now you have figured out practical ways to live your values. So you are almost always maxing them out. Allocate enough time for these practices.
    -Share what skills and knowledge you have with others. Find one or more student(s) you can teach personally.
    -Find ways to inspire a revolution you like to see in the world.
    -Gift your life purpose to the world. Allocate time to create, create and create!
    -On an emotional basis: You feel aware, calm, complete, free, centered, love, peace
    -Visualize and materialize what improves your situation and release every barrier that comes up.
    -Break down dualities to non-dualities, become very lucid.
    These are just three made up stages to get the idea.

  6. Need tips on what to do when a girl comes over..
    Need tips on what to do when a girl comes over..
    1) You need to have a solid library already built of great music. Create various playlists of your fave music for various moods. Dancing, high energy, low energy, erotic, jazzy, lyrics, no lyrics, ambient, etc.
    2) When it comes to watching movies, just watch whatever YOU want to watch. Watch things you are genuinely interested in. You should have a collection of movies, shows, and documentaries already pre-loaded so you can quickly browse through to find whatever catches your fancy.
    All of the above should be familiar to you like the back of your hand, so you don't have to think or decide about anything.

  7. Girlfriend won't let me watch porn...
    Girlfriend won't let me watch porn...
    She doesn't need her man pussywhipped. She just needs to feel your love. Love her, but don't indulge her insecure girly bullshit.

  8. Girlfriend won't let me watch porn...
    Girlfriend won't let me watch porn...
    It's a silly expectation for her to hold.
    You shouldn't quit porn because a girl tells you to.
    A guy requires way more sex than a girl. A girl will not understand this. It's like telling your cat to quit scratching the couch.
    What she's really feeling is insecurity and a lack of love from you. She has the wrong idea in her head that your porn watching reduces your love for her. Convince her otherwise.

  9. do majority of guys like girls making first move/ approach first?
    do majority of guys like girls making first move/ approach first?
    Looking back at it retroactively now that I'm self employed.... when I was working in an office, I'm sure that the #1 thing I could've done to move up the corporate ladder much more quickly would've been to be much more outgoing and social.
    From How To Win Friends and Influence People.... saying someone's name and being genuinely interested in them is HUGE.
    Only 5 - 10% of people are truly miserable inside and don't want to make conversation. Then other 90%+ are like you, they want to make conversations and have deeper connections with people but they're afraid of being the one to start and look weird or awkward.
    If you can get past the discomfort and be the one person that is always happy and talking to everyone, it gives you a massive advantage. With everyone... coworkers, managers, friends, strangers. It attracts people to you like a magnet and makes everyone want to be around you.
    Try striking up a conversation with someone in a low-risk setting where you'll never see them again... like a waiting room, or a coffee shop. See if you can get everyone in your general area involved in the conversation, and watch how much happier and more connected it makes everyone. You can choose to be that light that brightens everyone else's day.
    I know it's scary. It's scary for everyone. But it's literally a superpower. And once you see how effective it is, it's not scary any more. It's very rarely that something will go wrong because you're genuinely nice to someone and interested in them. Worst case is that some people are so shy that they just give 1-word responses and let the conversation die because they can't get over it. But a good "people person" can even bring that sort of person out of their shell with a little prodding.

  10. Even ugly girls won't give me attention
    Even ugly girls won't give me attention
    I've done it before.
    I see a hot girl, I see an ugly girl. Not feeling so good, I decide to play it safe and approach the ugly one instead, thinking to myself, "This will be easy!", only to realize she's harder to attract than the hot one.

  11. Even ugly girls won't give me attention
    Even ugly girls won't give me attention
    Good. She taught you a valuable lesson in game: even the ugliest girl will not sleep with you merely out of pity.
    You may think she's ugly but she can have high self-esteem and expects to be treated as well as the hottest girl. For her this is no problem, but for you it ruins your whole paradigm because you expect to judge the value of women by their looks alone. And so for this kind of attitude reality slapped you upside the head. Don't treat people like disposable objects.

  12. Who is responsible for paying for the first date?
    Who is responsible for paying for the first date?
    Make your date as small investment as possible. A coffee, a drink, or an ice cream. Then pay for it. You'll be losing $5-$10 and the girl will appreciate it.
    Don't do fancy dinner first dates.
    The only time you should pay for a woman is if she's heavily emotionally invested in you and extremely compliant. If she's acting flakey and not hooked on you, don't pay for anything. And even if she is hooked on you, you should set the frame that you're not her sugar daddy and she will have to pay for stuff too.
    When a woman truly likes you she will be eager to buy you things to lock in your approval and love -- because she values it so much more than money.

  13. I started dating again, and once again it causes me anxiety and confusion...
    I started dating again, and once again it causes me anxiety and confusion...
    Girls are extremely flaky even if they like you. You can never rely on them in the early dating stages to ever reply or show up.
    Which is why you get 10 numbers instead of 1 and you stop caring about any one girl until she shows up for a date.
    The problem with your dating strategy is that it will leave you too needy. You can't attract a single girl reliably.
    Also the problem is how you're setting up your date. You need to question her in person what her schedule is like and what days and times she's available. Then text her well ahead of time and get her to commit to a specific time and date.
    "Let's get sushi tomorrow" is a bad text because it's too short-notice and too vague about time.
    Since you see her regularly in-person, you should use this advantage to iron out the date details in-person and get her to commit. But give her enough lead time. Don't try to set up a date for next-day because she probably already has plans.
    A girl will not be invested in you until she sleeps with you.

  14. Pick Up = Sexual Harassment?
    Pick Up = Sexual Harassment?
    Sounds like you were doing it in a creepy way.
    This almost never happens.
    If you are camping a small supermarket every day, yeah, you will probably arouse suspicions.
    If you want to do lots of approaches you need a large high volume area like a mall or nightclub or sidewalk.
    Places like supermarkets require being highly selective. You can't be an approach machine there.
    Flirting with a stranger is not sexual harassment. Girls are used to being chatted up. If you do it right, the girl should feel flattered and pleased about herself. It's a huge ego boost for her to be desired. Just don't be creepy. Dress nice, smell nice, groom nice, and SMILE for fuck's sake. Do not approach girls without a big cheeky smile.

  15. Approach Anxiety @ Solo day gaming
    Approach Anxiety @ Solo day gaming
    Solo is just much harder. You have to really push yourself to approach. But it also grows you the most if you manage to do it.
    There's no easy solution to solo. You just force yourself to approach, or you don't and you have a shit day.
    Never ask for directions or the time. Do a proper direct approach.

  16. Books on Power
    Books on Power
    If you're reading 48 Laws of Power then you're already on the right track and ahead of most people. Just keep at it and don't get complacent.
    I honestly haven't read any books on discipline. But you might want to check out Atomic Habits by James Clear, Cant Hurt Me by David Goggins, 10x Rule by Grant Cardone as they're the ones I hear brought up the most.
    I don't know if there are any secrets or "life hacks" to suddenly make yourself disciplined long-term. It's just a choice and a commitment that you make to yourself. 
    I guess I would break discipline down into 3 separate things:
    1. Motivation. This is short-term and something you need to constantly be working on. It's like a fire that you have to keep adding logs to keep it stoked (at least for me.) Watch motivational videos on Youtube or music that gets you amped up, take a cold shower, have a morning routine that gets you hyped up and generates "state". Think about the great things other people have accomplished, how they've beaten the odds, and how you have that greatness inside of yourself too. On a regular basis and especially when you get off track, contemplate the risks and consequences of living a mediocre and undisciplined life, the regrets you'll have on your deathbed if you don't do this.
    *In my experience, books aren't very efficient at giving you this. You might get a one-time hit of motivation from a couple pages out of 5 - 10 hours of reading, and not on-command when you need it.
    2. Habits / Routine. This engrains discipline in you. Give yourself a set routine that you always do X thing at X date and time, make it non-negotiable. This is why people in the military become so disciplined so quickly, they don't have a choice, they just follow instructions without thinking too hard about it. If you're constantly having to make decisions or leaving yourself outs, it eats up a ton of mental bandwidth and requires willpower. Burn the boats.
    It's better to start small and work up gradually but consistently though, rather than risk burning out.
    *This is what books are best for, practical techniques and systems for time management and stuff like that.
    3. Vision. You need some greater purpose that makes your discipline worthwhile.

  17. 32 years old and a Single Woman
    32 years old and a Single Woman
    Because women have sex purely based off emotional stimulation. So as long as a scumbag stimulates her the right way she will open her legs like a robot. It's so predicable it like gaming a dodo bird. And if the guy does not know how to emotionally manipulate her, he basically won't get laid even if he's an otherwise awesome guy.
    This kind of unconscious way of having sex is foolish and leads to all sorts of trouble.
    The people who know best how to emotionally manipulate you are exactly the worse type of people to sleep with.

  18. How do you actually shift perspectives?
    How do you actually shift perspectives?
    @DefinitelyNotARobot You are talking about shifting state.
    Action shifts state better than thinking.

  19. How to overcome fear of confrontation?
    How to overcome fear of confrontation?
    All fear is overcome by facing it. Face the thing you fear to realize that it's not so bad.

  20. Do you guys find pick up can go against spiritual path
    Do you guys find pick up can go against spiritual path
    Of course it goes against spirituality. It's survival.
    You don't have to fuck wasted women. You could grab phone numbers and set up dates.
    Try day game if you want a "cleaner" way.

  21. I went to a club to ask people out
    I went to a club to ask people out
    Pretty simple really:
    Talk way less, do deep eye contact, and everything you say and do as you approach should be coming from a direct sexual intent. You are not there to chit-chat or be funny, you are there looking for your dream girl, and once you see her that is the frame for the whole interaction.
    Deep eye contact.
    Less talk.
    Powerful and clear intent.
    Make her feel that this is something different than empty, airheaded social chatter.

  22. IOIs in night game (and game in general) and their importance
    IOIs in night game (and game in general) and their importance
    @Karmadhi Funny enough, attracting a non-hot girl can be more difficult or just as difficult as a hot one.
    You shouldn't expect average girls to give you eye contact more than once in a blue moon. Girls are not wired that way. It takes time for a girl to warm up to you and get sexually interested. She is not scanning the room the way a guy scans a room for hot girls. Girls are passive creatures. They don't bother themselves with approaching or initiating. It will happen once in a blue moon. Capitalize on it when you see it, but don't go out hoping for it.

  23. IOIs in night game (and game in general) and their importance
    IOIs in night game (and game in general) and their importance
    That happens very rarely. Maybe 1 in 500 girls.
    Hot girls rarely give eye contact because they are already hit on way too much. If she was giving eye contact readily she would have 50 guys trying to fuck her every week.
    You just need to stop waiting for her to make it easy for you. Just approach.
    Challenge yourself with difficult approaches. Approach a girl who is there with her boyfriend.

  24. How to establish and hold sexual tension?
    How to establish and hold sexual tension?
    For day time you need to tone it way down.
    You can train up your man-woman vibe at the club, then tone it down and transfer it into day.
    Really, it's all in the eye contact and the tone you speak to her with. You don't need to get all grabby to demonstrate sexual desire. Doing it by being grabby is the crude, obvious way for a newbie to learn. Then you can move on to more subtle ways.
    Get your eye contact to be like fire. This is one of the biggest keys to game. Don't overlook this. You can get girls to sleep with you just with right eye contact. Penetrate her with your eyes.

  25. How to establish and hold sexual tension?
    How to establish and hold sexual tension?
    Step 1: Are you gay? Do you actually get turned on by hot women?
    Step 2: Assuming you ain't gay, then when you see a hot woman then you allow yourself to be turned on by her and pursue her from that frame of sexual desire. You're not there to chit-chat, have fun, or play games. You're there to fuck her. Take on that mindset and speak from that place. Look at her like you want to undress her. Make her feel that you desire her body. But do not say anything explicitly sexual.
    Step 3: Stop acting gay. Be true to your dick.
    - - - - -
    In practice you can use a few simple outer game techniques to help you quickly set a man-woman frame.
    You can do this by telling her you find her cute, hot, or sexy. You can do this through physical escalation, like taking her and pulling her close into you and putting your hands around her hips. You can also just slowly eye her body up and down like you are assessing her sexiness. Stuff like that.
    A good practice to break yourself out of your gay frame is find a hot girl who's dancing on the dance floor, walk up to her directly, look her in the eyes, and then whisper in her ear, "I want you." And then just hold and wait for her reaction without flinching. And when you say, "I want you", make sure you really mean it. Say it like you want to fuck her. And look at her in that way.
    You must face your fear of being rejected cold. Girls will reject you cold. And this is good. That means you're being clear about what you want.
    Remember, you are not there to be friendly or popular. You are there to create sexual attraction and screen for girls who are down. These are very different aims and intentions. Do not be afraid to be polarizing.