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How to deal with suffering at work, school?
How to deal with suffering at work, school?@Medhansh
Imagine if somehow you lived in a town where everyone was plumbers. Your entire family is plumbers, your grandfather and great grandfather were plumbers.
The equivalent of your question in this example would be "what's the alternative to being a plumber? how do I get out of the plumber system?"
If all you've known for your entire life is plumbing, the idea of other jobs doesn't even occur to you. There are other towns out there where people have all the normal jobs though.
The majority of people in this town never even know that anything other than plumbing is a possibility. They are so closed-minded it's not even an option.
The few that are aware of other jobs still rationalize to themselves why plumbing is the only way to go. Plumbing is the only honest profession. It's the only safe and secure job. People will always need plumbers. I couldn't possibly trust myself to be a dentist. Being a dentist is a fad. I'd have to learn something new or move to be a dentist. My partner might not like me being a dentist. I should just be a plumber.
I could blow people's minds and tell them that there's an endless number of jobs besides plumbers. Many of them pay better than plumbing, they're less work, they're more fulfilling, you don't have to pay dues to the plumber's union. I could literally spend all day writing down a list of possible jobs and never exhaust all of them. Most people would still reject it and stick with plumbing rather than consider another option, because those alternatives are so weird and uncertain.
In the same way being a plumber is one of endless jobs, having a job at all is just one of endless ways to make money and live your life.
There are so many alternatives I can't possibly list them all for you.
I don't know if there's any point in me listing a bunch of them, because it'd be the equivalent of saying you could be a plumber or an astronaut without knowing anything about you.
Realize that the education system has put blinders on you and made you so tunnel-visioned that all you can see is wage-slave jobs as an option.
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?Calculate how many hours of cold approach it would take you to sleep with 1000 girls.
You don't think this guy has built insane social skills in those 7 years? It's not like he doesn't have game. Game and social circle are not mutually exclusive. They synergize.
The bottom line is that he designed exactly his ideal lifestyle and now he's living it. I'm not telling you to copy him. I'm just sharing an anecdote of how one guy set up his life in a way that's conducive to getting laid. This will certainly not be suitable for many people. For example, if you want to move around a lot then social circle isn't for you.
If sleeping with 1000 girls is something that appeals to you (it doesn't appeal to me personally), then investing 7 years to get that is not unreasonable.
You are also completely discounting all other benefits that come with having such a powerful social circle. A powerful social circle yields: job opportunities, sales opportunities, business opportunities, investment opportunities, exclusive events, all sorts of freebies, insider knowledge, and amazing friends. Girls are only half the equation.
For this guy it's not just about the girls, it's the lifestyle he wanted.
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?What I notice from most guys doing cold approach is that they prefer quantity over quality. Many of them are happy pulling average girls, which is way easier to make consistent than pulling dimes. Most guys have pretty low standards.
Be clear with yourself about what you want.
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?It's not technically necessary, but cold approach is not best for the hottest girls because they get approached so often. For them, it helps a lot to offer social value and to stack the logistics in your favor.
For example, I know a guy in Vegas who's slept with over 1000 girls. How did he do it? Not from cold approach. He did by building an elite social circle such that he's able to get free tables at any nightclub in Vegas. He can get a $5000 table for free any night. Then he just pulls girls into the table. Plus he gets invited to all the elite after parties. For example, he is friends with Zedd, so after Zedd performs at the club, Zedd invites 100 of the hottest girls to a private $20,000 hotel suite. He also invites 10 guys. That's where the real game happens. Imagine how easy it is to get laid when you are sitting in a $20,000 suite with a private pool next to Zedd with 100 of the hottest girls and a tray of cocaine.
That's elite level social circle game. That's how you get the hottest girls consistently.
It took this guy 7 years of 4 hours per day building his social circle to reach this elite level.
A lot of getting laid is simply social position and favorable logistics.
But you don't need anything like this to get laid with cute girls. I am just telling you what the pinnacle of game looks like. The pinnacle of game is that your social position is so good all you have to do is say Hi and the girl goes home with you. If you want that, YES, you'll have to work your ass off to build it.
Then again, I pulled an Instagram model thru cold approach dressed as a homeless guy outside the club at 4:30am. It's just not consistent. That Instagram model told me she was at Zedd's afterparty. Fortunately Zedd only has one dick
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?
Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?You need to realize that girls will get attracted to you regardless of what you have materially in your life. Mostly what attracts the girl is how you express your personality. So you work on that and more girls will get attracted.
You can be homeless and jobless and hot girls will still get attracted to you if you express your personality properly. That means mostly all you have to worry about is improving your game. On the other hand, if your game sucks and you are too lazy to improve it, not much will help you.
Should I drop out of high school to pursue my life purpose?
Should I drop out of high school to pursue my life purpose?You're not dropping out of high school to pursue your life purpose, you're dropping out of school to find your life purpose. Those are very different. One is like jumping off a cliff with a parachute. The other is like jumping off a cliff and then trying to assemble your parachute on the way down.
You have the more free time right now than you likely will at any point in your life in the future. Take advantage of it and coast in school without having to have a job or pay rent for as long as you can. You've got like 6 hours every night on weeknights and your entire weekends to build skills and figure out your life purpose.
Not having a high school diploma will seriously screw you up later in life. Even most basic jobs like being a garbage collector or bus driver will require that you're a high school graduate. If your life purpose doesn't end up being something you can turn into a business to earn a living then you're gonna be really unhappy.
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?We're talking about a very narrow context here: the context of making sexual decisions.
When it comes to deciding who to sleep with, girls are indeed basically retarded. No logic is applied whatsoever.
Then again, it's not like guys are geniuses in this domain either.
When you see a hot girl, you don't give a fuck about her integrity or honesty.
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?Being fun and chill is simple, but it is not easy. And at the same time you have to be able to pull that off in a highly social environments. And you have to approach.
Can you approach a hot girl and be fun and chill? That takes YEARS of work for most guys. Which is why she isn't sleeping with you.
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?
What is the minimal that girls demand from guys?Dude, stop caring.
Just keep approaching and developing your skills.
The frame of your question already reeks of low value and desperation.
All a girl needs to sleep with you is for you to be fun and chill. Girls sleep with random guys for the dumbest reasons. There is no logic to it other than that the guys are very social and fun to be with.
Girls do not logically screen who they sleep with it. It's purely emotional. They will sleep with a serial killer if the emtions are fun.
How to deal with emotional numbness
How to deal with emotional numbnessI did so much research on this. It's like, complicated.
One dude here even suggested that the solution lies in taking risks, regularly, being bold, especially in social situations. Asking that girl out, telling that joke, switching jobs, now this can really backfire, but his idea was that overthinking in the long run detaches you from the emotional neurons in your brain and living an adventurous life, so you must create new ones and get out of your head. Videogames and porn doesn't really cut it, that stuff just furthers the numbing.
If nothing good has happened to you in a long time, that's another cue. Scratching your mom's car and failing an exam can be quite meaningless.
One hour of intense bodily exercise can do the trick in the long run as well, when done regularly and properly. Five times a week even, make sure to not injure yourself. According to chinese medicine stuck emotions in your Body can be freed this way. You were born to move, so move. Even better when you find someone to do this with.
Try having an opinion on things. If you don't give a shit about anything, how are you going to feel something?
Have meaningful social interactions. One hour per day interact with someone in person.
Other than that look into trauma therapy, understanding the roots of your numbness might be helpful as well.
What do you guys think about Todd V’s game / style?
What do you guys think about Todd V’s game / style?If it didn't sting you would be a sociopath.
The idea of dropping girls and not caring about them is not healthy.
How to cure my awful inner game?
How to cure my awful inner game?Visualizing proper inner game, and then going out consistently, approaching, and analyzing all your sets at the end of the night to iron out every sticking point and learn every micro lesson.
It will take a year or more of constant game to start to dial in your inner game. You have to be ruthless about identifying and squashing every micro sticking point.
Also observe how you are sabotaging yourself.
Mostly it just sounds like you're not approaching enough nor sticking in set long enough. You gotta force yourself to do like 20 approach per night, and go out at least 3 nights a week for a year.
You are not going to cure approach anxiety via some magic bullet. The cure is approaching. Do 5000 approaches.
Has anyone here gotten rid of their depression?
Has anyone here gotten rid of their depression?I've managed to conquer the majority of my issues with anxiety, but depression I have no idea what is actually effective. It's a fucking curse and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, if it could be weaponized it would immediately be on the list of banned items on the Geneva Convention.
Materialism, external success and physical pleasure can help alleviate some of the symptoms, but it takes a lot of upkeep and isn't a great strategy long term because obvious nothing lasts. You'll get sick of chasing/working for greater and greater luxury one day, or you'll age and not be able to enjoy the things that distract you.
At this point I'm probably going to take a heroic dose of psychedelics or some other non-addictive hard substance and hope it does something radical. It could be dangerous but that all depends on your personal risk tolerance.
Has anyone here gotten rid of their depression?
Has anyone here gotten rid of their depression?practice orginal unmodified kriya yoga , shadow work and sedona method and u will be happy. if u practice orginal unmodified kriya yoga, then within 7 months u will forget what depression looks like.
Do most people enjoy living?
Do most people enjoy living?@Hardkill 34 is the new 24
I met an Actualized fan at the club who was pulling 21 year olds and rocking life. He was 50. We had a blast hanging out and having fun. Youth is much about your attitude and lifestyle.
Most girls who I meet at the club think I'm under 30. When you're cool, people think you're younger and/or they don't care about your age.
Straight A student
Straight A studentI have a video called How To Study.
But getting straight As is the wrong objective. Your objective should be to deeply learn and master life. Grades are dumb. No one will give you a grade for mastering life.
Straight A student
Straight A studentWhy do you want to get straight A's in college? Is it worth all the extra effort for a transcript nobody will ever see?
In high school if you want to get into a good college it makes sense.
Employers don't look at grades or even care if you were honors roll or not. At least not in US/Canada/UK. For the most part, a degree is a degree. It's a pass/fail system and the rest is how nice you can make your resume look, or who you know.
Do most people enjoy living?
Do most people enjoy living?"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation."
The suffering and misery is there, but it's masked over with addictions, distractions, and rationalizations.
Do most people enjoy living?
Do most people enjoy living?What's funny is that many normies can be pretty happy with life.
If your ambitions are low it's not hard to be happy. Get a stable job, go to church, have some kids, watch Netflix, play video games, eat junk food, drink beer, watch porn, go to football games, hang out with your dumb likeminded friends, hate-watch your opposing political party. Live unconsciously. Life is pretty good.
Ironically, strong religion and strong family are some of the best predictors of happiness.
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptiveDaygame is only worthwhile in certain locations. And even then, the volume tends to be too low. You really need the perfect city for that. But if you got that great location, then it's awesome.
I reeeeaaaaallly don’t like loud club settings.
I reeeeaaaaallly don’t like loud club settings.You think I like loud ass clubs? I hated them too.
You go out and do it anyway until you become desensitized to it. You can wear earplugs to dampen the noise, although you will just get desensitized if you go out enough. You can reach a point where you walk through the loudest club like you would a Walmart shopping for bananas.
You can also learn to enjoy the music, the dancing, the partying, the chaos. You learn how to let loose and have fun.
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptiveIt is a shame the RSD forum was shut down. That place had some golden gems amidst a sea of toxic things too.
One of the coolest things about it was that you could use it to find wings in any city in the world.
You could just be like, "Hey, I'm going to Vegas for the weekend. Who will wing me?" and you'd find at least a few guys. I found some good wings that way.
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive@Vrubel Whenever an attractive girl locks and holds eyes with you, you must approach her immediately. That is her telling you: "Come fuck me please."
If you do those kind of approaches you will see the girl is super-receptive and your job of picking her up becomes almost effortless.
So don't ever pass those up.
Stop blinking like a fool, grow some balls and approach.
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptive
Day game vs night game: when are women more receptiveThere are many pros and cons to each.
Day pros:
Virtually zero competition Less noise and obstacles, no friends to cock-block. It's easier to have a conversation. Can run into girls who are introverted and/or don't like to drink or party. Higher quality girls overall. Good even if you're alone (without friends or wings) Day cons:
Much smaller volume of girls, your approach needs to be well-honed. Waste a lot of time just standing around. Not efficient. Not so good for building up skills. Girls often have boyfriends You're basically only grabbing phone numbers Can't physically escalate much, your game needs to be much more chill and toned down. Night pros:
Lots more targets. Far more efficient use of your time. Girls are looser and down to fuck Much more likely to be single, less boyfriend rejections. Much better for training and practicing your skills Can get away with sloppy approaches and social awkwardness better Can do rapid and heavy physical escalation Night cons:
Lots of competition Lots of noise and distractions, hard to hear, hard to talk. Messes with your sleep schedule Need to go for one-night stands, forced to close same-night Drunk girls Friends cockblocking Dancing The club can be very intimidating if you're alone. Wings are more important. Lots of dealing with annoying logistics challenges - - - - - -
Over all, day game is awesome. The two serious problem with it are:
Far too few hot girls walking around during the day. The best ones are rarely single Day game is really only viable in certain locations with high volumes of people and hot girls. Such locations tend to be hard to find. Or you can do day game very sporadically as you do your grocery shopping, etc. But this is far too infrequent to be relied upon. It's more of a bonus you get as a veteran of the game. Once you have built up your skills you should be able to execute a solid approach on any random hot girl you see anywhere during the day.