Thank you all for your time and effort .
My water seems quite good so far. I will check out the composition once more to be sure that it contains all the minerals I need. What is funny tho, I bought once a new kettle and boiled it a few times with tap water to "clean it up". Let's just say that after one boiling, it was all white from the salts .
Also, as far as I know, cold showers/baths help a lot with recovery but slightly inhibit muscle growth. Idk, I've tried to cold shower for a few months in the past and haven't noticed any substantial benefit.
I do 16/8h fasting mostly because it increases my productivity. It feels easier for me to eat just a few times a day, even if it means eating bigger portions. Idk, I just feel more focused when I am hungry.
Hmmm, 140g of protein per day sounds quite a lot for me. From your experience, is better to consume like 3000+ calories to get all the protein, or maybe It would be wiser to consider, after all, at least a protein powder (tbh I have no clue how to choose a good one)? Getting 2500 calories is doable and sustainable tho.
Hahah, yeah, I understand that. By "skyrocket", I meant 10-20% increase, not x10. I used to watch a lot of Athlean X back in the days, and it was a very good time to build up some good gym attitude, but he was too dense for me. Right now I am not following any "gym guru" at all (besides Derek, the guy who you recommended, but he is more like a vegan cook than a serious coach ).
The main concern I have (and the reason I started this topic) is that I take everything quite holistically. Considering fitness is quite a heavy mental task for me, thus I want to get as much high-quality info and just start practicing. In a sense, I am not worried that gains will take long, I am worried that I will underperform on any step of the training/recovery and will waste my time.