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About KennedyCarter

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  • Birthday 12/01/2000

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  1. It’s a no for me on robot dick. Maybe some girls would like it. And there’s no cum for cumshots and cream pies hahahah I love you hope this helps
  2. @Raptorsin7 no. It’s ok to have a genital preference for your partner, if you plan on sleeping with them.
  3. Hahaha yes this is what I needed
  4. Hmm I think it’s broken I took it and it says I’m god. lol the questions seem so vague to me. I take forever to decide. for what it’s worth it says I’m INFJ-A
  5. Wow what great timing. I just quit my day job today. It’s scary but god has us.
  6. Wow, I just walked out and I’ve never been more excited or scared in my life. As much as I loved working in high-end retail, I felt I couldn’t produce any value. I would spend most of my time just coasting and thinking in my head of the ideas I wanted to do for my own thing. Luckily I was making enough on the side to feel secure enough to walk out. Can I have a community prayer? Haha
  7. Seems ok enough. Wish I could have sped up the video, he talks slowwww
  8. @Windappreciator haha Lord Jesus take me away
  9. @charlie cho Yeah it more fun when you can talk about it with others. Is yours online or in person book club?
  10. @melodydanielluna I just try to remind myself that it’s only temporary. Better days will come. But they only come if you commit to making it better. Just gotta ride the wavesss
  11. Yeah got super high and felt like that for only little while. The illusion of separation is what makes it feel real.
  12. Is getting a new boyfriend an option? Lol jk Dang that sucks, good luck.
  13. Wow, I can’t believe everyone is me and I am everyone. This is amazing. There is a couple next to my room having sex, that’s me having sex. Wowww