Johnny Galt

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Everything posted by Johnny Galt

  1. @Tanz You might like this video
  2. @BenG And I'm not suggesting that I'm in some "ultimate state/connection", I'm speaking to my direct and that which I see as true, and what I see is, the people of the past, they had in their systems of spirituality, similar cosmic principles, universals, and it's because they saw reality, as, it, is, and yet because it's infinity, it requires many tongues and story's make sense?
  3. @BenG are you suggesting there are no universal laws that govern the cosmos? Because if there are, then wouldn't one be able to identify? can this not be learned? this was once in spiritual education, was it not?
  4. @BlackMaze Maybe do better then projecting onto the screen. The cosmos calls for us all to clear our minds and articulate truth to the best of our ability. In doing so, how this affects our bodies and the world around, it's potent and can create magic.
  5. @BenG Yes. It would be my subjective view and yet it doesn't' mean that it's not a "higher" view, meaning, one that is more aligned with the cosmos.
  6. @undeather What are you're thoughts on VAERS? I'm hearing some say it's not a reliable source although I've heard other experts counter that narrative. I'm curious, if by chance it is not a reliable source then how are adverse reactions monitored on a national and global level? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
  7. @Consept No, what I'm suggesting is not at all what they teach now or nor what they've taught in the past (from what I've seen and experienced) but I'll leave this for now now. I may create a another thread down the road to show exactly what I mean, by inappropriate material for the younger ages.
  8. @Leo Gura On the surface, yes he would appear so. And for clarity, I view Trump as a clown and much more, and Obama as deceptive fox and much more. @Harlen Kelly How has what I said been "right wing propaganda"? Rather then call me names why not focus on the ideas and explain yourself? @diamondpenguin Technically speaking, from the individual to city I would classify myself as an anarchist, communist, libertarian, and regionally/nationally/internationally I would consider myself a libertarian/liberal/conservative. I'm all synthesized as one and so I'm better then you all (joke)
  9. @Shin I agree, statistics isn't wishful thinking. I believe it was based of off lived experience and so it should be taken into account. And yet, do you even know what it is I am referring to? in regards to statistics? You might want to ask more questions before you place judgement @Harlen Kelly @Consept Maybe I should say more. I would not teach that one should practice abstinence but I would also not teach that they should not practice abstinence - I would introduce both pathways and all that could come with it. In turn the student would be more informed of both directions and so that they can better find out which pathway is best for them.
  10. @Harlen Kelly The data suggests and so therefor the the data is correct? Is that how science works? I'm not a centrist. It's all dumb - left, right, centrist, anarchist, communist, libertarian - when ever you wedge me into a category you move further away from knowing where i stand. But if you like confusion, feel free to keep choosing so And in looking into the SOGI (sexual orientation gender identification) in BC (years ago), I looked into where the numbers/stats/percentages came from, and I came to see that they are pulling from small numbers and a small surveys of studies and it most definitely did not justify incorporating sex ed into all schools across Canada. It's not backed by "science".
  11. @something_else This is not a simple topic and so I don't think I can do what it is your asking, but thanks for asking There's so much going on here. From how we learn as humans (imitation), to sex in relations to ourself and the cosmos, to, I don't think it's a good idea to show detailed imagery of sex positions for those who aren't even going through puberty. As I said to another, we could say a lot less while still doing a good job of introducing topics of this nature.
  12. @Consept I disagree with both, the left and the right, in regards to how they are handling it, they be swinging polarities of each other. Because it is such a topic in culture, I do think some sort of education would be useful.
  13. @BenG My issue was with Obama, I see him as a wolf in sheeps skin and so therefore he's no better than Trump. I see them both as inadequate and we deserver better. Also, Obama persuaded for the early sex ed in schools while campaigning and so that was an example of why I said what I said, "deceptive as a fox", it was in how he persuaded and argued. That, and he called Snowden a "hacker" to the public when he was actually a top analyst for the NSA. And he did it so smoothly, he's slick
  14. @BenG I had an inspired moment, and so I allowed myself to attempt to bring clarity to some thoughts; as I said I was rambling, and yet I stand with what I said, it all relates
  15. Now that this topic has been brought up, i think it needs to be spoken to, I'm gonna ramble Being that we learn through imitation, we might want to think this through. Kids learn things in schools but then outside the halls there are siblings, to netflix, to the internet, where they can go and "learn" more about what these new words mean or what else they relate to (sex ed). And so when it's encouraged within the schools and out in the world, what do we think will happen? I see that in time it cultivates a degenerative relationship with sex, sexuality, creator, and god. With this though, is a complete absence of a real education, not just sexual education (older ages), but a wholly education involving all subject matter, sythethized as one. Sadly, most of us, we only know that which is a lie. With sex ed, like most things, we are missing steps, skipping steps. Before that subject matter, you would teach emotional and physical education, via sports and art (gut/quadrivium and heart/trivium:) Also, you would not sit children in desks all day long while leading them all forward at the same pace, same rhythm, books, and order. I see this as brainwashing and we should wake up from it all, but that's just me ranting at this point We need a new vision for education. It's because of our absence of vision that things have come to where they are here and now. But now that I've mentioned education we'd have to bring in the whole city, being that all is in relations to all, we'd have to look at it all, but that's another thread for another time
  16. @BenG Also there are books in schools which show sexual acts and yet the news isn't allowed to show the images. Here's an example of it being banned on instagram and yet school library's offer this book and others like it.
  17. @BenG Did you investigate any of the claims made? I'm also curious, do you think this is an appropriate survey for 11 year olds? "Are you "lesbian"? "gay"? "straight"?
  18. @hoodrow trillson This is good and yet is that all that was at play? @Carl-Richard I'm all for sexual education On the other hand, early childhood sexual education, due to the realities of our world, I would argue this is absent minded and short sighted. Note, this would be an extensive thread for me to adequately unpackage this topic, so keep that in mind. To start though I'd take a look at this video:
  19. Are we just going to keep ignoring this? For those that know the realities of which I point to, do not be quiet. You will be mocked, shamed, ridiculed, and you will be treated as subhuman. It can destroy you or, you will rest deeper into source and light and in turn it becomes a catalyst for your spiritual development. Regardless of the odds, stand your ground! Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial "In one morning I had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots due to injuries" Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, Brigade Surgeon for the 1st Aviation Brigade, Ft. Rucker, Alabama, U.S. Army
  20. @Carl-Richard Listen to how obama spoke and persuaded for early childhood sexual education. Deceptive as a fox.